If you had to pick one, what would you say it's your favorite anime?

If you had to pick one, what would you say it's your favorite anime?

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I think would be pic related

Manga is better, I don't watch anime.

So which manga is your favorite?

your liking of evangelion is inversely proportional to the liking of yourself

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This is the supreme one for the entire humanity unless you are a silicon creature or something.

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Space Dandy for tv, Ponyo for movie

I hate Evangelion and have high self esteem, makes sense

so you have to hate yourself?

this but opposite way round

I don't hate myself, yet It's a pretty good show. Just don't fucking pretend it's the greatest of all time.

Kino punch

it's a joke goddamnnit user. But still, the theme caters a lot to depressed individuals.

NGE and/or Welcome to the NHK

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.

if that's a question, I actually like them both. NHK's ending was pretty sad but not as heavy as NGE

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flcl, greatest use of the magical realism genre. not really deep or life changing, but it helped me figure some shit out when i was younger. amazing coming of age story, doesnt go on too long, and its fun to watch.

What did you think of the sequel?


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Only LOGHniggers would be dumb enough to post unironically in a rec thread

kobato the perfect anime, literally nothing comes close.
it teaches you good christian values and adds a flavor of oriental beliefs.

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i dont have a favourite, most are shit and a waste of time. it's staggering how many highly acclaimed shows are actual rubbish, people are hysterically easily impressed by "deepness" and "maturity". I pity those insufferable types, it's as embarrassing as it is disturbing, watching them circle jerk each other off, pandering to one another's ego and pseudo-elitist snobbery. suppose i'd pick monogatari series though, going by entertainment and rewatch value.

What kind of good Christian values? The faggy protestant shit or the proper Catholic shit?

Shingeki no Kyojin. Godlike animation and soundtrack the whole time through, a good mystery that keeps on giving until the very last arc, and nothing compares to that plot twist after the ending. You know what episode I'm talking about.

Ping pong or GTO.


Asobi Asobase

the kind that if you do good deeds you might be sent to heaven

Toss up between One Piece and Abenobashi