Shachou, Battle no Jikan desu!

New ep soon. Are you ready for more gacha adventures in Gaytopia?

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ded series

There is shitload of dead series this season:
Fruits basket 2
Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou
Kingdom 3
Nami yo kiite kure
Shin Sakura Taisen the Animation
Shironeko Project: ZERO CHRONICLE
Shokugeki no souma 5
Tsugu Tsugumomo

Considering the moe design of the girls in this one, I'd expect it to be much more popular around here.

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Cute girls aspect only works with CGDCT shows because threads are created and bumped by yurifags who are hate male characters.

*who hate

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She only takes Minotaur men, no small boys allowed.

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Uhhh, episode is airing RIGHT NOW, where are the replies?

It's a pity, because they're all decent or at least not intolerable.

Is this Hatsune Miku?

Forgot to add Bungou to Alchemist

I'd watch nami yo if the lead seiyuu was better.

Contrary to the beliefs of contrarians, it takes more than cute designs to attract an audience.

Why is the MC hotter than the girls?

Why is Tsugumomo dead? People like that show.


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Kill yourself. This show is trash.

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Dead series on Yas Forums = threads with less than 200 posts during first weeks of new season

You mean cuter.

They're definitely not all decent and something being tolerable isn't enough reason to spend your free time watching it.

Yas Forums anime

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Please stay ded as Hatena threads
Not, but La Pucelle will eventually tail her

Damn he's thirsty.

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Poor guy

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I'm starting to think the whole thing is just a big in-joke for the Japanese anime/tech scene. Is Cyedge meant to be Cycomi?

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Is that a fucking gamecube?

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That shield also looks very familiar, but i can't remember from where.

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>they didn't switch gears and make the show about fantasy stock trading
Wasted opportunity. Nobody wants to see generic fantasy literally who mobage ad #32256.

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