First episode in

First episode in.
What have I gotten myself into? Wildest ride ever?

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just don't take it too seriously

I want to cum on himari's thigh gap

Better than Yurikuma, but not as good as Utena.

One of the very few anime that got as close to classical literature as possible. Huge pleb filter as well.

Amazing butt

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It’s the Hunter x Hunter of anime.

Watching this after I finish Seirei no Moribito. Is it good? I've heard it's nuanced so what's it really about?

You can't really expect a good answer in a single post. Every episode ends in a twist, cliffhanger or a complete change in direction in story. Yet it's able to tell a consistent, but confusing, story that will satisfy anyone who loves a character driven story.

"Nuanced" is an understatement. Unlike Utena, you actually need a big brain or serious commitment to analysis to fully enjoy this series, and then rewatching it at least a second time. Speedwatchers, phonewatchers, mulltiwatchers, and similar lower weeb castes get filtered by this series all the time.

If you're dumb but liked Utena, you'll still like this aesthetically.
If you're dumb but like pingis, you'll still have fun watching this.

Unironically that sounds like Kill la Kill and I fucking loved the way Kill la Kill managed it's themes and nuances so I'm looking forward to watching this. Really appreciate series that can have a deeper meaning without having to make it blatantly obvious that it's "deep"

It was criminally boring, and full if pretentious, vapid scenes and imagery that most brainlets could construe as "DEEP"


Good openings

>non arguments

I wouldn't compare it to KLK due to the difference in tone, pacing, and genre. Specially because it had committee intervention and Ikuhara wasn't as 100% free to make what he wanted. But they have a similarity in regards to superficial appeal with real depth under it, but Pingudoramu goes way, way further vs KLK. Once you go to its deepest level, it's better than Utena, but don't share this to Utenafags or they'll seethe and hiss at you with full homosexual force.
Here we can observe one of the aforementioned type of filtered weeb.

I liked it better before they started providing explanations to what's going


Two brothers, sister, alien penguins, meat grinder. How it's all connected I forgot, but the feeling I was left with after watching it is best described by

You're in for wondering why the crazy psychopath who stalked and wanted to rape a dude because she thought it was her destiny is actually the most sane character.

Also some confusion over what's going on with the subway stuff if you've never heard about what Aum Shinrikyô did in 1995.

I disagree about Utena but I agree that they are comparable which most people would not say. Utena is definitely more straightforward about certain things, but not that much more so than Penguindrum IF you understand the Japanese cultural references the story is built around. If the viewer doesn't already know and unserstand the Tokyo Sarin Gas Attack and Night on the Galactic Railroad (along with preferably Murakami) then a huge part of the story goes completely over the viewers' head. That's why it is such a filter, not because it is deeper than Utena. They are both pretty direct in the presentation of their themes.

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>Wildest ride ever?
Probably. Thanks to this, I studied Philosophy in Paris 3. And now I regret every day of my life. T-Thanks, Ikuhara.

Flat chest and a big butt is the best combo.

Not that wild by Ikuhara standards. Wildest physics ever, maybe.
(but seriously don't click this until the end, unforgivable spoiler)
Also, frogs.

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Not really. The first episode is brilliant. The rest is a disappointment. Just couldn't live up to his past masterpieces.

But what?

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Penguindrum means family

Literally the best experience I had on Yas Forums. The show has its flaws and it's not for everyone, but I loved it so much that I don't care.

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>you actually need a big brain or serious commitment to analysis to fully enjoy this series
no, but you need the relevant cultural background knowledge.


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Shit goes wild on the first half. Second one is mostly focused on drama, but there's enough shit going on. If you find any good material on Night on the Galactic Railroad, give a it shot, last episode and some references in the first two are easier to digest this way.

Feel happy for Rock n Roll Night (Rock Over Japan), that's the best transformation sequence you'll ever see.

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Depends on your IQ

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who /child broiler/ here

good first half
less good second half
unlikable protagonist duo and less likeable heroine
likable side characters and villains
the entire plot being a reference to a real life event that you've likely never heard of, but googling/spoonfeeding will spoil the "twist" for you so it's a lose/lose situation.