
Why this fuck is this cocksucker here again? Why can't Misaka just ever solve the problem? Why is she always a damsel in distress? This is bullshit

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Japan hates women

misaka is a dumb bitch who wants to be validated

Touma wins again.

The only thing he wins is being a fucking faggot, get him away from Railgun already, no one likes him


>No one likes him
Anime-only confimed.

Cocksucking faggots, Railgun doesnt want or need him


Seethe more, its not gonna make him go away, and Railgun literally wants him, retard.


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He's just saving Railgun T just like he with S.

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The author disagrees with you

>I fucking hate Touma. Here he comes again in a show he has no reason being part of but since he's a mary sue the universe has to revolved around him and make sure he's the hero at the end if the day. This is RAILGUN RAILGUN RAILGUN, NOT ILLUSION BREAKER. What's the point of waiting for years to see more Misaka only for the animators to say LOL NOPE more Toushit.

>OH AND APPARENTLY MISAKI IS ALSO IN LOVE WITH HIM. WELO THERE GOES MY OPINION ON HER. There was no NO sign of them even knowing each other but since he's the MC of a lesser series, she somehow had to be in love with him the moment they laid eyes on each other.

>Fuck this I'm dropping this anime.


If they did, then there wouldn’t be so many betacuck MCs letting women hit them all the time.

Why cant Misaki do something then? Or Kuroko? Why is it always this fag?

They literally can't. They're no match for Mikoto 5.3.

Sounds like dumb bullshit just to shill this fag to me

What could they possibly do then, dumb secondary?

Have Uiharu hack the network long enough for Kuroko to get in close to Mikoto and knock her out

This is staggeringly dumb

Railgunfags often don't know shit about their own series. It's sad, really.

My brain just short-circuited from this retardation.

It’s amazing, and then they claim we’re the haters because we fucking pay attention

Dumb, dumb secondary

Are you a gurl?

He’s an assbkaster yurifaggot. He’s upset that Touma is ruining his delusions

Have kuruko teleport gorilla sedatives.
>too easy, level 5

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Get fucked. TouMAN saves the entire franchise.

The only thing he saves is the dick in your ass

hmmm yeah

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I want Touma to fuck Accelerator while Mikoto watches (and gets invited)

Touma's dick belongs in Accelerator's ass

Pyuma lewds when?

>Why can't Misaka just ever solve the problem?
She can't really solve this problem because this time, she IS the problem that needs to be solved, you silly goose.

But user muh yuri fantasies a bloo bloo bloo

Enter TouMAN

They do, but what they can't do is fight eldrith Misaka head on. Why don't you just watch the rest of the story instead if raging for no reason?

I think Touma SUCKS

Mikoto is well on her way to becoming a god. The real damsel in distress here is Touma, who is being saved and princess carried by the guy with the level 5 "Shounen Protagonist" power.

Deal with it

I think the one who purfies edgelords and slays yurishitters is based.
Making this shitshow great again.

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Post Mikoto's FLAT ass

Raildex is a harem series what did you expect user

Wrong, Index is, Railgun is about cute girls being cute and kicking ass, not some black haired naruto gaining a harem

Its the same, all the girls belong to TOUMAN.

>its all shit because muh touman xDDDD
What a waste

We all know you will not do that because then you can't come into thread/make thread to get angry. Your true reason for watching anything from the Index's Universe.

>Yuri fags seething over Chadma

>Why this fuck is this cocksucker here again? Why can't Misaka just ever solve the problem? Why is she always a damsel in distress? This is bullshit
Agreed, she could handle it herself, and should. I feel the writer and/or directors/producers are either catering to self insert dicks, or are them themselves. The first Railgun anime was good because that loser was nothing more than a brief cameo that wasn't involved in the story. The S and T's would have been much better without him.

He's a fucking shit and ruins Railgun

>fucking faggot, get him away from Railgun already, no one likes him
agree 100%

Unless your a demon, then your body get tooking over by a 100 year old pervert.

Seethe harder

Saving the season, evidently. No need to feel threatened by a male, OP.

>the state of yurifaggots

Every Railgun season's cycle:

There are millions of manga/anime with capable women. Raildex is just a crappy harem light novel at heart and this will never change.

