Boku no Hero Academia

Is he the most overrated character in the series?

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His a great character probably the best of any shonen i see. He deserves it.

That's Bakugo

he's actually one of the like, 4 good characters in this seris overall

Are you enjoying the best arc of the manga ?

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No, its shit


>bump limit reached
Actual retard.

He’s rated exactly how he should be rated. Highly.


It's garbage just like the rest of the manga post-High End.
Get Hori's tiny cock out of your mouth

The Pro Hero arc finished two years ago.

He's not overrated until the Endeavor Internship arc makes him a wizard at all things and a jet powered mind-reading teacher.

he is perfect

Make new thread when previous thread reach page 10, idiot.
And that thread was made even before this thread hit bump limit.

Reminder each girl is best girl.

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Is it a contrarian reunion ?

still better than all might's teaching method

Sorry if I were to make a new thread, I would not want to do a QTE minigame before faggot.

No. Best character:

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He's the cutest dad who deserves a son who loves and respects him

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daily reminder that Toga-chan is cute and is my wife

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did all might actually train/teach Midoriya? or just gave him OFA and "figure it out shounen "?

>jet powered
Since pro hero actually. The fact that Hawks is faster doesn't mean he's slow

Bakugo is the most overrated character

I'm still salty about him falling for the mix-racing meme, now he have to endure the concequences of his poor decision in the past. Poor shoto he just wanted a comfy ice quirk

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Yes, he’s garbage and boring. Can’t wait for Endeavor to die.

fuck of dabi. loser little shit

mangachads, does he get his powers back?

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I require Dabi and Geten to have sex.

heterochromia>everything else

Yes, he gets his pedopower back

It’s going to happen because it’s already spoiled in the first episode of the series that Deku becomes #1 ranked Hero, I will dance when Endeavor dies

Yes, until we have a shirtless Endeavor chapter

