One Piece


Why is Oda hyping them up? Why do people still defend hack writing?

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zorobros stay winning

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SaNami a best. A best!

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>Jinbei has no personality

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>*gets ntr'd*

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Would Nami find this attractive?

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What will you do if turns out Carrot stayed on the sunny instead of jumping off with Shishilian?

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Dude you dont even now their faces nor powers, stop the shitposting, if you dont like One Piece read something else

Shipping cartoon characters is literally incel cuckoldry

He needs more goofy moments. He definitely has had them, but they've been infrequent. Now that we've finally reached this point I can only hope we get some good comedic moments with him and the rest of the crew.

God, i can't wait to see Linlin in a kimono bros.

Why are they raiding Onigashima anyway? Kaido can still 1-2 shot Luffy who is the strongest they have and so can Big Mom. Wtf are they hoping to achieve?

Based & redpilled

made for fish cocks

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We know two of them, Drake and Page One. Page One jobbed to Sanji, the alpha jobber.

Wonder why she didn't join in.

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He's nothing if not consistent.

Nothing, i'm not convinced either way on her joining or not. I just want people to shut the fuck up about it.

Yes, especially if he has a suit on

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because Oda realized the current bunch of clowns called the Kaido crew isn't threatening enough, and he's right

>Poor little navigator

I'm genuinely sweating at the mere shadow of her changing

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I wouldn't be surprised. She's one of the biggest supporting characters in this saga and I wouldn't be surprised if she had some kind of battle with Perospero after what happened with Pedro. She deserves more attention than the musketeers.

I still dont see her joining the fucking crew. Just look at her framing the past two chapters, it's no different from how Kinemon & Co just kinda hovered around on the ships deck while they were guests on the Sunny, leaving the camera when pirate shit was happening.

Nami was only mad here because of Absalom's tiny gorilla penis.

>chromatic aberration

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>Rocks Pirates? Literally who?

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my dime on Jack

I would lick her clean afterwards

imagine being surprised that a yonko's crew is supposed to have powerful members in the upper ranks

I want to massage Sanji's feet

This meme is likely going to be short-lived but I'm going to enjoy it until its end

You know what, being an assistant in Kenshin, I am half expecting Oda to put some reference in there for the flying six.

Is One Piece the shonen that treats its main cast of characters the worst?
Each arc is primarily about some newly introduced characters.
The goals of the main characters and their journey is always an afterthought.
Some members aren't seen for years and when we get to see them again, they don't even get to be major parts of the story again.
Why even bother to make the crew so big if you don't treat the members like they are valuable?
Then some new fag shows up and outshines the old members in every way and sucks the energy out of every character interaciton.


this picture was made by a man or a lesbian and it shows

You wont get a real answer here with how many Oda dicksuckers are in here

One of them have nice legs

Shit chapter for Sanjob:
>out of the monster trio to join the amateur quatuor (those for which fight is only their second speciality)
>Nami and Carrot jump on Jimbe (Robin didn't do it because she's classy but we know what she thinks about Jimbe)

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I responded to you last thread right as it was dying.

>Then some new fag shows up and outshines the old members in every way and sucks the energy out of every character interaciton.
Are you just mad about Jinbe joining?
Because Brook was immediately made out to be a mid-tier who's own fight got ursurped by Zoro in Thriller Bark.

Is there a shonen where this doesn't happen? It's always end up like this, only the main character and his rival stay relevant

yeah cus its correct

is apoo part of the flying fucks?

Negima? I'd say Kingdom too if it were Shounen.

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>the chapter is so good the shitposters are seething

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cus it's completely oblivious on how non-horny people think

Isnt that his reaction to seeing under Nami's outfit. She was literally pointing her ass to him. Really small outfit btw

I'm really interested in who Kaido's son is. I hope it's just a NEET.

>A man like Caesar should be dead
Any guesses on what other characters Oda thinks deserve to die?

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Sanji would secretly watch this in his raid suit

Has Oda been giving Nami an ahoge throughout all of Wano?


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Seeing Brook struggle was endearing.
Meanwhile the boring fat fish just is the best at everything and everybody loves him despite him being a character who is as developed as Qui Gon Jinn.

