Why do people think stuff like this is "better" because it's darker than something like GaoGaiGar? Why is avant-garde "deep" shit considered more important than a solidly crafted series like GoSaurer?
I just hate that so called critics think that something being dark, introspective and moody is somehow inherently better than a fun crazy show
Why do people think stuff like this is "better" because it's darker than something like GaoGaiGar...
GaoGaiGar is retarded faggot shit.
Sobriety tends to come across as nobler and more contemplative. Not that it's "better". But usually people choose so as better when they are the wordy type.
Because people are STUPID.
Are there any studies or theory as to why this is?
fun crazy shows don't try to be art and that is okay.
They should not be put next to actual art though
Favouring the avant-garde makes sense if you're looking at the history or capacity of the medium, because the whole point is to do things other people aren't doing. But not for a list of things for a general audience to watch.
Because you can write long essays about moody contemplative topics and sound smart, whereas if you write about the visceral feeling of competently executed entertainment you just sound like a sperg.
But they are art
GoSaurer is as "art" as Angels egg is
>visceral feeling of competently executed entertainment you just sound like a sperg
Is this why no one listens to mecha fans
You are objectively wrong
No I'm not. Anime is an artistic medium, saying one anime "is" art and another "isn't" is idiotic
Art is good at conveying feelings emotions and ideas in ways which normal language cannot or just does poorly, since melancholy, sobriety and introspection are more complicated emotions than just happy upbeat, people tend to praise them more.
>melancholy, sobriety and introspection are more complicated emotions than happy upbeat
Not really, and that's what I'm getting annoyed at. It's pretty shallow for people to say that
i fucking love GaoGaiGar
This is why nobody listens to mecha fans or magical girl fans who aren't into edgy megucas.
There's also the general childishness of media consumers/modern adults, who gravitate towards contemplative or "gritty" material because it seems more adult.
what if i enjoy both
Actual adults, at least the ones I've talked to don't like gritty stuff because it thinks it makes them mature. They like it just because they do. It's teenagers that like gritty things because of the perception they'll be mature, which is different
I do too
I agree and understand what you mean, but abjectivly speaking it is way easier to understand a character immediately if their traits are just "happy guy" than a more nuanced mix of like melancholy depressive.
>b-but user i AM depressive and I empathise those characters far easier
yeah thats fine but you have to admit that the defult happy is easier to understand than some introspective sad. At least for most people; if a show succeeds in making you understand and empathise with the depressive character I think its worthy of praise.
But dw user I really like happy upbeat stuff too :)
>magical girl fans who aren't into edgy megucas
The reverse of this is far more shallow though.
>its easier to understand the feelings of characters that express themselves than ones that don't
No shit. Nothing to do with positive or negative.
read again
but slower this time
You mean without charitably ignoring everything that's completely wrong?
Okay, you're completely wrong and there's nothing more complex or more difficult to portray about negative emotions than positive ones. They just tend to be expressed more clearly because happy people tend to be more expressive than miserable fucks.
Because dumb fun thing is fun, but "deep and intelligent" things can be more than fun. I fucking love GGG but when you finish it, it doesn't leave a lasting impression on you. It doesn't make you question things. Thought provoking stuff are inherently more "artsy" so people will think they're better.
That being said, "deep and intelligent" anime are mostly shallow pretentious stuff and people praise them to make themselves seem smarter, like Evangelion. But I love those pretentious stuff anyway because most of the time they have great visuals.
>They just tend to be expressed more clearly because happy people tend to be more expressive than miserable fucks.
y-yeah, thats, what I said. It's easier to understand "happy guy" than "introspective sad guy". right?
And "angry" is easier to convey than, "thoughtful but upbeat".
It's nothing to do with whether they're happy or sad but whether they're expressive or not. How many times do I have to say this??
yeah yeah i get that, but what I'm saying is that its easier to express happiness than depressive introspection. Moreover; if you can convincingly express melancholy and depression most people will find it easier to praise as art
>its easier to express happiness than depressive introspection
Because of "introspection", not "depressive". Cheerful introspection is harder to express than misery.
GoSaurer is art for children
Excellent meaningless shitpost
>Cheerful introspection is harder to express than misery.
eh, I don't know if i'd say harder. But this is way off topic, all I really wanted was for you to understand that you didn't really know what you were talking about when you came at me originally lol.
Why do people hate mecha?
