We need more feet manga

We need more feet manga.

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you're right

stinky feet

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Even as a footfag, stinky feet is fucking disgusting and people who like it are mentally unstable

BRAVO Yas Forums, BRAVO...

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Feet should be clean sir.

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you'll get there eventually

We need more pit sluts

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>art without overwhelming foot focus that lets you eyes wander along pretty lines and ultimately make the image considerably more enjoyable and full in its beauty

Why is almost everything feet related of the second type? Is somewhere in the middle so kind of tolerable. Then there's garbage like .

anime when

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you're no footfag

We need good manga that also have good footservice. Making your concept "let's appeal to foot fetishists" is going to make something boring that gets axed quickly.

Thats a man

I liked the one about the shoe artisan, it was super short but a decent little love story.

>buns hair
No wonder it was cancelled.

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God forbid you want the thing you came to see be the focus.

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We need more puffy vulva spats manga.

No. Foot fetishists are 90% of the population therefore very popular.

If it fails it was not "real footservice".

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I have an extremely intense desire to lick her feet right now.

>not liking twin buns
YOU need to be cancelled, nigger

But there's cum on them.
That isn't yours.