Tower of God Anime

post your opinions about the great episode 2

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if you want to read the manga read here
The official translation is shit

tower of gook


So now that this has been confirmed to be run of the mill gookshit, has gookshit really only produced 2 good works??? (breakers and bastard)

the only good piece of media ever made as a consequence of gooks is MASH

MASH is old boomer shit

Tower of God is a masterpiece user
watch it

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thanks me later guys

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Rachel is the best girl.

>motives hard to find fault in
Pick one

4 days to the best girl ever

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Rebelista is literally a millenias old NEET.

Rachel's motives actually makes sense in elder tier
She just wants to see the stars and have a kino adventure in which she is the heroine and not a secondary character

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Kino no Tou - Tower of Kino


Based and TowerPilled

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The color of that Zahard is off, it's not green, can't be best girl.

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>Rachel's motives

Reminder her mom was stacked

>muh drean
fucking KINO

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are you retarded? gook means yellow

Cute lizard feet. I want Anaak to beat me up and step on me.

No Ran no

As much as I like Anak, she hasn't really been growing. I'm rereading and she's lagging behind.

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>I want Anaak to beat me up and step on me.
sorry but you arent his daddy

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has yet to impress
only being 13 eps doesn't give me much hope either

Crown game is a good point to decide if you'll like this or not. So far nothing has actually happened.

Supposedly physical development is tied to maturity. So people that look like children are that way because they act like children. Doesn't explain why Yuri looks like an adult though.

She has big boobs now.
I preferred with smaller ones.

I doubt they'll do more than the first arc, it's going to be a confusing clusterfuck if they start the FUG arc.

Maybe the real stars are the friends we made along the way

Rachel is so cute and perfect for rape!

>Tower of Gooks
Daily reminder that all gooks get the nuke

the first 2 episode cut some things but not too much.
until now is a good job

Peak anime kino

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Maybe the real Rahcel are the friends we made along the way

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I was shocked when I heard Daisuke Ono.

I was genuinely sad at Prince's and Akraptors deaths bros.

Press F to the best team of the tower
that all of you can take a coup of tangsooyook in heaven

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I hate Rachel

Is hating Rachel the true mark of a pleb?

Rachel would kill you for saying that.

I want to lick Rachel's pussy

too bad, episode 12 will make everyone see Rachel is best girl

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>Headon calls Rachel a bad person
Does that hypocrite have any idea how many evil monsters he allowed to climb the tower?

Viole never fitted in that team, to be honest. Besides that, yeah, it was a perfect team.

I wonder if a season 2 would ever happen because of how fucking awful the hell train is. Imagine an entire season of that fucking train.

Disgusting personality
There are many bad people who respect moral code

Lmao you see all of those FUG sociopaths who are rankers? Headon is full of shit.

>aye ur hot
>let me just give you one of the most powerful and valuable things here
>oh and it also only works because you're hot
>repeat for half your problems
Gookfags will defend this.

Headon is a piece of shit, but in Rachel's case he didn't actually mean it. He was manipulating her so that she would act according to FUG's plans and push forward his agenda.

What if that's precisely what he needed to say to piss her off? You don't know how much of his words are necessary instead of personal.

The monthly series are all schizos that activate when they feel like it user, and Baam never uses Black March ever again.

read (left to rigth) Black march help Baam because he didnt want money or Power but just Rachel

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interesting ep. nothing special. and fuck /a.

>one season only for the train

Headon called her a liar and that's what she is. She wanted to steal the destiny that was awarded to Baam, and if it was not for him, Rachel would still be in the cave. Baam was the one who opened the gates, after all, not Rachel.

An actual season two would likely cover until the end of the workshop battle. The hell train itself would take 4 cours to complete.

24 episode for 2nd until workshop Battle then 4 rushed movies for hell train

Headon lied to Baam 3 times though

Hell train takes from chapter 111 to 315, that's 204 chapters and would need 34 episodes at two 6 chapters per episode
so two seasons at least

reading the webtoon right now but man the quality is just top notch. Does it get better?

Big breeder is a very weird name

at least she isn't a mass murderer

hell train for anime is going to be a problem if they want to adapt it. too much material. dont think s2 or 3 is going to happen.


Is SIA retarded? Took two times as long as the rest of the manga to tell an interlude.

Hell Train is 4 different arcs that people think is one arc
Hoaquin Arc
Hell Joe Arc
Cyber Isekai Arc

If you speak about the art yes
The plot is a masterpiece dont worry

And all four suck equally about moving the plot.

I sure hope so because this shit looks WHACK

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>moving the plot
The what? Its just Baam's random adventures as he climbs up the tower.

its convoluted af imo. he put too much stuff on hell train.

This is him now
Feel old yet?

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Everything on the train itself is garbage. The name hunt station is ok, the floor of death is not entirely terrible, the data world is double garbage.

What chapter?

That data world is Zahard taking cope to the next dimension literally.

He doesn't even have a motive to climb the tower anymore. Khun is a better MC than him.