Isekai land

>isekai land
>only one religion
>no heretics nor pagans
>not even multiple competing religions in cases there are multiple gods/goddesses
>religious war rarely a thing even when gods are real
>theocracies don't pop up like mushrooms
Why are there so many unexplainable questions? Did they not think at all before writing?

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It's not third world shithole.

But they don't even have crop rotation or mayo

because it's visibly obvious which religion is true

This. There's not much reason to have multiple religions when only one of the religions has priests with divine superpowers. Did you think about this question at all OP?

>>not even multiple competing religions in cases there are multiple gods/goddesses
Imagine not being able to read 4 lines of greentext

>Ancient Greece
>Pretty much one religion despite people believing in multiple competing gods and goddesses
Lmao did the historians not think this one through

Demons also have magical power in isekai and they usually don't worship the god/goddess that the church does. Beside we have adventurers too.

>You just need to pay the worker the basic wage
>You need to provide food, shelter, medicare and everything else for the slave to keep him alive
Geez, I wonder who is cheaper economically. There is actually a reason why slaves were replaced by paid workers IRL.

They're all part of the same religion, you fucking idiot. It's not competing religion, nor is it like they had competing views on which god was at the top or about the myth of creation

the point
your head

Read Death Mage it's literally the opposite of that

have you watched konosuba?

>Cuck Mage

>Demons also have magical power in isekai and they usually don't worship the god/goddess that the church does.
They also want to kill humans, not hard to not be sympathetic to them.

Sometimes some of their desire to kill people is justified.

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A normal human wouldn't be able to act like him in that situation.

I said nothing about sympathy. I just point out the demons using magic to make an example about the church not being the only one using superpower.

He should just fully accept he's not normal.

Speaking of which, will we ever know how many of his mother's children actually belong to his father?

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Maybe if Tomoe gets to check his mother's memories.

Hot. Source though?

What if the cosmic horror who bred her put a powerful seal on her mind?

There is no reason to have multiple competing religions when god is actually real.

Maybe they should get some dna samples of everyone, and happen to find out Makoto's doesn't match.

>>only one religion
>>no heretics nor pagans
>>not even multiple competing religions in cases there are multiple gods/goddesses
>>religious war rarely a thing even when gods are real
>>theocracies don't pop up like mushrooms
that's because nobody stirs shit because of religion unless we're talking low iq old people on their deathbed
No shit was ever stirred because of religion, it's a meme, an excuse at best, and imagine pretending you're going for some ye old raping and pillaging for god when god is real and can fuck you up.

Yes but they are usually weak to holy magic so it is not hard to see what side is the right one.

>they argue who are the true chosen people
>or there are many gods

If that guy could cure him from an otherwise fatal disease, maybe he can also manipulate his DNA.

>you're going for some ye old raping and pillaging for god when god is real and can fuck you up.
When you are doing those things in the name of your god, there is a good chance he condones or even encourage it.

>go to war for my god who gives me literal blessings and superpowers

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The priests are also weak to demonic magic. How do you say which say is right?

What's the deal with nip wishfullfilment writers all being so goddamn uneducated yet still trying to play galaxy brains.
like that fixation with basic education shit like crop rotation. I think we first got introduced to it in preschool cuz really we're learning how to sit in front of the desk for 45 min and needed something easy. Crop rotation was well known in B.C. and probs was around nearly as long as farming itself and some works treat it like some post industrial era achievement in "medieval" worlds with maids and hydraulics n shit.
I don't know shit about nip education but don't they have shit like chemistry? Or are their schools scuffed like US ones?

If he could do that much, why not just make Makoto look beautiful like the rest of the family?

Isekai gods are usually quite involved with the affairs of their world, visiting the place, talking to people and sending japanese boys all the time.
There isn't any room to argue.

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Japanese don't get religion.