Steals your family, the only boy you like, and blames you for getting raped when you were five

>steals your family, the only boy you like, and blames you for getting raped when you were five.
How does Rin do it?

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There's a thin line between tsundere and bitch

What is her anus again?


just because you suffered and are in love with a boy does not entitle you to him

WTF, I love Rin now

>blames you for getting raped when you were five
I didn't know Rin was based.

Sakura can be entitled to me any day she wants. She cant tie me to bed and never let me leave the house. It's fine, really. I don't mind

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>blames you for getting raped when you were five
I wonder why...

Attached: really makes me think.png (1280x347, 44.51K)

Why would you cuck your little sister. You can get any boy on the planet

Attached: asspull.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)


For glorious eugenics of course. Imagine a proper mage with shirou's level of autism

Attached: Rin Tohsaka kisses Shirou Emiya.webm (1280x720, 431.99K)

By being perfect

Tohsaka Rin eats her own farts.

Show me her anus

>Rin will never kiss you

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A perfect whore

I hate the current gen's obsessed with 'entitlement.' There's nothing that's right or wrong anymore because muh entitlement prevents anything from being considered wrong.

ok r*ddit


Can servants receive mana rectally?


They have to consume the sperm, so I guess they can't?

Let's fix that.

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Saber gets it vaginally and it works

Well, yeah, because semen can get inside you through your vagina. That's how you get pregnant and stuff


I mean, in UBW Shinji won the Sakurabowl.

Angra Mainyu

By being based as fuck


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That's just Rin being jealous and insecure. Nothing more. You yurishitters need to remove those goggles.


How would sakura react if you dabbed on her?

She'd turn me into a pickle.

Because Sakura is so dumb she settles down with a bislut.

funniest shit I've ever heard

I was thinking more into a used cumsock that has never had the decency to see laundry detergent, but pickle is fine.


Rider, who else?

Sakura's never shown any kind of sexual interest in Rider. Sakura treats Rider like the big sister she always wanted, and Rider makes a far better one than Rin ever could.


Based Rider

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Pick one.

Her sister is a slut who doesn’t deserve happiness

Can you elaborate? Wtf do you mean?

she invites rider to fuck shirou alongside her

>and blames you for getting raped when you were five
That didn't happen.

Reminder that Rin is a literal bislut.

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>High profile VA
>Speaks near-perfect English
>Streams and plays good games
>Looking that good despite being in her 40s
How is Yu still single again?


>How is Yu still single again?
She would be forced to stream herself apologizing while crying and getting her head shaved for openly getting a boyfriend.

Sakura deserves it anyway.

She's already been married once, you muppet. She isn't an idol and she's already in her 40s.

VAs get married and shit.