On the bright side of this COVID-19 pandemic

Maybe Japanese animators would think twice before applying to work for the domestic Chinese animation industry.

Think about it. Who would want to work in a country where an infectious disease would break out every 5 years? No high-paying salary or good work-environment is going to be worth it. Better stay at home and continue making regular anime.

Already there are news of Japanese companies moving out of China:

>"The Spectator Index noted that Japan’s government would spend upwards of $2 billion helping its multinationals leave China."

What do you guys think about it? Do you think I'm wrong? You think Japanese animators do outsourcing work for China instead? Tell me why.

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I read that Chinese animation companies pay higher wages than Japanese animation companies do. And it's not a secret to anyone that animators barely manage to live with the wages they receive in Japan, it's one of the defining features about animation industry.

The government of Japan wants to keep animation industry in Japan and remain competitive and retain talent, yet to achieve this they'd have to compete with superior wages and working standards. If Japan's governments wants to support domestic animation industry and to avoid brain drain to China, the industry needs to change as a whole rather than just milk government money. Not like that money would go to the hands of animators and other staff at animation studios, committees and publishers would probably manage to get most of it while working peasants starve just like before.

Don't they have a union for these kinds of things? Sounds like the quality of animation nowadays can be traced back to that among other things.

>I read that Chinese animation companies pay higher wages
..and he ignored the argument in the OP, good grief.

Freedom or Yuan
you can't have both

That's what Japanese animators have to ponder.

>Who would want to work in a country where an infectious disease would break out every 5 years?
>No high-paying salary or good work-environment is going to be worth it. Better stay at home and continue making regular anime.
Japan is reaching a point where it's either that or not working in the animation industry at all.

>Already there are news of Japanese companies moving out of China:
There's no mention of animation company in those, the only alternatives they have is either outsourcing to Korea or raising the wages in Japan. They already do the former and the latter would need the entire industry to change.

>There's no mention of animation company in those
I already can see animation companies moving out due to herd mind. Or do you think Japanese animation companies are particularly strong and independent? If that were the case they wouldn't have relied on production committees .

"Avoid China" might be a good idea, but it's a weird lesson to learn from a global pandemic.

At least it's a contrast to the US, where the latter wins out for big Hollywood movies.

honestly only burgeland, losing their geopolitical power, is chanting that

>Wuhan residents: "The crematoriums are working overtime."
>Chinese government: "No they're not, everything is fine. That smoke you're seeing from the crematoriums is your imagination."
No shit.

while the rest of the world is trying to survive, muricans are still trying to blame china, no wonder they have 2K deaths a day

Chinese anime studio Billi Billi ruined Hatena Illusion by removing all the fanservice that was drawn by Yabuki

>Chinese anime studio
>Billi Billi


that's more like a chinese crunchyroll.

>Painting the pandemic as a bad thing
Normalfag detected

They own the Chinese Studio that animated Hatena illusion. You can check Facebook to confirm. The Chinese Studio had a Facebook page and the employees are all Chinese

Nothing wrong with Japanese animators going to China to earn an actual living wage for their talent.
This frees up more opportunities for lower-skilled Japanese animators to work on Japanese anime as well, when the higher-skilled ones move away and teach their skills to their neighbors.

>muricans are still trying to blame china
well china did start this problem and tthey're blackmailing countries with ventilators and mask supplies

>Yas Forums thread again
You're not Japanese and not animator. It's not your business. Japs pay nothing for animators. And animators are not your underage weebs.

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Sometimes, remaining/going back to Japan mean bankruptcy. And this is especially true of the animation industry.

Actually, everyone wants that because no country on earth would want the hellhole that is china to be even more dominant.

I've noticed how australian media has completely changed its tune over china

I doubt many Japanese animators and directors were going to go to the Chinese animation industry anyway
Most of them are gullible otakus, they are only okay with working under such shitty circumstances because they work on stuff they love
If China doesn't intend on making more fanservice, more cute girls doing cute things, and more idols then they can kiss Japanese animators and directors goodbye
and no, Azur Lane doesn't count, that one was made by a Japanese animation studio

A true animator should in fact pay the production committee for the privilege of working on anime.
They get to use their worthless otaku skills for the benefit of rich people.

This way, everybody wins. Otaku work on things they love doing and die for it, the rich people get to become richer, Japan gets rid of undesirable otaku because they overwork themselves to death, we Westerners get to still enjoy a plethora of anime for free, and nobody loses money except the parents of the otaku, whom nobody cares about because they birthed a failure into the world that would willingly work itself to death for measly pay, and with otaku animators dying in drove from starvation and overworking themselves because they would pay for the honor of working on anime, more otaku can become animators and thus accelerate the whole thing.

>If China doesn't intend on making more fanservice, more cute girls doing cute things
The japanese industry is already pandering to them since a lot of shows featuring fanservice and cute girls got a S2 thanks to China.
What China itself is producing is largely irrelevant.

Otaku have no reason to work in the animation industry anymore when they can just go to the vidya one.

>A true animator should in fact pay the production committee for the privilege of working on anime.

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you euros will do everything to blame us burgers

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There is 0 practical difference between America being dominant and China being dominant. Both are oppressive, authoritarian, militant regimes who see every other country as a resource or an enemy or both.

America lives free in their heads, because eurocucks all have penis-envy against America’s superpower status and yearn for the days when THEY used to control half the world.

the bankers control both...

This is why Japan needs socialism

Any higher wages and anime can't survive, even with the wages now it still costs $2 million for a shirobako type show.

