My Hero Academia: Vigilantes

Chapter 75 is OUT!


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Koichi is a good boy

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who could THAT possible be?

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aw shit

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oh fuck off did he really meet AfO?

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Damn, so he really did meet the big guy. I have to wonder though: Why did AFO let him live?

cute smile

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>you were always a true hero

saw it coming but still nice

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Hawks's would be 17 in this series, didn't he get his start at 18?

I'm getting sad bros. This really is the endgame

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Why can't I read this on mangaplus?

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you can read it here:

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Probably just wanted his quirk.

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its a meta page for the readers most likely

wait whats even the crime for removing it?

last page. Soga's a tsun, koichi is determined

given the way the main series and this one is going, how would you implement koichi and pop into the main story? Smart or stupid, go nuts

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>it unlawfull to remove the queen bee
excuse me?

Don't you need to "kill" the host first?

How did you think his quirk was stolen?

This series is some how more entertaining than the original

its definetly not illegal for a hero to kill a villian, they just need to resurect this one after that

Haven't like 3 years gone by in vigilantes or something like that? Koiichi's out of college and Pop is in high school now.

so are heroes aware of the bee or not?
this makes it seem like they know but would rather not bother with it

honestly just a background cameo, anything big would kill the point

this is honestly better than the main story, and does a better job of fleshing out Hero Society.

I'm sure this spinoff is to help flesh out the world BnHA takes place in. It's canon to the main line manga.

I'd have them pop up during the big final battle where every hero is fighting whatever the final enemy is, but they're evacuating people instead of fighting. Maybe give them a page or two to hear their thoughts on whatever's going on.

Deku dies and gives OFA to Koichi.

I don't want to open this can of worms again, but pages like this always make the difference between Koichi and Deku feel staggering to the point I ask myself why the latter is the MC of the main series and not the former.

from what i've seen, a lot of people seem to also think that koichi is a better mc than deku

Koichi is the guy who knows the true essence of a hero, as this chapter stated. The important thing is the heart, not the power, which is the idea that the main series touched on in its first chapter but quickly decimated when Deku gained OfA. Now if only the one All Might meets is Koichi instead of Deku, it'll feel much more earned instead of being seen as a convenience.

It's pretty much confirmed that Koichi hangs up the Crawler after this arc, so neither would be showing up in any capacity as heroes. Given his determination here, maybe Koichi will be put in jail for breaking whatever laws are required to save Pop?

He's too pure. Eliminate him before he infects others.

The difference is that Deku never had a quirk so being a capital 'H' Hero was always impossible for him and he spent his childhood getting dunked on by everyone including his only mother. Koichi has a quirk however he was conditioned to think it was useless so he could have always tried for an actual license if he wanted.

That Deku never devoted himself to pubic works and community service is the noteworthy, especially for the arguments that point out that Deku could have become a cop, fireman, etc. But I don't begrudge Deku not going that route because depression is a bitch and he was also a middle schooler by the time the series started.

>so are heroes aware of the bee or not?
As of now, I assume no. However for some reason if they did know the method of removing the queen bee is somehow too much work and unlawful. Both of which reek of plot contrivance.

He did at least say its only a crime for anyone not a hero or police. Cause you need to kill the host before the queen can be removed, and all.

>Cause you need to kill the host before the queen can be removed, and all.
I forgot that's how that worked.

>heroes are just glorified cops
nothing we didn't know from the main manga

Well, if the heroes brought along someone who can instantly resuscitate a dead person, then it might be fine.

This letter from Knuckleduster reminds me of the end of the first chapter in the main manga. It's a similar scene, with a subtle difference.
>All Might: you can become a hero
>Knuckle: you already are a hero

To be fair, the first statement lacks context: it's about Deku earning the right to aspire to be a licensed hero under the understanding that he can be granted the miracle of a transferable quirk, but it's still quite a contrast in message.

Your boy's getting Nomu'd by the end of this.

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Cloudman already got Nomu'd so we've hit our quota for the spin-off.

Calling it now, Koichi is the High End PROOOOOHHH

The last chapter of this will be his introduction in the Hospital raid. Along with a La Brava Nomu

Maybe shortly after All Might dies we have a scene where Deku is staring at the AM Kamino statue. Then Koichi shows up
and starts a little conversation along the lines of:
>These days are pretty tough for All Might fans like us

>Deku will fight Koichi to prove who is the real hero

>a true hero
>my hero

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Thanks for dumping. I'd love to see the spinoff getting animated as well. As others have mentioned, I think Kouichi is closer to what comes to my mind when I think of a hero. Vigilante managed to stick to the theme of what it means to be a hero and KD's letter is a nice summation to what makes Kouichi stand out and how his world view had a positive effect on his surroundings. In the instances where the main series remembers that Deku is the main character, the focus is mostly on the technical aspects of him getting stronger and he isn't really challenged on his morals or POV. Sure, Deku works hard and is a good guy, but I want to see his character put to the test. The one time where he ended up in a somewhat interesting situation was when he opposed Gentle, where he ultimately came off more as an aggressor than Gentle did, the actual antagnoist of the arc. The main series did lay some groundwork how the hero society is in a somewhat fucked state as well (e.g. Stain's motive, the liberation army, the backstory of some of Shigaraki's group members), though Deku still remains pretty sheltered from these issues. We see him grow in power and not as a person. As such, Deku is atm still a "cog in the machine" as mentioned in and I find it easier to root for someone like Kouichi until the main series fixes that.

PS: would be kinda nice to have a nod from the main series towards Vigilante, to have Kouichi turn up as a side character for an arc or two and have him share his insights with Deku, when at some point he does run into a situation that puts him at odds with what hero society thinks of as heroic.

Sure, if you want the fanbase to burn the volumes they've bought.

Impeccable taste.

My man out here just hanging out holding brain stems like it’s nbd
Also, is this supposed to be the doc’s lab or just, like, a side facility?