QUALITY thread

QUALITY thread

Attached: Team guy.webm (640x480, 2.52M)

Getting real sick of Narutards

Attached: Narutoe QUALITY.gif (320x180, 1.73M)

This scene is without a doubt one of the most iconic to have graced TVs worldwide, even though it happens to because of controversy. There is no bad animation or bad art here.
It is much harder to deform Pain's face to this extent instead of just drawing him normally, as the same animator had done for the last 4 minutes. The deformation was done intentionally, at the wishes of the director.
On a whole the scene is full of personality. Pain, the false god, showcases his utter rage at being defied by the believer. And in his rage he reshapes the land andshowsthe believer just what he's up against. Back to the meme scene, let's break it down. It starts off with aneye twitchwith sharper shading for effect, segues into achildlike tantrum, and ends with an utterdeformationof Pain's normally regal and handsome features. Pain's ugly here. The physical ugliness is used to depict the spiritual ugliness the false god has. He justifies the killing of millions for his childish rage, which was exhibited by the tantrum like movement. It's the director's critique on Pain, by my understanding. Wakabayashi utterly despises him

Attached: Pain.jpg (1280x720, 36.95K)

then leave bitchboy

>QUALITY thread
>post trash

I'm still utterly amazed that this scene was ever allowed to air.


Absolute dunce

but it was genuinely enjoyable

narutard please go

never ever

Get the fuck out of Yas Forums, you cancerous Narutard spammer

Keep barking dog.

Jimmy.... we're leaving

Attached: we are leaving jimmy.png (1920x1100, 1.13M)

I hate this meme. Gateway pasta is proven true every single day now.

Am I the only one that thinks the ragdoll animation was pure kino?

>m-muh gateway pasta
Ah yes, the pasta written by the man who betrayed us, cucked out to google, and got literally cucked. Truly words we should live by.

t. samefag

Moot did not write the gateway copypasta.

What meme ?

Kys newfag

Remember when they got banned for posting, what happened to that?

Never happened, Narutochads own this board

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>posts are literally used to shit on Naruto but still get called Narutards just for touching at some point and likely growing to feel disappointment and hate

Can't argue with that. Also, some parts are legitimately false, like shipperfaggotry being intended and not just like 3 characters.

It really doesn't deserve discussion, though. It's an autopsy of wasted potential, shit execution and letdowns at this point, especially thanks to Samurai 8 showing how shit Kishimoto really is without Yahagi, the man who even got this series far enough to get by without.

People have been arguing whether this is shit animation or not for over a decade. This isn't narutard exclusive.

I just got through the manga part of this, was much better, didn't have to deal with any retardedness like that so the impact was much higher.

Watch episodes 166 and 167 , don't ge fooled by the memes.
You just posted cringe dude.

I've already seen them. Manga was much better.

Pleb filtered then.

Needing flashy animation is the true pleb way. Storychads read manga.

MANGAchads. Get it right, faggot.

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