What was the most hype scene in Naruto for you?

What was the most hype scene in Naruto for you?

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Unrelated but I think Naruto's art was always the best amongst the "big 3"

That reveal was actually good, much better than his second reveal.

madara fighting

Naruto showing up During Pain's Konoha rampage

pain vs konoha, that double page where he is hovering over konoha will always give me goosebumps.

Naruto up until Pain arc was a masterpiece, why does Yas Forums treat the series with such disrespect?

i remember posting on a naruto forum back when this happened.
the whole site blew up over the tobi/madara translation+akatsuki leader being commanded by another sharingan user

Jimmy... we're leaving

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Easily. Kubo had sameface syndrome and no backgrounds. Oda can't draw for shit.

I really wish Tobi kept that look.


The Triple Showdown between the Sannin in the Tsunade Retrieval Arc, specifically when the Boss Summons appear and stare at each other

Madara delivering after years of being hyped

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Edo Tensei Madara was a gift that just kept giving.





>makes thread about the naruto
>naruto people get in
>first guy makes fun of not naruto
>'hope people agree with me'
Why not just go to the naruto subreddit if you like circlejerking?

ok, cancel cuturist. whatever you say lol

Maybe there's a reason people dislike you

>Goofy guy only acted to be goofy and is now bigboss
>was actually still acting.


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I started rewatching the Naruto recut and it's actually really good so far. I dare say it's a decent shonen without all the filler and cringe added by the anime, before the Pain fight. After the Pain fight, it loses all hope of being good.

Wow user you are so original thanks for sharing totally never realized that before

no problem

>I am Madara
>I am super duper strong
>Watch me run away weirdly like I have ADHD
Its meme worthy.

Kisame... were leaving

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>Kabuto became a nun
>Orochimaru became a freelance scientist
Fucking Hokageruto

Gai being the only worthy oponent to give him a decent 1 vs 1 since hashirama was cool, kinda funny how a poor man's kaioken almost killed madara

Where are you watching it?
I wanted to get through shippuuden recently but the amount of filler overwhelmed me

Itachis hit him with the biggest mindfuck ever.