But worst of all, a waste of time. This isn't art, it's a wet fart. The writer doesn't even attempt to connect two thirds of the half-baked ideas in this 13 episode slog. It has one of the best OPs I've ever seen which is probably how it's tricked so many people into watching.
Pretentious, Airy Garbage
Other urls found in this thread:
You need a bigger bait man
It tries to be vague to make it seem like it's saying more when it's message is simple
And here comes the defense force already. That's the power of intentionally vague and obtuse shit like Lain. Trolls get to pretend they're at a superior level of intelligence than the audience who's been baited into watching.
And you don't seem to understand
not an argument
Not even worth of a (you). Worst of all, you have the necessity to make clear you dont have the ability to follow a little ¨complex¨ storytelling. You are embarrassing yourself.
Shame you seemed an honest man
And all the fears you hold so dear
Can't get it if you arent being shat on at the same time, eh Evangelitard?
will turn to whisper in your ear
your mom
But in the last 2 episodes it all makes sense. Also probably with a second watch you'd catch details that you missed the first time.
And you know what they say might hurt you
And you know that it means so much
Let's all love Lain!
She isn't God! I AM GOD!
it is art, that doesn't mean it's good art tho
desu I too didn't like how vague it all was, I was drawn in by the mystery and thought it'd all connect by the end but I ended up disappointed, most of the things happening really were just random bullshit meant to build an atmosphere of mystery
I don't mind purely visual arthouse shit, but I didn't like that it tricked me into thinking there's something more and I don't think the visuals were striking enough to carry it completely
And you don't even feel a thing.
I am falling, I am fading
Read a philosophical essay if you're only interested in ideas and how they're connected, not the full package that is delivered through a visual/audio medium. Also, your time is not precious. You weren't going to do anything productive in the 4-5 hours it takes to watch Lain.
>But worst of all, a waste of time
Like 100% of all anime.
What about an educational anime that teaches you life skills?
>educational anime that teaches you life skills
no such thing
Like... none?
Smoothebrains are fucking seething
What did this intro mean?
Present day. Present time.
Lain lives. Lain exists in the now. It doesn't take place in any timeline. Lain takes place in the now.
Truly the biggest brainletfilter of all time
Ah, but you can't spell "wet fART" without ART. Gotcha.
I think the mocking tone of the guy saying it, highlights that "present" is a silly and ephemeral concept. As Lain is eternal, to her there isn't a past, a present or a future.
Exactly. I say "now", but in reality it is "whenever". It doesn't matter when, it is always present day, present time.
>20-second long shot of utility poles humming
Truly, an avant-garde anime as relevant today as it was 20 years ago
Were the utility poles all hand-drawn, right? These shots are so pleasant to look at
>CN logo
My sides
2000s humor is actually funnier than the edgy memes we have today.
Are the God of a new world?
Trips of truth. It's a snorefest.
ah, yes, dr stone
Anime mostly makes you an introverted piece of shit attracted to cute anime girls
To be fair, isn't that ideal right now?
In this very moment of the history, yes, it is ideal.
"i didn't get it so it must be bad"
Okay brainiacs. Go ahead. Share with the class. What is Cereal Spearmint Rain about?
It amazes me that Lain and Matrix came out within a few months apart from each other, because thematically they are not dissimilar at all. Also both were big hits.
>shit taste, the thread
Internet recognizes itself as an anime girl and starts making changes to things irl
You fucking colossal idiot
but she WAS real
>I don't understand it so it's bad
Based Eiri
Watch more anime.
Or understand the anime you watch better, judging by your reaction image and the thread you're posting in.
Quantum mechanics and the theory that the universe exists because it is observed, as well as the impact technology could have on the world if this theory were true.
The relation of technology to the natural evolution of our species, and how seemingly all-powerful humans can make themselves with technology.
It actually has quite a few themes in common with Evangelion.
One of the most unsettling scenes in anime.
>13 episode slog
Imagine having so little time to waste that 13 episodes is too much to waste, then spending what little you have left complaining about it.
technology is cool but in person interactions are important too
you're the only one here pretending to be superior when your IQ is clearly below 50