If your waifu is in this image, she's objectively shit. Free yourself

If your waifu is in this image, she's objectively shit. Free yourself.

Attached: a7e673f40ad162d9fcf7037a06dfa9ec8b13cdad.jpg (580x548, 123.4K)

She's not on that image, so I guess she is fine

please put rem in that image

Almost wrong

Attached: New Official Shit Taste List.jpg (2020x6500, 3.65M)

no yoko so I am fine


What the fuck is the image supposed to be about. Most popular girl from their respective show?

I also hate every single character ever.

what are these, girls for ants

Attached: 1576712046381.png (400x225, 98.77K)

Attached: 1581524626512.jpg (1656x6000, 3.05M)

>my wife is in there
Fuck you too OP


Yes, that monkey can't get it up unless it's an abusive cunt like houki.

Too bad she's to fucking dumb to be on that image so that's safe.

Attached: SMH.png (720x1080, 675.76K)

Mediocre Shit

Attached: 1513628273203.jpg (1716x1008, 740.95K)

>my waifu is in the special mentions to good girls in Yas Forums

i knew she was perfect already but it still makes me happy to see

Attached: 740030.png (2560x1440, 931.7K)

oops i realize one says worst girl now but still fuck u she's perfect

this shitter is

Attached: needs more rape.jpg (1055x1152, 328.59K)

Shit taste, here's the real chart

Attached: realchart.jpg (2030x6000, 3.56M)

Attached: unknown.png (1204x828, 1.43M)

>full of shit
Checks out

back off

What exactly is the criteria for these charts?

she's not
but some of these aren't shit, you contrarian nigger

>I don't like these characters
>lets make a list

Attached: kurisususousou.png (788x670, 411.85K)

Best waifus: Girls I like
Worst waifus: Girls I don't like

Are not trash tier
Even if I am an Asukafag, Rei is top tier

Attached: unknown.png (524x295, 177.28K)

needs more jpeg user-kun.

Unohana/Historia/Cammy Chad signing in

No, she's a pig dishusting /u/fag.

are you some kind of masochist?

If you pick any girl besides Tomoyo you are objectionably wrong. She has no personality and not even her death is interesting enough to carry her route, so she has to take her daughter with her.

>more than one girl
You disgust me, normalfag.

She's not, but my waifu's waifu is in there so I feel genuinely insulted.

Attached: IMG_3133.png (285x281, 15.59K)

>wanting to share your waif

Very unfortunate.

Are you fucking serious?


You're the one "coping", you Yas Forums transplant.
Fuck off and be a scumbag elsewhere.

Scientific data to guaranty the integrity of this list.

Hit me with that scientific data then nerd

Tsurara is cute faggot

Did I insult your waifu. I am so sorry user. She's great, she can smile, and breed, I guess she can also cook and bake... she is awesome. What a unique and inspiring character.

No, you insulted yourself and your supposed waifu, retard.


Lie on the floor and measure the angle of your dick to your chest while thinking about each girl.


Attached: 1582590181876.png (1074x1517, 764.02K)

How so, please help me out here, apparently I am too retarded to figure it out by myself.

>all dxd girls
You aren't even fucking trying, are you?

Aqua is S tier, period.

You want other people to pick Tomoyo as their waif.
That's literal cuckold shit, hence me calling you a cuckold.

S tier = Shit tier.

I am so dead.

Attached: ed.png (768x531, 535.55K)

user can you read
>shit tier list

Attached: tsukihime55_0008_0009.jpg (1456x1053, 181.66K)

not that user but yes, yes I'd be for Unohana

Attached: the-first-Kenpachi.jpg (350x263, 22.22K)

What about this little homo?

Attached: 1560908317370.jpg (600x888, 615.02K)

Cute tier.

>in Yas Forums
This chart was made by an angry spic that got butthurt about people calling her waifu shit.

>Here let me get the first anime girl image that comes up when googling a random series' name and put it in my pic
At least put effort in your shitposting faggot

Attached: harusleep.gif (600x338, 1.28M)

Whatever the shitposter has on his mind while shitposting