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Indexfags are going to screech like monkeys at this but you are 100% right.

Fortunately all he does here is be a punching bag for a while. And he doesn't appear in later arcs.

All Touma fights are even dumber though.

KEK, the only ones screeching are yuritards like you because you cant handle a character with a dick taking center stage for like 5% of the arc

They aren't. I cant wait for you to spout your retarded secondary knowledge so I can shit all over you again. Go ahead, what will it be this time?

>Fortunately all he does here is be a punching bag for a while. And he doesn't appear in later arcs.
Good to hear! Thanks for giving us a future to look forward to.

Sounds pretty based to me

>muh yurifags

This is the truth and you know it. Touma and Accel were the main reasons why S2 sales collapsed. And this season isn't even doing that good. Sales will be mediocre and it has 3x less views on streaming sites than series like Bofuri. Shoving so much Index crap into Railgun was a bad decision.

Railgun will never again get even close to S1 popularity and forcing male characters where they don't belong is the main reason for that.

Hacking the metaphysical thought entity/new third pillar of the universe is probably outside of Uiharu's skillset.

hold on he's in this? Is it often? I like misaki but I didn't want to watch a whole fucking show about her

>a dick taking center stage
There is no reason for any dicks to be involved in any of the railgun series at all. They add nothing of value. I hear there is some crap called Index that self insert dick worshipers can go follow.

Faggot, he should literally die from shock waves alone while fighting Accel and a ton of other characters. He should die from debris. He should die from shrapnel. He should die from pressure changes.

Unless precognition also magically turns his body into titanium.

>Touma and Accel were the main reasons why S2 sales collapsed
The sales only dropped off when the fillers started. Which is why Railgun T goes out of its way to denounce them, becauase everyone loved the Sisters arc and everyone hated the filler arc. Any more shit you want to make up there, salesfag?

Misaki and Mikoto are both yandere for you and want you to marry one of them. How do you escape?

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Hey buddy, its all the same universe. You got meme'd into thinking this was a yurifag fantasy by a retard director.

>The sales only dropped off when the fillers started.

Bullshit. Just google it.

Touma is easily the worst part of the series

>Touma and Accel were the main reasons why S2 sales collapsed. And this season isn't even doing that good. Sales will be mediocre and it has 3x less views on streaming sites than series like Bofuri. Shoving so much Index crap into Railgun was a bad decision.
>Railgun will never again get even close to S1 popularity and forcing male characters where they don't belong is the main reason for that.
I agree with you on all points.

>vol 1 - 19,119
>vol 2 - 17,591
>vol 3 - 16,974
>vol 4 - 16,798
>vol 5 - 16,784
>vol 6 - 16,214 ---> Filler starts here
>vol 7 - 16,046
>vol 8 - 15,855

>nooooooooo a dick appeared to save misakiii how daree heee reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesifdashofjhdosfjdas[fjiqwjf[qwejfdifqwuhf

being this mad.
Top fucking keek !

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I for one am enjoying a grand total of 3 anons going into cardiac arrest over this

Absolutely BTFO

Cancerous piece of shits. Feels great seeing you crying again.

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Of which 2 are probably faking to get replies

Don't worry. There's going to be an arc right after this where Touma's nowhere to be found and Mikoto still fails to prove herself a convincing main character.

>Faggot, he should literally die from shock waves alone while fighting Accel
Accel was fucking around until he got punched, which by the way, he should have been completely knocked out from since he took a fucking haymaker to the face when he never experience pain before. The rest of the fight he basically had a fucking concussion and still Touma needed outside help to win. The narration makes it abundantly clear later on that if Accel fights him calmly, Touma gets completely fucked.

>and a ton of other characters
Touma loses all the fucking time. He has a worse win-loss record than Mikoto, Accel, etc. Infact, most of his later wins are because he teamed up with someone to take down the badguy, kind of like whats happening right fucking now. Ofcourse youre a retarded yurinigger that doesnt pay attention and just assumes he wins everything when he doesnt.

>He should die from debris. He should die from shrapnel. He should die from pressure changes.
Its almost like its been hinted for 40 something novels that he isnt normal and that his body has super human endurance levels.

Anything else?