Are traps popular because it’s a realistic body type and any user can become one?

Are traps popular because it’s a realistic body type and any user can become one?

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Is OP a fag because it's the only thing he could successfully become?

[WADAPEN.] Kirameki!! Otokonoko Juku - How to Be Otokonoko [English] [N04h] [Digital]

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What's your rationale for posting this trite garbage?

go on

This could be you.

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I've fapped to this far more than nearly any other non-pornographic piece of media.

It's 65 pages & on panda.
Only posting highlights.

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Don't post that here, user! What if there's a young child lurking that doesn't know better than to follow this guide and become a perfect trap?

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Fuck off tranny faggot.

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>Please don't forget the reality that you're a male.

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Traps are for faggots and no matter how you slice it, fags are a small minority. Now, take this garbage to its appropriate containment board.

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But that's wrong, at best you'll be androgynous and ugly

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male privilege

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Make up and wig fixes that.

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Traps are for straight men.

Gays don’t find traps attractive

No it's just a "lol so epic" gag based on a rare thing one may see from time to time if they live in a big city

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Can't stop imagining Astolfo's mega cock stuffing Jeanne whole.

Wow it's been years since I last saw this image. I actually fell for this in high school.
It was pretty fun. I lost 15 pounds, and I looked and felt better than I ever had before. But even though it felt good to be girly in private, I felt so insecure about being the skinniest, weakest guy in the room that I started lifting weights.

There should be a reverse trap guide.

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>it's reversible
it isn't. talk to any skinnyfat or exfat Yas Forumsizen that can't get rid of gyno, you don't fuck with hormones and then go
>lol time to get regular T levels again
neck yourself.