The most beautiful scene in anime

Prove me wrong.

Also general Misato image dump thread

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the great thing about misato is she would put out for anyone on Yas Forums if shes willing to settle for shinji


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Bruh what Shinji is a 14 year old who literally saved the human race and time and time again braved death and displayed heroism and virtue

Most ret/a/rds cant even get out of bed


The most beautiful scene cannot exist without best girl, pic related

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I don't even know who that is.
Misato is best girl, and you know this to be true.

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>being this new

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sorry I just don't have time to watch garbage.

Shut the FUCK up, Sataniafag.

ruined both characters in a split second
Fucking disgusting only self inserts liked that, kill yourself


oh no it's the purist again.

Ritsuko and Misato reminds me of Big Boss and Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid. I swear that's because Kojima stole Evangelion from Anno.

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Anno is a troll, never forget this.

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Do you have any connections for that? All I come up with is that Misato has an important parent and a gun, and Ritsuko has a mom who becomes a computer.

Misato and Ritsuko are both evil mother figures to Rei, whom I'm imagining as Solid Snake, because they don't like her. Meanwhile, Asuka's the arrogant Liquid, because she looks superior to Rei.

this scene never happened

Not even the most beautiful in the franchise.

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>hey shinji, get in the robot and i'll let you fuck me afterwards
>fastforward a couple million years
>shinji you fucking dumbass, you destroyed the world
>why the fuck did you get in the robot?

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>He thinks NGE and Rebuild are in the same timeline

user, I...

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Let's see....
On one side, I have a highly qualified secret agent, who has proven her worth with conventional weapons, is more than capable of driving vehicles in tough conditions, and can handle a bullet to the chest for the better part of three minutes.

In the middle, I have an expendable clone which hasn't proven any skill outside of her giant robot shell, and although she obeys orders, is probably not the best choice in a tactical situation. Also prone to breaking every single bone in her body.

And finally, a psychopathic little brat who isn't even that good with her giant robot, has no combat capabilities whatsoever, is prone to disobeying orders, and is missing an eye.

The choice is relatively easy to make.

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14 is the legal age of consent so technically not a pedo

Who cares, it's only creepy if it's old guy/young girl. Older woman (especially if she's hot) with a young guy is based

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no one under the age of 70 wears their pants that high

misatofags are even more pathetic than people who waifu rei or asuka. those two are not only half her age but have to deal with way more traumatic shit. they have justifications for acting like retards. meanwhile misato is an adult and still can't get over her daddy issues even after the goddamn apocalypse
"haha I like her because she's an adult so I can feel ok masturbating to her and she's an alcoholic that doesn't clear her room like me so I can relate to how we're both failures" is all misatofags can say to justify liking this character once you strip away all the bullshit

>"haha I like her because she's an adult so I can feel ok masturbating to her and she's an alcoholic that doesn't clear her room like me so I can relate to how we're both failures" is all misatofags can say to justify liking this character once you strip away all the bullshit

Still better than Asuka and Rei autists.
>"ughhh me likey young booby in skin tight suit dey so sexy i give da fuk even tho one is autism other is dumb bitch omg i coooooooooooooom congratz man!!"

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God I wish that were me
>TFW you didn't get sexually abused by your hot foster mom as a teenager

why even live

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nah the reason we like Misato is because she is a functionning human being, unlike Rei who is a fken robot, and Asuka who is a psychopath.
Yeah, sure, she's a bit disorganised and she drinks n smokes. That doesn't affect her abilities as a tactician, and for that, she's best girl. PERIOD.

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He didn't. They had pity on him because his mom became a giant robot that could only be turned on by him.

>still not 404'ed

That maid is the best girl

There was a Misato thread up yesterday till this morning so that can explain the lack of dump.

Using the world "general" doesn't mean this is a general thread. It isn't being serially created for one

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I want to lick Rei's toes desu

kill yourself


god I want to give her used-up pussy a massive creampie

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>is missing an eye


Asukafags and Reifags have been fighting against each other, because every time a Misatochad steps in the ring, he obliterates them.

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I would literally kill for a Misato in my life. No, I mean it, literally. I would literally stab a man to death and giggle happily while doing it if I knew that doing so would manifest a Misato gf in my life. FBI, take note, I am willing to literally murder another human being for my perfect waifu. This is dedication, glowniggers, DE-DI-FUCKING-CATION!

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Who is this person again?

Then why didn't you count Shikinami's curse of Eva Mary Sue superpowers? Like her super strength that can shatter reinforced glass. She would be the best as a fighter

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>because every time a Misatochad steps in the ring, he obliterates them.
But I can´t argue with that, my fellow connoisseur of mature and complex women.

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>Maybe if I can give this kid a boner he'll fucking do something

Literally her internal monologue during this scene.
Stop self-inserting as Shinji.

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Misato is literally my sister and my sister sucks.

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>stop self inserting as Shinji

tbf the only character in Eva I ever self-inserted as is Ryoji.

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Try gendo


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Can I get the number of your sister tho? I´m white, 24, 186cm and fit, German and have a bachelor, so a pretty good deal, honestly.

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