I don't think the two are comparable.
The purpose of the two is entirely different, one is constructed with the intent of entertaining its audience, the other with the intent of either making them think and/or feel something.
Also angel's egg probably isn't the best example, Oshii explicitly said that it's just expressive, it's not meant to convey any meaning.
From talking to normalfags about it
>they think it hasn't got a story
>the exceptions they like, usually CG and TTGL, "aren't" mecha
>it's too unrealistic
All these are bullshit of course
Shut up
GaoGaiGar is really funny and enjoyable
these haters are the new Eva fans
full of bullshit
> being dark, introspective and moody
Because such show is quite rare despite its potential diversity, while
> a fun crazy show
are so many despite most of them are copy pastas with up to at most 10 subcategories.
>Why do people think stuff like this is "better" because it's darker than something like GaoGaiGar
what a rollercoaster of a sentence
It might be because the people into creating "deep" stuff are more prone to introspection and ambiguity of morality, which leans to creations that rely less on external stimuli. I also think Romantic ideas of artistic genious play part what is seen "deep". These combined we have created the culture where sobriety seems more noble, and thus encourages seeking such creation beyond the natural demand of it.
>Why do people think stuff like this is "better" because it's darker than something like GaoGaiGar?
Well, this whole question is based on a huge strawman. People don't think it's "better", because it's darker. I don't want to deal with relativism, so let's say that personally for me, it's better, because:
>It's unique, and in a good way.
Like science, art is constantly evolving. You can't have a technologically advanced society that isn't culturally advanced as well and vice versa. Therefore, trying new approaches, mapping uncharted territories, improving on the already existing concepts is inherently more valuable than producing copy-pasted cookie-cutter entertainment. To liken it to industry, It's like a difference between mass-producing a commercial product and inventing some new technology. Sure, you can fail miserably, but when you succeed, you've helped to move the medium forward a little.
>There is a lot of things to analyze.
Apart from being entertaining to watch, the show leaves a lot of things to think about. Analyzing the show is fun, and it's much more long-lasting than what regular entertainment can give me.
>One of the purposes of art is to inspire.
Angel's Egg gave inspiration to people who've created some other pieces of media I enjoy. If entertainment is what you value the most, this single spark can give birth to exponentially more entertainment somewhere along the way.
>It resonates with me emotionally.
I don't think I need to explain this one.
Oh, and the animation and music is also great.
Say that to the Madokafags who still jerk off their mediocre "dark" magical girl anime as the greatest thing ever created because the characters are sad and one of them is a lesbian. They could use a wake-up call.
Not caring for GGG doesn't mean you dislike mecha as a whole, it's a really fucking varied sub-genre in general
Angel's Egg is neither avant-garde nor deep. It is just a story soaked in imagery as symbolism. You will never find the real meaning to it.
*and symbolism
>You will never find the real meaning to it.
It's pretty blatantly about the writer's loss of faith over time and isn't subtle about this at all though
I wonder how much you have to know about Oshii's personal story in order to get to that conclusion yourself.
Same reason the Oscars go to movies you never heard of and nobody watched, while the high selling comic book / cartoon / sci-fi movies win little if anything.
The only thing I know about Oshii is that he rebrands the same few stories over and over and that he has an annoying cult-tier fanbase, dunno anything about him personally. The story is very blatantly about losing faith.
>he rebrands the same few stories over and over
Is that really true though? I can't think of many examples of his works being the "same" except the two GitS movies.
More asking about why the general response to most mecha that isn't eva or ttgl is that it is just kid shows despite the fact, as you said, it is an incredibly varied genre? Is it cause transformers? Did that kill mecha in the west?
this is why eva is overrated garbage
Because all they've seen is Evangelion, ttgl and code geass, but they like those ones and think gundam is just about robot fights
>visceral feeling of competently executed entertainment
But there isn't much value in indulging in entertainment. No matter how visceral, or competently executed it is, it's just a discraction and only serves to make you a good, docile sheep for another hour or two. Art that "makes you think" is more valuable, because the thinking process can result to some improvement, either on a personal level, or possibly even cultural. I'm not saying that I'm the judge of what kinds of media possess such qualities, just by the way.
For example, if I had the authority to decide whether all the people will have read Orwell's 1984 (choosing something well-known for the example), or will have watched GaoGaiGar in the next week, I would definitely choose the former, because I think this decision is more valuable for my society in the long run.