episode 2 is out , Yas Forums-turtles get in
Tower of God Anime
Other urls found in this thread:
if you want to read the manga read here
The official translation is shit
I wanna FUG hwa ryun
pretty much guarantees this is just a korean shill op. same shit every thread.
The state of gook shills.
it's not from reddit
someone post it in the last thread brainlet
Are you the author or do you get paid to shill this hard?
That's a reddit filename.
user try to read the webtoon and you will understand
Dose anyone actually watched this piece of Korean trash?
Man, I came here hoping for good threads but it's all basically just
>hurrrr you hate it so you must be a brainlet
>hurrrr you like it so you must be a gook shill
I know, it's Yas Forums, but really now is it THAT much to ask for common decency at least SOME of the time?
yes i watch this masterpiece
how did you know?
It's pretty good, the art style is just like the source material. Being Korean doesn't make it shit, being shit makes it shit, and so far it isn't.
Alright Kim.
At this point the shibisu avatarfag needs to be banned just to stop making us look bad
How do you know it's a reddit filename?
i can tell from the characters and from seeing quite a few plebbitors in my time
>implying only gooks can like this
real gooks don't like it
Gigachad edit when?
good stream source pls?
>streaming anime
please, you're making us look bad
>Yas Forums
>common decency
Chruncyroll if you pay or kissanime if you are a pirate
The OP and ED are both pretty good.
Will the MC improve? So far it's been"you are the chosen one" and "I help you just because I like you!" bullshit.
best type of mc
thnaks bro
The absolute state of zoomers.
i try pls no bully
He ends up being an unstoppable genocidal killing machine.
This, but unironically.
Yes but in his personal way
watch it and dont spoil
You might regret asking this question.
But at least he's not Urek level of Gary Stu.
urek is not gary stu
I kind of want a Jack Sparrow type MC. Some skill, but mostly luck, running away from things, and rum.
And he's gotta be a real gruff near homeless type of guy.
I think it would make for some good fucking content
why is the opening so fucking bad
It's sooooo fucking looooong and haaaard...
to watch that is
In ToG the closest thing to that is Wangnan, imho. But I think the MC of 4-Cut Hero is more accurate for what you want.
Yeah no.
best character right there
There's just a few extremely dedicated shitposters who shill this series so hard that these threads attract negative attention from people who otherwise wouldn't care. Notice how the first post in every thread is that one guy telling people not to read the official translation. And then we've got people like Androssifag and Shibisuposter derailing conversation with their low effort shitposts and consequently signalling to trolls that it's ok to do the same.
I like the song, at least. It's visually bland though, for sure.
>4-Cut Hero
I bookmarked the bakaupdates page for that years ago. Thanks for reminding me.
Man Sankaku has some weird ass pirates of the Caribbean art.
Wangnan will become OP soon enough.
Based. Should be the next OP.
Posting some prototype Tower of God pages before the actual Tower of God came to be, because why the fuck not.
>male hwa ryun
hahahahahahhahahha hwa ryun fags btfo
seem an union of the first test and Koon's fake crown during crown game, like it.
Damn, a title to compete against hunterchads?
people say that this show in an HxH copy so why not?
>Error: Image resolution is too large.
Fuck, wanted to post the rest, but fuck it. The rest is here, anyway:
It's kind of surprising how Baam was more of a cunt in the original version. He could have been a totally different character.
A shame the rest of the episodes are lost forever. I wonder if his relationship with Rachel would have been the same, in this case.
Based koon
but what is the plot twist?
apply directly to the forehead
>the virgin cuckhard
>the chad gustang
this reinforces my theory that the actual Zahard is not the real Zahard
Bam = dead
Fake name: Jyu Viole Grace
Given name: The 25th Night
Secret actual name: Jyu Viole Grace
I read part one of this like 8 years ago and really enjoyed. The twist at the end is fucking fantastic. Read part 2 up until a bit before they are going to a workshop or something but I dropped it after that because it felt convoluted and I really disliked all the new characters. Should I pick it back up or does it only get worse? The lore aspects and the worldbuilding are so interesting.
Rachel is so pretty in the ED, when do we see more of her?
I think the premise is good and the main characters are interesting, Bam is one of the few naive retards I don't completely hate because he actually has a reason to, and the part of Rachel being predictable was actually enjoyable. What I don't like are the hordes of side characters who exist just to run around screaming, the ridiculous tests with completely arbitrary rules and how slow it seems to be. 2nd chapter is almost 300 pages, seriously? Can someone tell me how long it takes Bam to get to the top (if he does). If it still hasn't happened or takes 300 pages I'm just going to drop it now. I want to see what's at the top you niggers.
>Should I pick it back up or does it only get worse?
yes hell train was the worst arc, too much time wasted on Boro team side story.
after that get good just not like first part there are shit arc like the cage but Zahard vs Baam is the best figth of the webtoon
yes dont worry
>If it still hasn't happened or takes 300 pages I'm just going to drop it now. I want to see what's at the top you niggers.
webtoons page arent like manga page
every chapter is long like a manga one.
>Baam get the top
the top isnt the end of the story, you just become ranker
Baam isnt even on the 53rd floor
Oh yeah, and another thing. Half the characters are fucking genderbent. Too much Korean gayshit for me thanks.
Getting to the top would be at the end of the story
I know the top isn't the end but I want to see what's up there and what it's like when Bam becomes a ranker. How far do I have to read before shit starts picking up. I'm a few dozen pages into Chapter 2 where Viola wins the weird ass hotel test.
na I still think that Zahard is Zahard. Gustang is more of the type with tricks up his sleeve. Also pic related could be one of his tricks
>I'm a few dozen pages into Chapter 2 where Viola wins the weird ass hotel test.
user this is the second season
read the first
look if a po bidau become a general than gustang make peace with zahard.
Oh it gets so much worse. He has so many bullshit powerups that no one even remembers all of them.
It's pretty much just the 2 thorns, soul powers, and the power of an administrator, right? Am I forgetting any of his major power boosts? I don't consider "training in the time-skip" to really count because it seems so different in nature to how he got the others.
Yes, I agree. Shows are much more enjoyable when the protagonist has no growth or has to have decade long training time skips every few pages.