Worst. Kirara. Adaptation. Ever

Worst. Kirara. Adaptation. Ever.

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It's a great shame. The manga art actually looks really nice and soft, but the anime is one of the ugliest I've ever seen.

I kinda like the old style design. Granted, it's most likely nostalgia speaking.

Dumb Yas Forumstard, you don't even like or watch Kirara anime.

Koisuru Asteroid was boring and mediocre, but at least it had pretty art and cute characters

Yuru Camp. Yuyushiki. Hidamari Sketch. New Game. Machikado Mazoku. Stella no Mahou. Maybe you should watch better shows?

>overhyped normalfag-tier swill
>no Kanamemo, Koufuku Graffiti, Comic Girls, or Anima Yell
Okay, Yas Forumsoomer.

How many more times are you going to make this thread? Just drop the show and watch something else you whiny bitch.

He won't since he is trying to start a fanbase war.

They’ll post all season in the show’s threads. And the next. And the next. “The newest kirara is the worst”.

Can't people just accept that the show just isn't that good and not every Kirara show is good?

But that would mean accepting opinions you don't like and acknowledging Yas Forums isn't a bubble

>Asteroid was boring.
>didn't even bother with this.
Not like this Kirara..

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I'm a big Kirara fan and even I thought Koisuru Asteroid wasn't that good. Now Tamayomi seems like it will be even worse, which disappoints me since I'm a big fan of the manga artist's work.

The quality of the anime is irrelevant to the question whether it's necessary to blogpost your anime reviews multiple times in every thread, or even create dedicated shitposting threads for it. You could do it for the worst show ever made and it would still be autistic as fuck.

The next kirara adaptation will be the next worst.


Looks fine to me

Sports shows just never appealed to me, even throwing in a ton of girls only raises my interest my a little bit.

I like "cute girls doing cute X" shows, but X should never be competitive sports.

>anima yell
The only Yas Forumsigger here is you


I'm enjoying it so far. I suspect you you feel threatened by it being all girls proving men aren't needed in the story, and the yuri undertones in the episodes so far.

It's the studio that adapted Kanamemo. It can't be bad.

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I like yuri. I don't like bad staff doing a terrible job.

You do like bumping cancer threads though.

I watched it last week and I loved it. I wish I hadn't put it off while it was airing.

sorry for your loss

I haven't watched it, but based on what I've heard that title probably belongs to Merry.

it's okayish, the season is already bad enough to be picky



The production values completely ruin the fanservice aspect, or the cuteness factor, so yes it's pretty bad, but let's not forget last season's Koisuru Asteroid.

I don't agree or disagree, but why did you make the same thread twice?

Because you people keep replying to obvious bait. If you really have to, sage it.

What's bait in it though?
I'm still watching it, but yes, it should be punishable when a series is reduced to this level of animation.
Random school people made me actually think protag has stepped into a flashmob in first episode.

>What's bait in it though?
The fact that he's opening the same exact thread.

The same exact thread was made yesterday and can be found in the archive. This thread will happen again.

Maybe he's just upset, and wanna rant about something that bothers him deeply?
I mean I'm kinda agree myself, can't remember the last properly animated Kirara show, when a high tier production can make them very enjoyable and financial hits, they keep making these shows cheaper than any story orientated series, not noticing that these shows literally strive on enjoyable visuals and direction, or they don't work.

You don't need stellar animation to have a good show. Cinderella 9 was a qualityfest but it was enjoyable because it had good character interactions. And don't say Tamayomi doesn't even have that, we only got two episodes and they're still forming the team.
The animations aren't even that bad, people are really exaggerating.

The visuals is by far the worst in for fucking ever, and yes, it's that bad.
Given, I still enjoy the show, but at the same time I'm fucking angry.
You don't see this kind of poor quality anywhere else but on cute girls shows.

>The visuals is by far the worst in for fucking ever
>You don't see this kind of poor quality anywhere else but on cute girls shows.
Cute girl shows wish they were as visually avant-garde as my friend Hädena's still currently airing show.

convince me to watch your friend's show

Counterpoint: Girls und Panzer

That is just all around bad, it really has no saving grace.

ok i'll download a batch release

>he doesn't know

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>klrarashit gets fucked
Absolutely based studio knows kirarashit is bottom of the barrel drivel, aimed at mouth breathing subhumans called "yurifags".
Kiraratrash is the same recycled bullshit and I'm glad Japan is finally waking up, and treating their works like the trashy isekai tier garbage that they are.
Low effort for every kirara work from now on, and full QUALITY please. Even Dogakobo doesn't give a fuck about their boring feces manga anymore.

You will eat your shit and like it, yuricuck.

>don't even like or watch Kirara anime.
Nobody sane or with taste should

>he doesn't remember all the retards bitching about "forced animation" in the masterpiece Slow Start

Worst taste on Yas Forums right now, Pleb.

>I'm a big Kirara fan
So you have shit taste? noted

Based, even the tripfag can see kirarashit for what it is

It will be as shit as every other kirarashit

Nice edit of OP's post you retard, good to see his opinion made you mad

>I'm enjoying it so far
Because you have shit taste

>muh stronk wymen
>what's wrong, feel threatened that men don't exist and aren't needed? accept feminism
>you must be a antiyurifag or a hater who dislikes yuri undertones if you dislike kirara's latest pile of shitty fast food moe anime
Cringe, Read this thread s/u/bhuman, even your own kind thinks its fucking trash. Go defend it on /u/ you fucking contrarian white knight, since you need to defend any yuri trash low effort kirara show, like the little yurisimp you are.

Are you having a seizure, literal dick sucker?

>crying fag
I love this song

>if you dislike objectively bad shows with no men in the cast but lots of girls, you're a antiyurifag who feels threatened by their "gay" undertones
Kill yourself

>hanayamata mangaka
no chance of being bad

Yas Forums just hates SoL now
I suggest going to a secret club website instead since this is shonen central

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>if a piece of shit was shat out by someone with similar tastes to mine than panders to me (yurifaggotry), i must say it tastes good no matter what, and anyone who dislikes it is a seething hater and my enemy (antiyurifag)
Lobotomize yourself freak

how scary, good vocabulary for a 12 years old tho

Kirara have standards?
I though all you need to do is put a bunch of generic lolis and kirarafags will eat it up
fuck off faggot
shounenshit and moeshit are both trash

i'm sure you watch anime for intellectuals user

Not very typical for them.
And Kirara is fine, but they get cheap ass adaptations which they are fine with, so they can fuck off.
Also the user I answered to is 100 percent a shounenfag.

yurifags barely give a shit about kirara because it's mostly yuribait

>Not very typical for them
>Kirara is fine
You're a deluded individual if you believe this

There are shows that look bad but have enjoyable stories and characters, and thus people still enjoy them (Kemono Friends is a good example)
There are shows that look good, but the characters and stories just don't appeal to a lot of people (Koisuru Asteroid or Slow Start I think fall into this category).
There are shows that look good and have enjoyable stories and characters (K-ON, Gochiusa and NNB are some examples).
Then there are shows that both look bad, and do not have appealing stories or characters - Tamayomi falls into this category.
You are free to like whatever you want, but the fact is, some shows are just not as good as others, and Tamayomi, unless it can really fix itself quickly, is not a particularly good show.

Mostly agree, but Koisuru Asteroid looked horrible.

kirara magazine becoming a Yas Forums household name was a mistake