How much longer do we have to wait for her to finally just kiss senpai?

how much longer do we have to wait for her to finally just kiss senpai?

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>new romance manga comes out in the last 5 years
>its strategy is to have a unique premise/characters that keep you reading
>this brings in lots of money to the mangaka, so he keeps the repetition going
>never has his """romcom""" manga develop any progression
wow weird how that works huh, they will never kiss ever, just like the other 500 run of the mill romcoms that last 100 chapters longer than they should

she's going to do it "as a joke" soon

she will be submitted to the pigs

kiss will be accidental, like touching his peepee

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Eventually both need to be intentional.

i dont remember this happening

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>how long
When people stop caring and he needs to rap up the story, they'll kiss and start dating in the last two pages of the final chapter

author should make hentai doujins again

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>how much longer do we have to wait for her to finally just kiss senpai?
Lets just put that aside for now.

i want more yupiel

This is like the third thread in two days, maybe in the span of a single day. Methinks the new girls are driving everyone up the wall. Not that anyone could even compare to EL PRESIDENTE.

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president is just a titty monster for no reason.
dumb slut.
nagatoro is pure.

Putting it...aside?

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haha what if nagatoro's friends just raped senpai and cucked nagatoro?

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But then she'd kill her friends.

Hello fellow speedread...
No, youre not even a speedreader you fucking faggot

Youre right, Nagabro!

>pretended kiss

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*let's just put it inside for now


never ever

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the entire point of the manga is teasing. if you turn it into flat out honest romance, you can just as well end it.

That is an A-grade horny Naga face.


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Who else thinks that senpai is going to be the one to kiss her? He's been improving so much over time I can see his character climax being surpassing naga in unvirginess and going for the kiss while she just kinda freezes up.

Delet this, both post and picture from your computer. Disgusting

you need to stop before i make you stop

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stop samefagging

Of the two of them who both really want to kiss, one of them has been working on improving his assertiveness and the other has not. He's on a trajectory to be able to take the initiative; she isn't, not any more than she already does.

>the entire point of the manga is teasing.
Takagi-san 2.0. There is actually character growth in this one.

Although you are right about this
>Of the two of them who both really want to kiss, one of them has been working on improving his assertiveness

Nagatoro in the last chapters has been trying to approach to Senpai in a way, such as getting involved in his activies (particularly, drawing).

Its not like what Senpai has done but, well, is kinda interesting to see how could it work for their relationship.

This. Takagi-san, without timeskip, is just a girl teasing a boy in their childhood, theres nothing appealing about that plot if there is no change at all desu.

How fast would the thread reach bump limit? 10 minutes? I hope it doesn't end after that, their dynamic is literally made for post confession (see doujins).

When the it gets to the final chapter.

Can't wait for it either, honestly stoked.

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>How fast would the thread reach bump limit? 10 minutes?
If they get to kiss? Probably faster than that, lets say 5 minutes.
>I hope it doesn't end after that, their dynamic is literally made for post confession
Nah i dont think so, depending on how the kiss happens, there could a broad range of possibilities for them to happen: Nagatoro becoming a full-dere, or a first stage of awkwardness, etc

you and me both user

Yoshi is indeed the best girl, yes.


Nagatoro appreciation time!

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I don't think naga could ever drop the teasing, it's just who she is, so I'd say full dere is not necessarily possible. More like she could get more loving with her teasing.

If such a reveal were to happen it would be on the last page, and knowing Stalker-San he would drag it out as much as possible. My God we would hit 800 posts easy.

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new chapter?

>senpai stands up for myself
Wow how kind of you paisen

I came mentally thinking about what you say

Only on mondays

Next monday probably

I just made another connection between nagatoro and the wwe. Monday night raw and nagatoro comes out on mondays. Wrestling chapter when? They already did boxing.

no argument

I want them to get together, only to have to fend off Naga's teasing friends from ruining moments and President trying to make them breed for "art".

Naga comes out usually during the morning/early afternoon for me though.
Uhhhh thanks?

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Only one to kiss my wife will be me.

Does president work for Abe?

The types of teasing she focuses on might get lewder.

I want a romantic SOL comedy about Yupiel and her realtor husband.

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Maybe Nagatoro can meet her in this.

>I bet you're soooo~ erect right now, huh senpai~
>what a perv, can't even wait in public and goes full mast right here hehehe
>maybe if you can beat me in a race I'll let you kiss me somewhere besides my lips
The potential is palpable.