Dumping the newest raw chapter while we wait
Matou Seihei no Slave
>Koko and Naon will never violate you
Fastball Special
thanks for the dump
Thanks for the dump. Shame about the censoring already but what can you do.
Does the artist have a twitter or pixiv acc, i like the art.
Not sure on the pixiv. But you can find the link to the artists twitter on the manga's mangadex page.
That doggy's going to be fine, right?
Even butts are censored now? C'mon!
Her hair makes her look an awful lot like a penis here.
So did they kill her or just knock her out?
Knocked out 100%, no gore whatsoever
I guess censoring is here to stay. Great.
This chapter has a lot of things to redraw, so it'll take a little longer. Expect it Saturday-Sunday. Translation, on the other hand, has been done for hours.
Why is that panel so hot
I assume the next two chapters focus mostly on Yachiho and Himari as well. Worst case we don't see Tenka again within the next 6 weeks or so.
In case you've missed it, some user edited some nipples to the previous chapter.
I guess maiming is on the table, but killing probably isn't.
What's with the censor anyway? It was never that censored before?
Take your time TLAnon, we can wait It's saturday in Asia now though heh
Holy shit.
I can't believe Shushu went Plus Ultra
Thats the power of wanting to get laid.
They probably decided to keep the uncensored versions for the tankoubon releases, to push the sales.
I'm going to post this every time until you like it.
i didnt expect such brutality for this mango
now im sad. when it comes to tenka turn they better make it worthwhile. i want to see tenka reward
I'll come back when it is the real fight.
>cutest spaghetti spiller didn't job for once
if only she had as much luck with yuuki
I have a terrible feeling this manga is rushing to the finish line. Please don't be axed.
Rip kuma
There are members of the unit which have not appeared yet
Have you actually read it? It has actually slowed down by a lot which means we get more.
It looks like one-horn is going to be deleted in a couple of chapters at the pace it's going which was the entire motivation for Kyouka.
She also wants to be the hoka- the chief
So she can get the resources and authority to wipe out the horned one.
Don't think she ever said that
This manga hasn't even started, it doesn't even have the main conflict yet. It's just a bunch of meaningless filler fights.
Though it doesn't mean it can't get axed.
Holy fuck. I was NOT expecting this much violence. Maybe a bit, but not on this level.
I'm not saying this is bad, just surprised.
We did get people getting shot through the throat during that interdivision tournament.
That's just the slave getting shot with a gun though. Simple stuff. No extreme violence whatsoever.