Part 3 sucks. I thought it was supposed to be the "best"

Part 3 sucks. I thought it was supposed to be the "best"

I just finished the first half of Stardust and I'm not feeling it at all. I loved part 1 and 2. 2 being my favorite, but 3 just drags ass. It surprised me because a lot of people shit on part 1 and tell people to start with part 3 but part 1 is better than 3. So should I just skip to the Dio fight then part 4 or try to stick it out. If its still all this stand of the week bs ill prolly just skip it.

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if you want to skip, you may want to skip to the point where they get to egypt. The best fights non dio fights are after the halfway mark, like the d'arby brothers and vanilla ice, although throughout the entirety of part 3 there weren't any fights that i actively disliked

Stop spamming every other thread with your shitty image.

Diamond is the best.

plotfags filtered again

It gets better, the best fights of part 3 are in the second half. The shadow stand user sucks.

Shut the fuck up and play the fighting game.
No, not All Star Battle, the OG 2D Fighter from the late 90's.

I haven't heard it was supposed to be the best. It's the most iconic and well known, but you are hardly the first to complain about it.
If anything I was surprised at how many people dislike part 3 compared to other parts. I enjoyed the whole heroes journey, making their way across the world with one goal in mind. Even if it was mostly "stand of the week (or two)" I just found it an enjoyable ride.


Is this objectively the worst Jojo part?

Yes, it's so bad it even ruined best Jojo (Joseph) and the best villain (Dio)

Part 1 & 2 are the most boring.

it does drag on for a bit but when they finally get to eygpt is when it cranks it up to 11

No, it's second worst after Giogio at least here you have Polnareffu and Old!Joseph.

Objectively, worst part is either 1 or 3.

Listen man, I'll say it simple to you, so you understand.

Part 1 is good.
Part 2 is the best.
Part 3 is overrated meme'd shit, but because it's meme'd shit you must watch it.
Part 4 is shit.
Part 5 anime is fine.

good taste in a jojo thread

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this but unironically. part 3 generally sucks except for a couple of notable fights

>If its still all this stand of the week bs ill prolly just skip it.
better skip the whole series then

Part 4 held my attention longer than part 3 because it does the filler stand battles better.

> Part 4 is shit.
Pleb filtered even Araki considers it his Magnum Opus.

No he doesn't, he considers part 6 his magnum opus

Part 3 rules and your endless tears won't convince me otherwise.

It has been so hilarious to me to see the general opinion of part 3, on Yas Forums at least, shift so dramatically over time. I am almost certain the reason people freak out over part 3 nowadays is solely because they desperately want to fit in and not look like "some kind of anime-only fag." So they shit on THE most popular and culturally relevant part in a vein attempt to seem cooler than your average joe. It is kind of sad, part 3 is fucking awesome and it is your loss you can't enjoy some of the best jobro moments and wackiest stand battles.

>Part 4 is shit
>Part 5 anime is fine
lol pleb spotted. The part 5 manga is perfectly fine and the illustrations look great.

I’ve come to realize that you either hate part 1/2 and love part 3/4,
or love part 1/2, hate part 3 and hate part 4 even more
Part 5 seems to be liked by both, even if some think it’s average, they don’t exactly hate it.

Alessi is fucking funny you imbecile

But I at least like every part in JoJo. I certainly like some more than others but none of them are hated.

>lists only the anime adaptations
user you know the reason the series is considered good is the MANGA right?

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The manga is ugly as shit and the anime improved it.

Only legitimately good manga part is 7.

The thing about part 3 is, the stand bullshit is a step backwards into generic shonen trash and the pacing overall is terrible. However it actually feels like a journey and there's the comfy roadtrip vibe that is so rare to see in anime. This is the last time we see the stakes getting higher until part 7.