I was not prepared for this usagi to be an absolute gigawhore
I was not prepared for this usagi to be an absolute gigawhore
yeah it was a reason to drop the series for me
whores get paid, user
haru is a slut by nature, and because of that she's a pure creature
I suppose rabbits fucc a lot, fair enough. However every other creature is suppressing their nature to fit in to society, she has no excuse
>This faggot is still at it.
Why are people still fixated on this
She's every 3D normie's favorite character
>inb4 that copypasta guy shows up and derails the thread for the 16th time
It's not so much that furries specifically are disgusting pieces of human garbage. It's not the fact that they want to fuck animals that makes them worthless. It's the fact that they autisticly insert themselves into different communities if said community has anything to do with anthropomorphic animals at all.
Furries are the kind of people who watch a movie, read a book, or watch a TV show, and start literally self inserting into that show, pretending to interact with the characters, even going so far as to physically act out made up scenarios. They change the plot to suit their fantasy. They do this alone of course, because if anyone ever found them playing make believe they would die of shame.
The furry is a troglodyte creature that lives halfway in reality and halfway in fiction. They are socially awkward fetishists who immerse themselves into a fantasy because it makes them feel good. I wouldn't be surprised if some study somehow found a causation between having autism and being a furry. It seems highly likely. The delusional pretending, the immaturity, the fixation on a specific aspect of a character design. All the signs are there. I'm sure there are also other behaviors that point towards autism.
usagi girls are all sluts.
So basically what I'm saying is that ALL furries, without fail, are delusional, socially awkward autistic fetishists. This is a fact. Now you might be saying "well user, that entire copypasta could be said about WEEBS too! And you watch anime or read manga!"
It's not so much that furries specifically are disgusting pieces of human garbage. It's not the fact that they want to fuck animals that makes them worthless. It's the fact that they autisticly insert themselves into different communities if said community has anything to do with anthropomorphic animals at all.
Furries are the kind of people who watch a movie, read a book, or watch a TV show, and start literally self inserting into that show, pretending to interact with the characters, even going so far as to physically act out made up scenarios. They change the plot to suit their fantasy. They do this alone of course, because if anyone ever found them playing make believe they would die of shame.
The furry is a troglodyte creature that lives halfway in reality and halfway in fiction. They are socially awkward fetishists who immerse themselves into a fantasy because it makes them feel good. I wouldn't be surprised if some study somehow found a causation between having autism and being a furry. It seems highly likely. The delusional pretending, the immaturity, the fixation on a specific aspect of a character design. All the signs are there. I'm sure there are also other behaviors that point towards autism.
So basically what I'm saying is that ALL furries, without fail, are delusional, socially awkward autistic fetishists. This is a fact. Now you might be saying "well user, that entire copypasta could be said about WEEBS too! And you watch anime or read manga!"
To which I reply this; weeaboos belong on Yas Forums. It is a board built around anime and manga discussion. Furries have no place on Yas Forums
If you are a furry, and you are on Yas Forums, immediately fuck off to where you belong.
I was enjoying myself for a while but Legosi started pissing me off for being obsessed with such an awful piece of trash.
the based ones have spoken
RIP thread
Haru did nothing wrong
He's a simp, in a chads body
That's why, especially the whamen. They can self-insert because they are roasties at heart
>He's a simp, in a chads body
Isn't that the entire point though? It's the whole reason Luis gets so frustrated with him at the beginning.
lmao imagine being this insecure about a cartoon rabbit
This is the reason that moot created /fur/ and nuked it and every poster.
>a bunny wants to fuck like a rabbit
At least you find out toward the end of the season that she has good reason for doing it, unlike most anime sluts.
She just want's people to stop patronizing her and stop treating her like a child, but the only way she's found to do that is having a sexual relations with them. She even states that she likes the bullying better than people infantilizing her. If she found some other way to make people see her for who she is, then she'd probably do that.
I think there were other female rabbits in the show who weren't sluts, justifyin her that way is dumb
The point is that none of them were as small or dainty as a dwarf rabbit, so they didn't get infantilized by every one around them like she did.
Sounds like a roastie copout
Sounds like the excuse every teenybopper whore makes when they fight with their daddy
It wasn't just daddy issues though, literally everyone she met looked down on her because of her appearance. If everyone babied and patronized you 24/7, you'd probably hate it too.
>own the act, be enabled and treated like a baby, comfy mooch existence
>fuck everything, become ostracised and bullied, if anyone talks to you it's because you are a cumdump
Hmm choices choices
>own the act, be enabled and treated like a baby, comfy mooch existence
There are people who desire genuine connections with others, and who want to have pride in themselves as a confident, self-reliant people, but I guess I was expecting too much for someone like you to understand that. Letting someone look down on you and treat you as a child because of their own delusions about who you are, isn't a genuine connection. I know that just sleeping with someone isn't either, but it was at least closer to a connection than the alternative was for her.
I don't want watch furry shit, how is she a whore? Did she sell her body? Is she sleeping with lots of people
>There are people who desire genuine connections with others
Roastie usagi using her pucci to get genuine connections, ends up hitting the wall with no meaningful connections in her life ever. More news at 10
>ends up hitting the wall with no meaningful connections
She obviously felt that they were more meaningful than the connections with people that she had before, even if only by a margin. Ultimately she hates being infantilized so much, that she'd rather become a bitchy slut and have people treat her like the her like the bitchy slut she is, than let people delude themselves into thinking she's a week-willed dainty child.
>did she sell her body?
>Is she sleeping with lots of people
that's shallow as fuck, why couldn't she just develop a personality instead of being a typical blonde?
Did you even watch the show/ read the manga. The whole point is that she had a personality all along, but no one was willing to look past her weak, childish appearance to see it, until she turned herself into a bitchy uberslut.
>Is she sleeping with lots of people
the rumors talk it up a lot more than reality, but she finds that she's only treated as an actual person by most people when they see her as a sexual being. This is why Legosi stood out to her: he treats her like a person regardless of if they are fucking.
I don't se what's so bad about a girl who enjoys fucking.
Live and let live.
Some like food
Some like drink
Some like pottery
Some like fuck.
Because not everyone can fuck, therefore those who can't start to seethe.