Majikoi Friday

Where my majiCHADs at???

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I was surprised to see how good the dynamics between Yamato and Lee were in her route. She definitely became one of my favorites.

I'm sorry dude but Stacy belongs to Momoyo!

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>Halfway through A-3 the Centipede becomes the Caterpillar
How did this happen?


What happened to the weekly muv luv and Majikoi threads.

Years ago I read and re read the first majikoi and some of Majikoi S, but it wasn't fully translated. Is it finished by now? Are there any other translated sequels I can read?

Doing my first read through right now.

Only in July but Miyako is best girl easily.

Yes its translated upto A3

MajiCHAD reporting in. And I have a very important announcement, but is only for premium anons.

This but unironically.

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Best route
But best girls are Momoyo and Yukie

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Those are really good girls.
But this, THIS ONE , is really precious. The epitome of human evolution.

Cute tomboy

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Replaying Benkei's route. Seeing her sulking in all A-3 routes whenever Yamato mentionned being into another girl made me feel sorry for her.
A mistake, they are correcting all the typos and errors like this and will release a new patch.
A fag mod kept deleting them on sight for months.

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>ywn fluff that hair

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>ywn have your own Benkei

How does Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road compare to Majikoi?

Reminder that you are a shame to the Naoe family if you ever pick Tsubame.

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What about the second route were Yamato wears the trousers? Still worst girl though.

He is still going out with a girl who lied to him and his friends.

Momoyo a best, but Benkei a very very very close second

>bait and switch
>slut and a dyke
>NTRs boys constantly
>makes you do a retarded school battle to accept your confession
Momoyo a shit.

This is best girl the other's are skipable

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Sorry uploaded the wrong file

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>Trying to seduce the motherfucking Goddess of War
>Make a half assed confession
>Get rejected
>wtf why isn't she bouncing on my dick?

Because Momoyo is for a big orgy

>NTRs boys constantly
You mean Cap asking her out?
That's NTR to you??

She's everyone propertie, like Medaka.Everyone can fuck her

I'm talking about all the sluts that she seduced. Some of them probably had boyfriends.
I don't have a problem with her rejecting him the first time. I have a problem that this story was resolved through a fucking school competition. She rejected him because he forgot the ambition that he displayed as a kid.

And he decided to use the Kawakami War as a mean to rise above her, if it didn't happen he would've found something else, I see no problem with it.

Tehn Momoyo should ask their boyfriends to join the orgy, she's a slut so no porblem

>She rejected him because he forgot the ambition that he displayed as a kid.
Dude what
She remembers everything clearly, it was just that Yamato not doing his best to achieve that ambition
After he changed himself and became a better man, she accepted him.

That's what he said user.

yeah my bad, I thought he said "she forgot the ambition he displayed as a kid"

No problem friend.

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Had too much Kawakami water?

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Just ut of curiosity, is there a single moment where Yamato is like super strong in terms of fighting or something?

dont post unsolicited pics of my wife

Not that I remember. He holds his own a few times but otherwise his only power is his social skills and his cock.

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In Miyako's route, he's capable of getting beaten like a dog by Azumi and still stand
That counts I guess

As expected of a femdom world

In Azumi route there is 7 years timeskip and he is in the top 30 or 40 Servants of the Kuki. He also trains under Hume and Claudio in Monshiro and Stacy routes so he is supposed to become stronger.

Strongest is to my knowledge in the Azumi route where he gets trained in wire combat

Was there a new translation released for the A-#? I remember seeing something during april fools.

Why did she suck Yamato's dick before his weddign with Azumi?

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They released a (true) english patch for A-3 on april fools.
She got horny when she saw her little bro in a butler outfit. And he wasn't going out with Azumi yet.

>No Virgin Road, no Minato Carnival FD

Anyone do stacy's route?

She's a nonvirgin
so no

For me, it's the Christmas route

One day perhaps

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What if someone wore a chicken costume? Would they be unstoppable?

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The fact you're forced to fuck that poison slut was a bit bullshit but apart from that it was a pretty fun route.

I liked it. Majikoi is still superior. Yamato is a better protagonist. I wanted to romance the green-haired chick. I liked the sister.
>english patch for A-3 on april fools.
Alright thank you. Looking forward to it.

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>Only in July but Miyako is best girl easily.
My Okinawan

Respectable answer

Post the screen right after where he says he should have expected it, since Yamato isn't as sadistic as him. Or any of the screens after where they all get along great.

You can't beat Majikoi, but Tsujidou is great. All the girls are good for different reasons, and Maki is the undisputed queen of tomboys

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>Post the screen right after where he says he should have expected it, since Yamato isn't as sadistic as him. Or any of the screens after where they all get along great.
It doesn't fit my narrative so I won't. have a picture of best girl instead.

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All I want in life is Yoshitsune.
A-5 never...

This scene was cute as hell. I really liked Stacy and Lee's routes.

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