How does this make you feel?

how does this make you feel?

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Like season 2 never.

I misread this is as "how does this make you feet?" thinking this was a feet thread. I'm disappointed

Show with actual lolicon fanservice ruined by and old hag getting by far more screentime than any lolis.
I don't think we even got any lolicons series since, or that we will ever get.

Literally this

I didn't really like the MC but the girls were super cute so I enjoyed it anyway.

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They will be sexy as JCs

Fuck off Loli hater kun, you never let any opportunities slip by, do you.

old hags

Just how much screentime does she have?

Like Jun is best girl.

Mitsuboshi Colors


Certainly more than the lolis combined. She is a character who the protag constantly talks to, while the lolis are just "the kids", hardly even individuals.

I love lolis my friend especially JC1 lolis



Cute and funny emotions.

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She literally is.
She wins in the LN.

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Really, I always thought the hag won. That's great, best girl won.

What a powerful scene

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>no S2 ever
Ro-Kyu-Bu was lolikino and I keep hoping this'll be the next one but since Zomi-tan's VA retired it's very unlikely ;_;

Fuck off, normalfag.

I miss the tenshis

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I'm the no-pan

I'm stealing that sheep and they can fucking cry all they want.

Yes, blue is fuckable.

I miss that user that wants to cum inside of Jun

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He was a bad person. I'm glad he's gone

me in the middle

I would like to be his successor.

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Sometimes i feel like rewatching this but when i remember the mc i quickly give up on the idea.

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That's not a life worthy of imitating

I'm gonna ask you in 100% seriousness as close friends for many years. Do you, Anonymous, want to cum inside of Jun as well?

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No, that's immoral

my wives

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Sad because Nozomi's VA is gone forever. She didn't deserve to have such a short career.

Do you think there's a chance for her to come back, or is it unlikely?

Cum-inside-Jun Guy, I will make you proud and vanquish others. Amen.

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Maybe you should make someone else proud. Like Jun by not cumming inside her.

I'll cum inside Nozomi

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The fate of Baby's Breath is really sad when you think about it. While Sora's VA would go on to voice Kaguya and gain popularity, Nozomi's VA's career was tragically cut short. It's just not fair about what happened to Nozomi's VA. She had such a promising career, and now she's gone.

Don't do that either. They're angels, not tengas.

Well I wanted to do this but now you said Nozomi is off limits too. Life is difficult.

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You're the one making life difficult.

The Tenshi's shouldve had more ecchi

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>Zomi-tan's VA retired
What happened to her?

Just post more lolis, that is what you guys wanted and came for.

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Warm and fuzzy.

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Lolis are for cute, not for sexual.

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Nozomi is for love making Jun is for forced breeding

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>Lolis are for cute, not for sexual.
>not for sexual.
what ever you say faggot, i won't listen

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My nigga. Jun is a vixen as shown here.

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jun pleases old men for money

Like I'll never ever get stepped on by pretty girls. It hurts.

Of course she did, look how aggressive she is. She probably raped him.

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My guess is she got married or something along the lines. It shouldn't be monetary reason because she should be doing amazing as Roselia's guitarist.


>She wins in the LN.
Go on...