They get 9K a year and other positions get tens of thousands a year.
Learn to live faggot.

Awesome. I just hope that the anime companies stop doing business with America too, since they have the most official cases of coronavirus. Japan needs to expand anime into the local SEA countries that share their values, as opposed to commie chinks and pozzed westerners.

define sicialism

they can pander to China all they want, they've been also pandering to the US too for some time

No, retard. They just need to stop paying the seiyuus millions when other employees get minimum wage.

In fact, Japan's salary is higher than South Korea, South Korea is higher than China

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Then are have western cartoons been so shitty for the past decade?

I think that the majority of the godly chinese artists work on concept art especially vidya concept art. Or movies. That's where the money is.

Anime inbetweens has got to be the lowest of the low cheap outsourced garbage to keep costs down. You think about it, the average anime is far better than a western show which cost cuts because pretty much everything is symbols and easy to puppet in toonboom. Anime is much more expensive in terms of the working hours. Frames drawn from scratch, realistic anatomy.

I'm pretty sure that all asians are just better at drawing. Chinks/Gooks/Nips just draw so much better than your average deviantart garbage. The only other art schools that teach proper art traditionally is Russia.

If anime can't outsource to China, things are going to be fucky. Artists are extremely common. Good artists are not. If you force every user at gunpoint to draw you are going to get extremely mixed results. And all the good ones are going to do concept art.

Japan only has a population of so many people, anyone with a brain isn't doing art. Streaming profits are going to be lower than disc sales. Every season disc sales are getting worse.

Now now, it's well known that voice actors are what give the anime characters a personality. Drawings are just drawings.

>They get 9K a year and other positions get tens of thousands a year.

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That's a result of unfettered capitalism. Seiyuus get paid a lot because they attract audience. All the higher ups suck up 95% of the profits and a meager amount trickle down to actual workers. Fucking neoliberal hellscape

unions only benefit those in the union current;y employed, everyone else suffers.
The classic study is the elevator attendant union

>The only other art schools that teach proper art traditionally is Russia.
Chinks too. They're so obsessed with Russia academical drawing. They hire people from Imperial Academy of Arts to teach art in China with crazy salaries. There is tons of non fake stories where they buy "art studies" for $1k. Seems like they really respect art skills.

Add in that just to show that companies don't give a shit about politics, Sony of America will acquire a few million shares of billibilli (a total of 4.93%) in order to get that sweet sweet chink streaming money.
IP holders that own electronic rights and videogram printing rights always win, baby. This is how it should be. This is what the god of capitalism, Adam Smith, wanted.

Praise be to him. Praise be to money. Death to otaku. You dumb poor scum only exist to provide free entertainment for us.

>Any higher wages and anime can't survive
You can definitely reroute some money, that is supposed to go to high paying positions, to animators. But those damn selfish people in power won't allow this.

Why work in anime then? directors and others will just go to live action or games.

Did you read the post? user said that Chinks draw good.

Japanese live action is a poor industry. Have you ever seen a Japanese movie? They don't even have latest proper equipment to make movies.

Why should they? The people in higher positions do important things, like negotiating with moneygivers, coordinate work, have to oversee and correct the mistakes of those in the lower hierarchy, must make sure that sound and animation form a coherent whole together, and watch the tight deadlines for the whole advertising and marketing campaign.

Can you type that again, but in English?

>This is what the god of capitalism, Adam Smith, wanted.
You have never read Adam Smith

Well if jap animators are okay with slavery it's their deal. They even defend underpaying. As I remember there was some "scandal" in twitter about this.

Twitter is not real life.

You're against creating an artificial hierarchy that undermines the value of work done by people at low levels of this hierarchy. You are also naive enough to think that higher ups aren't exploiting the people at lower levels to hoard extra wealth.

For japanimators, it is the only outlet to real life they will ever have, when they're not crying themselves to sleep after working several hours on some cheap anime.


Welcome to capitalism retard.

I don't like capitalism. It needs a lot of tweaking and regulation to work as a system that isn't exploitative.

Bro did you miss when anime director was forced to apologize in twitter because of joke? Or how studio apologized for joke?.

Based higher-ups kicking down on the unbased dumb otaku-animators. And the best part is, the otaku animators are by nature all antisocial dorklosers who work against each another, so the system will fortunately never change.

So animators aren't important. Ok, let China take them

Yes, because I don’t use twatter.

That doesn’t matter. The opinions of people on twitter do not reflect those of the majority.

That means you're not from Yas Forums bro. Twitter is main platform for jap artists. All anime news come from official twitter and not your shitkaku shit.

Is there any country that is non-capitalist, but that also doesn’t come with all that woke garbage either?

Scandinavian countries are taming the capitalism

Twitter is a shit website, and twitter threads get deleted here.
I have no idea what this is.

You didn’t read my entire comment, did you?
>that also doesn’t come with all that woke garbage either

>I have no idea what this is.
tourist bro...

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What happened?

Kotaku? Of course I don’t browse that shit.

Don't they unionize in japan?

In the end, as long as Japanese animators are all antisocial retards unwilling to work together to improve their situation, we all benefit from it.

>twitter threads get deleted here
No. You can post screencaps of official announcements.


Chinese virus

Chinese coronavirus

Chinese Originated Virus In December 2019

Specifically, industry news from Japanese official accounts are always acceptable, because it's a primary source.
The opinions of some foreigner about something on the other hand is irrelevant and unwanted, because those are secondary source shit.