Episode 2 New life
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Arte? more like ugly whore
Episode 1 was ok. I hope we get to see more of the history aspect.
Episode 1 was ok. I hope we get to see more of the history aspect.
shit taste
I love her smile
kys faget
Hope it's out soon. Need to get my weekend comfy.
She's hot as fuck thought.
I love her tiddies.
too blonde and blue eyes are ugly.
I like her vaj
I was going to say something just as rude to you, but I've decided that I'd rather let you wonder about what it was and reflect on your shameful actions.
Knees weak, arms heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already
Arte's spaghetti
I want to eat Arte!
She's only 14 right? She's got some big honkers.
Write the next episode's preview.
Nice. I missed the thread for the first episode, bit not this one!
Mission complete
She has really nice clavicles.
>women this women that
Too much "women are discriminated but they're actually stronk!" preaching in this anime.
>Hahahaha you're a girl.
Alright when do we get past this.
Yeah, the whole "muh sexism in renaissance times" was fine the first few times, but if they're going to drag the topic up all the time then it get old.
Garbage show, garbage series, garbage thread
read/watch something good instead
Are you ok user? You look a little upset.
now she can't marry anymore..
she's too pure for this world
Posting superior Florentine lady.
I hate this show, why the fuck are you watching it
When did we allow feminist propaganda on Yas Forums
>a whole week of physical work in the same clothes
imagine the smell
Posting NSFW
>people act shocked at her exposed legs
>not her huge cleavage
>feminist propaganda
MC isn't a fat lesbian goblino with pink hair though.
That was normal at the time.
it's a mystery
when does she get fucked in the manga?
>MC is doing hard, physical labor and trying to prove herself through effort rather than screeching
it's like the exact opposite of feminism
It was?
I don't know much about Renaissance fashion, but in history, there was a time when people found ankles more offending than boobs. I still don't understand how women wore things that pushed their boobs to the skies while their skirts had to sweep the floors for decency's sake.
the most provoking part is always the one you rarely get to see.
Look at those ankles. God what a slut.
I'm afraid the whole show will be this shit on repeat.
God I wish that were me.
IIRC it was in Britain and much later.
On the latest episode of Arte: Arte throws out her back.
Cute Arte. Cute and relaxing anime.