How did Hinata win the Narutobowl by sperging 'Naruto-kun' in all of the 500 episodes across 700 chapters.
How did Hinata win the Narutobowl by sperging 'Naruto-kun' in all of the 500 episodes across 700 chapters
Only female who wanted his dick. Though even then, she still almost lost to Sasuke.
By not being pinkshit
>Only reacurring female who wanted his dick.
Fixed. It's that simple, yet there are countless brainlets who still can't conceive this, or outright deny it. There was no Narutobowl.
Hinata has a nice rack, cute, and most importantly pure.
Sakura is a flat roasty whore and is about the most realistic woman in shounen.
Very easy choise for anyone who isn't retarded.
Not like there ever was any competition.
Unlike other shonen MCs Naruto was disliked by pretty much all girls except Hinata. I seriously can't think of a single other girl who could have potentially married Naruto
By being a cute and polite girl who treats him well and has the balls to fight the strongest terrorist in the world for him
She liked him even when he was a loser. She also tried to protect him from Pain despite being a jobber. Hinata was loyal and deserved to win
Because she had big tits and japan has a fetish for "demure" women
I like the original better.
Lol she got deflated when she got a child for Hagoromo's sake
Is she the only stalker that won the MC's dick**
She wasn't a violent slut that tried to use her nasty cunt to get him to abandon his friend.
>Buxom and curvy
>Comes from rich influential family
>Sweet and Loyal
>Great breeding material
It truly is a mystery.
Even though Hinata was created to be the love interest, Kishimoto was strongly considering making Sakura endgame at one point. He never actually said when, but it's obvious that it was just after the timeskip, when he was shipping the two of them hard.
He said he considered making her fall for Naruto, but he has never said he considered makin her endgame. In fact there's an interview where he said he considered using her in a love triangle with Naruto and Hinata (presumably by the start of part 2 like) but ultimately decided against it.
>when your manga is so shit you need to resort to shipping
Cope moeshitter
Same reason Sasuke/Sakura happens despite them never having much chemistry and Sasuke attempting to murder her a couple times. Kishimoto was never a romance writer, characters get paired off just because.
Literally read the pic above yours.
Do you think Kishi regrets the shipping aspect of Naruto?
Because Kishimoto has no idea how to write women and apparently has a thing for big tiddy, shy girls
More or less, but not just because. Kishimoto cared about what the pairings meant on a symbolic level (Hinata being the first girl to recognize Naruto, Sakura never giving up about loving Sasuke despite him being a fuckup etc), at least for the main ones. He didn't care about writong them organically though, so yeah, he's no romance writer.
she used to be perfect
But it was eons ago. Things changed.
The one time I prefer shorter hair. Part 1 Hinata a cute. Cuuuuuute. Ironically Hanabi's worst design is short hair.
Still is.
>This fears the Boruto
they used to be so perfect
I kinda always found it refreshing that only one girl wanted his dick either that or i was just sick of all the shonen where countless women practically shove their vaginas in the MC's face and he's like "lol no way, fag!"
One of the very few things i like about this manga
By being best girl and the only woman who actually understood Naruto and what he was about.
>apparently has a thing for big tiddy, shy girls
Can't fault him for that though.
>inb4 t-tumblr
Yeah, sue me. I got it from Google.
daily reminder that adult hinata has and still is having an affair with the hunk Raikage and naruto is a cuck
Shut the fuck up, mutt. Hinata doesn't even remember that faggot exists and they live literally thousands of miles away.
Go project your cuck fantasies elsewhere, nigger.
gooks law
Shut the fuck up. Just because it give me an erection it doesn't mean it's true
Hentai has rotted your brain, Hinata is a loving devoted wife, keep your degenerate fantasies out of this thread.
mad because its true. pathetic
Post wholesome NaruHina to counter Raikage cucks.
Auntie Hanabi is superior
If you look closely you will notice, there are a lot of things that Naruto did different than other Battle Shonens
Also fucking Tsunade on the side
This was the moment I started rooting for them.
none of the big three do that
Seethe, NScuck.
Raikagefag is a seething NScuck. He's the same faggot who was bragging about NaruSaku being the most popular het Naruto pairing on hentai sites.
I had no problem with Naruto ending up with Hinata, i just wish she wasn't treated like an inconsequential background character for most of the manga.
Narusaku fags are retarded but Kishi was dangling that ship for a while before finally ripping it from them. Would have been very nice if Naruto and Hinata had more time together. Especially in Part II. Having them go on a mission and bond more or some shit. I kinda wish instead of jumping straight to Boruto, Kishi did an arc where they were all 20 somethings having whatever adventure and between all the fighting shonen shit you have Naruto and Hinata actually gets some development and lead up...
eat shit hapa cuck
>Y-you mad
The Raikage is an old, fat crippled ball of lard. At this point he's definitely impotent due to diabetes. He's not fucking anything except his blood pressure and cholesterol levels, let alone a woman he would have to get off his couch and travel thousands of kilometers just for her to tell him to fuck off. But here's a look of what true love looks like and he'll never get.
Sasuke was right
But he lost, so he was wrong.
I want Boruto x Hanabi femdom.
If even Hinata could win in the end, then we're all gonna make it, lads.
>implying that Sasuke was not fated to loose, regardless of his mora position