Post-TS One Piece is like the Star Wars Prequels. Turns out Oda is as bad when it comes to writing characters as George Lucas.

those fodder guards were vice admiral level
strawhats are all leveled up

If Hawkins isn't then Apoo sure as hell isn't either

>This tiny panel is the reason why people are suddenly upset about the main cast treatment

Please Oda, just kill them so we can finally have closure for our favorite characters. Then you can make the rest of your shit story about fat fish fags and other fags.

>implying nami isn't horny as a hound dog

Good on Usopp protecting the weakling duo.

Dad? Binks' sake? It's for old farts, I only listen to the Pirate Rap.

Jack is Kaidos son. The fake horns and covering of his teeth is all to hide how much he took after his mother.

observing the enemy is the first step in battle

I rather see them die gloriously then end up being remembered as comedic relief NPCs once the manga end

>Oda told that speedreader to reread Punk Hazard
BTFO by the author himself holy fucking shit. I bet he killed himself

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Yeah why is no one talking about this.
Who the fuck is Kaidos son

Good job OPbros, after watching the entire anime 2 times I fell for the "read the manga it's much better" meme, I'm at chapter 620 and still prefer to watch the anime with the ost and the voice of the seiyuu in Kai even though the drawings are prettier.

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Drake - F6
Apoo - Numbers

>jinbe haters

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Carrotfags got BTFO this chapter

I really shouldn't enjoy this meme as much as I do

I am Kaidos son

>Sauron now can make small precise cuts with Enma when a week ago he couldn't cut down a tree without cutting a cliff
Yeah, I'm thinking that Sauron has massively improved his reiatsu and is now much stronger than before.

Then Oda a hack. She was always ready to fight before. Why would she hide?

>sanjayfags on suicidewatch

But are they wrong though?

Still loses to Jimmy


Wanda stopped her.

Katakuri's dad.

>Kaido's is a shut-in
>become one of the most liked character on Yas Forums for being relatable and easy to make memes about character

jinbe is stronger thatn luffy

>Oda postponing the new SH banquet so that Vivi can join party
How kind

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Not really.

And Zoro is stronger than Jimbei

woah there edgyfag, dont worry they will show their bankai when the battle starts dont worry.

She was sacrificed

Yes, really.

Talk about delusional

user, Vivi is dead.

Makes sense.

if you say so

Why did Sabo do this, bros? Is he yandere for Luffy?


shes stuck being Ims sex slave

I actually like Jinbe better than the majority of the crew, and saying he has no development is an absolute lie when he's probably got the most detailed history and in-your-face development of any Grand Line crewmate who's not Robin. We know perfectly well who he is, why he's powerful, how he came to be like this and his interpersonal relationships with the World Government, Sun Pirates, Ryugu Kingdom and Whitebeard Pirates throughout the past few decades.

He's a guy who's used to shouldering the world. He took it on himself to be the hope of his race after Tiger and Otohime died, trying to find a bridge between their methods, and threw away his own personal ambitions as a result. He's built up his power and influence for everyone but himself, and when he finally got the invitation to join the Straw Hats he constantly lied to himself about how Luffy is just the man who will break down the racial barrier instead of "he's a kid I like a lot, his crew seems fun."

He's got the same arc as Robin. Learning to live his own life. Except its through the lens of samurai honor bullshit instead of a traumatic Cinderella story.

Nami is at least bi and would join a threesome with another gal.

Nami a dyke


No wonder I never liked that hoe

BASED! Hetfags BTFO.

Nah Vivi is used goods. Im-sama deserves better.


Is there really anything wrong with Jinbe joining? He's accomplished more than the second half of the crew put together and this was before becoming an official member. The Straw Hats are in desperate need of more power if Sanji is still jobbing to mid-tiers even with the Raid Suit and Oda refuses to do anything significant with Franky. Also, he survived an attack that killed the first major character of the series and escaped from a Yonkou with no major injuries, what could possibly kill him at this point?

>and when he finally got the invitation to join the Straw Hats he constantly lied to himself about how Luffy is just the man who will break down the racial barrier instead of "he's a kid I like a lot, his crew seems fun."
Maximum headcanon.

The dead one is cobra. He was retarded enough to ask about the Poneglyphs to the ones that nuked a island for the same reason.