They are cute and canon

They are cute and canon.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gays? I don't like 'em.


but I like you

Was Touma a well-written gay character?

did Taichi at least put benis in bagina?


So how do you think it went? Consensus seems to be Taichi made the first move.

Yes, especially by manga standards.


What's the sex like?

Stop being delus--- oh, no

Who's the top

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They switch, for maximum pleasure

I wonder what does their parents think of them.

I can't believe he's uncucked.

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Touma bottoms for the first few times just to ease Tai but it didn't take long for Tai to understand the pleasure of taking it up the ass.
The Ichinoses must really be gobsmacked about everything, think about it.
>Hey I'm moving in with my childhood friend, Touma
>Also he didn't go to college
>And he's gay
>I'm also gay
>We're engaged btw
But Touma's parents literally can't say anything...

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>getting Futaba’s used goods while she went off to get chads

R they faggots?


He had 2 years to do it. But they barely even hugged that much before that. Kinda weird that Taichi didn't really seem sexually interested in Futaba or vice versa.

Lots of handholding and looking at each other's face.

He used the goods before she did.

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It’s surreal that it’s actually true.

is this official art or fanart? wht do these words say?

Feels great reading the story again knowing Touma doesn't suffer forever

Taichi looks too tall for it to be official

taichi is only tall in the top left and thats because hes two stairs higher

We know next to nothing about Taichi's parents, but this page and the one after are pretty telling. Dad tells him off, and his mom waits quietly for him to leave the room before comforting him. She'll probably love him no matter what, but I'd bet his dad threatened to disown him/won't acknowledge them.

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There's also this.
Futaba's parents appeared in the extras. Maybe we'll get something.

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I wish that were me

Wonder if the tanks will have an extra chapter or something.

Never heard about this trash of a series since some fags decided to spam a few threads with it. Barely anyone reads this shit it doesn't warrant any threads on Yas Forums Enjoy the bump before you hit page 10

Touma was great, Taichi was not

ah fuck, didn't notice that, thx

Taichi is bi though.

>Barely anyone reads this shit it doesn't warrant any threads on Yas Forums
>there were threads for every chapter since anons story timed it early on
>we've had like 20 ending threads now
Sure, nobody read this newfag-kun

Taichi was bi, and he was actually pretty well written.

chad gets the girl (male) again

Never said he wasn't, I thought the hints early were good; but it felt like it was leading up to Taichi acknowledging that himself rather then just ending with "your my friend!" timeskip into marriage.

How does Taichi land someone so out of his league?

Taichi homosexuality is lazy af. A good homo story would have focused on both. He never ever acknowledged internally if he was into cocks. If this was developed even in a couple of pages, then ok. But there were no development just a stupid wedding ring. This is a slap in the other cheek, the first one was from YoI.

>the first one was from YoI.
yoi was always pandering dogshit though

Those fucking HANDS

Learned from the best.

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It’s fanart from twitter.
The first words from the bottom right text are “thank you ao no flag”, the two bubbles on the right say something along the lines “make an anime, please”.
My gaijin brain can’t decipher the rest.

>He never ever acknowledged internally if he was into cocks
That's because the manga is purposefully written and drawn in such a way that you're supposed to start questioning his reactions along with him, not read 'I realize I might like cocks' on the corner of a page. The ambiguity was there all along if you just take the time to notice.

Is AnD fully scanned yet? Last I remember I had read volume 8

This is fanart, right?


I would just buy the rest.


>yoi was always pandering dogshit though
You’re right but Kaito failed hard too. It was like Touma spoke for all the homos in the world, and Taichi didn’t deserve any development because “one homo explains the rest”.

Yas Forums just can't let go huh?
That's fine though, I don't mind. I really wish to live until the time when homo endings in manga won't cause such huge turmoil and meltdown but rather be a common (or at least not so fucking rare/extreme) thing.

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>paying for digital only release

Volume 1-10 rips are up on madokami.
Seems 11 is only getting TL'd later this year.

The toothbrushes showed up in the "we broke up" monologue, doesn't that imply it was Futaba's toothbrush from when they were together?

Where are the fanfics?

>mirin Touma every two pages
>Futaba in chibi mode 90% of the time
He's barely bi tbqh

I have just two words to comment on this bizarre situation:

At least you're consistently wrong. I'm not sure what kind of story you wanted but it sounds like it doesn't match the shows you're picking.

We take the scraps we can get.
At least L'etranger du plage is getting a film.

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No, the toothbrushes were in the present time. Futaba and Taichi's breakup was 5 years before that.

In the end he saw her as a hamster.

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>L'etranger du plage
fucking franponais

Are you under the impression that would spell the end of meltdowns? HOAD was invented with het ends where readers blew their lids when painfully telegraphed, cliche hetero couples ended up together.

kii kanna must be a frenchaboo

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