AIPARE and Mewkledreamy (also priflop)

Do you think the animation for Aikatsu will get better or worse now that it will be web-only until autumn?

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Hard to say for sure

aipare rules

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There's a Sawamura Yuri listed right under Senpai's name on the first page of credits, so I would assume this is here.

Kaede's older sister is named Momiji, that's cute.

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Looking back, Aikatsu on Parade was decent.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu on Parade! - 025 [7116FE63].mkv_snapshot_12.36_[2020.04.11_07.27.50].jpg (1280x720, 101.48K)

>someone made the thread early
For the love Rinne come on

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>say someone made the thread early even though they didn't so you can make another thread with a priflop image and then flood your own thread
That's pretty sad desu

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu on Parade! - 018 [635E08B8].mkv_snapshot_21.54_[2020.02.21_05.51.25].jpg (1280x720, 102.14K)

>last thread aipare was changed to albatsu
>based aikatsu bros laughed at the joke, let the prispeeds have fun with them
>this thread prichan is changed to priflop
>prispeeds sperg the hell out, make their own offshoot thread and will probably spam it to death until it overtakes this one
pripara was a mistake

Yeah well there's nobody better than them when it comes to flooding and most of Aikatsu's fanbase is out until Autumn so I guess they'll probably win this round.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu on Parade! - 025 [7116FE63].mkv_snapshot_06.34_[2020.04.11_07.05.40].jpg (1280x720, 85.89K)

Yep. The Yas Forumstard is spamming the thread to death. The mods probably won't notice the difference and will delete this thread while leaving their crossboard thread up. Oh well, I guess that's the state of /ai/ in 2020 I guess.

Does Raki's sister appear on webkatsu?

She should eventually

Does Raki's sister appear nude?

What is wrong with them?

What ISN'T wrong with them?

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Does Raki appear nude?

Haha, good point.

flop XD

all the aikatsus are nude when they're transforming

They mad

Hoes mad

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>that other thread

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Emo ignored Rinka's opinion that "I think we should wait and see." and went alone to find Anna.
However, Emo was caught by Anna and Sara, who were brainwashed by Luluna, and was brainwashed like them.
And before Mirai/Rinka/Mel, they will reign as powerful enemies.

Aikatsu was the seal that kept /ai/ in check. Now that Aikatsu is web-only and Prichan is on television, Prichan is more powerful. The prispeeds will attempt to assume their dominance by changing the rules of how these threads work. In the future, it won't be about who makes the threads first but who in a select group of bread bakers bakes the next bread.

Truly, we are in weird times.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu on Parade! - 019 [E7248945].mkv_snapshot_16.58_[2020.02.21_06.12.45].jpg (1280x720, 109.24K)

A-aikatsuchads?? w-we kneel...

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This whole thread is weird

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I don't think the system works like that.

yeah to be fair this thread was made first also they misspelled aipare/aikatsu last time so what op do is fair game this time i couldn't even find the aikatsu thread earlier because ctrl + f wasn't finding any results i had to search the catalog manually maybe having their show name misspelled this time will teach them humility dump and trash on the series all you want in the thread itself but leave the thread titles alone so ainons can find the threads

The ainon in that other thread is really putting his Yas Forums pass to use spamming the thread every 30 seconds.

The Aikatsu system is not a weapon.

>prichan posts whining about aikatsu flood
>they're currently flooding the other thread right now

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It's only okay when they do it, apparently

Yeah, the other one is unsalvageable.

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