Post pictures of Seras Victoria

Post pictures of Seras Victoria

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Really sounds more like /c/'s job, or maybe /e/.

Attached: __seras_victoria_hellsing_drawn_by_sudachips__dff6e215a5d5e27b29cc2c91ca1fa325.jpg (500x750, 258.32K)

Her TV design is nice, but i think i prefer the OVA version

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I think its milk time Yas Forums

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Holy shit I'd put that in my Bran Flakes

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Alucard:Damn you, police girl!!! HOW can yours being Biggers than MINE?!!

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>Preferring the virgin 90s design over the Stacy goddess of death

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Is this hentai?

Attached: seras_victoria_by_torahimemax_dc0llsb-pre.jpg (751x1063, 109.18K)

But Seras is literally a virgin.

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In the 50 years after the nazi party in London, she probably got her own harem (with both girls and men, most of them probably French for some reason) like any motherf#cking vampire should do

Well, canonically Hirano used to be an hentai artist (he became famous for a doujin where Hitler rape a cat girl, no joking)

Don't know, but the style reminds me from the Taimanin Series

It's Taimanin Asagi

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I don't think that's Seras...

Well, time to look it up



Seras' husband Pip is a lucky man.

I said it

Nah she's too inoccent for that

There's Coyote, too.

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I remember watching Hellsing back when I was in school. All the fucking guys in our class huddled up next to a laptop. The episode was Sera-centric as well. Sexy and violent.

I watched it for the first time in 2018

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And what if the TV Series was actually better than the manga?

does anybody here watch mha?

I almost consider it as such, even if Ultimate followed the manga, I fucking hate that goofy bullshit happening constantly. Every scene with Seras and Alucard talking to their guns was cringe and it always ruined the pace. It's also the biggest flaw in Drifters.

I like a lot of the old anime, the music in particular, and also the much more serious tone, even if that's in contrast to the source material.

It's pretty ok, I guess. Why?

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The thing is that the OVA is more similar to the manga, but the anime series has a better atmosphere.

Seras should be the main love interest, not the nigger

Of who?

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Shut the fuck up they never married

Of Alucard

For me is Integra Hellsing.

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>Starts off as youthful spunky kid.
>Becomes hardened boss lady who don't take shit from anyone
> Finishes as a spunky granny with a touch of hard experience but with a good sense of humor

Attached: Hellsing Ultimate.webm (848x480, 1.03M)

I associate Hellsing with the good simpler happy times because my first exposure to the series was the engrish Anderson meme.
Love the series and adore Seras. Simple as

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Why is she so perfect?

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Chad Alucard looks like Castlevania's Alucard, but with a moustache and black hair

She's just too cute

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How would she fare in bed?

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She isn't my waifu though

How did you find the penultimate episode in Hellsing: Ultimate? Also, how's your web dev portfolio coming along?

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Anime in 2001 guys get hyped!

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2000's animes still look good at this time.