"Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Part 2" has been postponed due to the pandemic...

"Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Part 2" has been postponed due to the pandemic. Broadcasting is now planned for this July.


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Good. SAO: Fateshit edition should be canceled outright, but this is better than nothing.

Not SAO too. And for them to announce this on Eugeo's birthday, really bad timing.

I never cared for SAO, so I don't mind.

So, A-1 probably will focused all their resource to Kaguya now.

Spring supposed to be a sequel season, but only Kaguya S2 can air this season kek.

Meanwhile Powerpoint anime S5 is still scheduled for today.

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This is going to sting. This was Japan's most anticipated anime for the season, and now even it is delayed.

Now that should be delayed.

Did they even have a PV ready up until now, or was one ever released? Because if there wasn't even a PV out so close to the intended airing date, that was probably already a bad omen.

Nah, So far Kaguya have a healthy production. I heard they already finish recording around December last year, and they already worked on final episode couple weeks ago. So i think it will be fine.

Given how bad things are in Alicization and the fact that Yas Forumsnons all say they are about to get a whole lot worse, this feels strangely appropriate.

This cour is basically gonna be Murphy's law: the anime.

I hope you like suffering.

>This cour is basically gonna be Murphy's law: the anime.
What happens?

We got a full PV two weeks ago with the OP and everything. The schedule seemed quite good, but apparently not nearly good enough.

At least this means that we'll actually get a finished show rather than a rushed one.

I'd rather wait another season than half the cour looking like 7DS S3.

Considering the emergency wasn't even declared until a few days ago, it makes me wonder if they actually didn't have much ready in time and are really just using the emergency as a way to buy them more time. After all, Japan was mostly business as usual until then.

Bad things user. Bad things...

SAO threads are usually full of very excited ryonafags, you can make out the rest.

Of course Kirito will suffer as well, wouldn't be SAO without that.

Going by the PV they had a lot of work done on at least the first 6 episodes, and what they did show looked way more polished than the PV for WoU 1. There wasn't anything indicating a messy schedule, quite the opposite.

Rather postponed than be a QUALITY fest


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Maybe they didn't have the other episodes ready and didn't want to start airing the series only to have to go on break anyway, so they just delayed it until they can finish everything (which they hope to be next season). By contrast Oregairu S3 was delayed indefinitely and didn't even have a PV ready, which suggests that they were really fucked up.

This got delayed too? This season is as bare-bones as it is already.

Well, Next season probably much much worse.

Seems like it. There's been some tweets from both Kanno (Action AD) and Yumiko Yamamoto (Chief AD) who're saying that the staff will continue to work despite the lockdown, most likely mostly from home.

So at least we'll get an actually polished show in July rather than a rushed mess.

They said they wanted the animation to be on the same level as the movie
Let's see if they will deliver

I'm really worried about HxEros and Fruit Tart. They're two of my most anticipated shows next season, and I'll be pissed if either or both end up getting delayed.

Weird, is it not done yet? Why postpone it? I mean, if I was going to show something (an anime, no less) this seems like the best possible time since everyone's stuck at home.

>If no changes to anime schedules are made from here on out, summer will have SAO, Mahouka, Danmachi and Re:Zero simultaneously

You can expect more delays.


You know, they have to spend more money to do more work, right? Pushing it to next season doesn't mean it gets polished. That just means they don't have to do a shit ton of delays this season cause bits and pieces of their episodes are behind schedule.

>mfw everything will be delayed so we get SAO, Mahouka, Danmachi, Re:Zero, Shield Hero, Log Horizon, Oregairu, Taimanin Asagi, Bible Black Neo in an entire season

I'm actually okay with this because it gives the currently airing toonami episodes enough time to catch up, they were about to overlap if the show continued on time in April.

No? The last episode on Toonami aired last week.

I mean as polished as it would've been with no lockdown, compared to what it'd be like if they rushed it out with no delay.

....oh. I hadn't been keeping up much to avoid spoilers, thanks for letting me know user! Seems like a weird spot to stop since its only episode 12, I felt like it was going to go until 15 or so like usual.

Eugeo's revenge on the show for disposing of him.

Surely they just mean the "last season of the current arc" right? They're going to make more in a few years with the new books coming out of course... right

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Yeah. It just means the last "season" of Alicization.

Remember when they said Alicization would be a continuous 4-cour series? lmao

the anime getting postponed doesn't mean it's getting better animation
good all shit anime in one season

>the anime getting postponed doesn't mean it's getting better animation
Wasn't there an anime that got delayed and yet still ended up being a QUALITY fest? Forgot the name though.


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> the anime getting postponed doesn't mean it's getting better animation

Oh course. But it'll be better than if they simply continued as planned with half the staff down with batflu.

What do you expect from Lycoris?
>Quinella about to be brought back
>Medina is saved/kills herself
>Quinella brought back as a giant rampaging monster
>Hashilian goes "What have you done? You've ruined everything! Very well, if I can't be at her side, we'll destroy you together" and merges with her
>Final boss fight
>Buy the DLC if you want Quinella bed scenes

I just want Philia, I'm going to assume she and the other gameverse heroines will appear in the DLCs

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god damn it

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If there are story DLCs, I hope she gets to interact with PoH, given what his Hollow did to her

They're all gonna suffer user...

Some more details regarding the delay from Kawahara himself: twitter.com/sao_wikia/status/1248556066658488320

"Kawahara states that WoU was delayed primarily because it was realistically impossible to ensure safe working conditions for the voice actors and thus even if WoU continued as planned, they would have highly likely been forced to interrupt the cour partway."

> EVEN MORE ptsd
pls no...

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Delicious zetsubou

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Couldn't they have at least provided for home-based equipment or something like that? I think Kotori Koiwai already made a home studio so that she could continue working.

doubt many of the VAs if any have proper recording booths at home, acoustic foam and all. it wouldnt be as simple as sending over a nice mic, audio engineers and voice directors do a lot

Imagine her being there to see PoH being tree'd

>quietly starts leveling up 2h axes skill tree

Also, if there is story DLC, I hope Itsuki and the Donut squad end up in the Underworld, have Gabe hurt the Donut and Itsuki turn on him

>"Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Part 2" has been postponed due to the pandemic.
Good news.

frick itsuki tbdesu

Fuck chinks and their shit ass soup that fucked up the world

No one here unironically watches SAO.
Good riddance.

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>tiny jap homes
>sound studio

Also I don't know why you guys are acting like it got cancelled.

>Watching ANY anime unironically.

I both watch it and enjoy it. I only started like last May with GGO which got me into the main series.