I don't think Ohma is 100% happy with this lineup despite what he said to Meme boxer. He vouches for Seki and Cosmo so he must be thinking at least 2 fighters didn't belong here.
Kengan Omega
Other urls found in this thread:
I think Ohma has like 50IQ and really didn't think about it that hard
>a fucking clown
>at least 2 fighters didn't belong here.
Probably Oclownbo and Rihito, or maybe 2toku because he's never seen him fights.
Where is Sei?
Where is Rei?
Are the 4 new guys(counting Ryuki) really above A Tier?
Rihito should be at least A Tier now right?
Sen* fuck.
I can't wait till next week. I hope we find out the fight order so we can start shiposting and speculating
Ryuki and the Meguro clone are the obvious odd ones out, neither having made any significant showing. At least Rihito beat the guy with the magic regenerating spine
Next week will probably be Purgatory's roster introduction and tournament format reveal.
Week after is match up reveal and bantz between the fighters.
Then next chapter (volume's finale) the first match begins.
Monkey d. Mexican looks pretty good.
Nigger are you fucking retarded? Okubo would destroy half the people there, he would destroy Akoya, Gaoh, Masaki and Tokumichi
>too busy fucking whores in China
>too busy fucking Rino
>Nitoku is B, Ryuki and Meguro are A, Misasa is S
>Rihito is low A
Its appearently a reference to something in Osaka.
the person who made this also posted it to reddit. there are fucking redditors here
wouldn't that make you a redditor if you knew this?
my friend who is a redditor sent me the image and I asked him where he got it
Who cares if the vultures need to leech off a better site. It's the best they're getting aside from shitty macros they're only capable of making
Okubo (Payaso) too strong!
Has the art gotten worse?
It's gotten pretty lazy and inconsistent at points, and complaints of it being too "clean" are very common
Well HNG have alot of time on their hands.
Why did they invite the weak ass mahjong player? He lost in his first round in asura.
Three Demon Fists: Centipede
If Okubo loses I'm spamming this in the thread
Reminder Monkey face is a good guy.
Based retard
>this guy who couldn't beat anyone that matters should be allowed into a tourney that decides the entire organization.
Losing to Agito doesn't make you weak.
He put a gopod fight against Agito you dumb motherfucker, better than Hatsumi and even Raian showed interest in fighting him. He could have easily been in the last 8
>Raian - Nogi/Metsudo faction
>Toku2 - Unaffiliated
>Masaki - Hayami faction
>Akoya - Unaffiliated
>Julius - Tomari faction
>Ohma - Nogi/Metsudo faction
>Rihito - Unaffiliated
>Agito - Nogi/Metsudo faction
>8th Fang - Nogi/Metsudo faction
>Wakatsuki - Nogi/Metsudo faction
>Okubo - Unaffiliated(?) Not sure if Mugi TV guy was part of their faction already or if they just had a deal under the table
>Ryuki - Nogi/Metsudo faction
>Gaolong - Not sure
How is this balanced
Oh nevermind you were talking about Tokuno and confusing him for Kaneda.
You're talking about Kaneda. That's Nitoku. You got the wrong guy.
Why'd you guys even bring up Okubo, he wasn't talking even Okubo, not even close.
Oh I guess I did. Yeah I guess I assumed everyone wearing that kind of garment was Kaneda.
>4 scoops koga
Based and piano pilled
So what is the new fang deal? I mean, sandwich have always shit on the concept of "compact = stronger" than many others abuse, but now it might be the case?
Don't care, I think he's cool and like him so far.
Literally fucking who is the rocky of osaka
t. speed reader pro
I hope they don't go with the obvious and just pair people up with their purgatory equivalent and mix things up a bit.
>big guy vs big guy
>fang vs fang
>depressed thai dude vs depressed thai dude
Would be a bit disappointing.
Going for the side that pays more is not inherently evil, but why he gotta be such a dick all the time?
Okubo you retard
Because he needs to be convincing with his act.
Nothing. The faction thing is retarded and only serve to build fake tension because oh no we don't have enough fighters.
Faggot belongs in B.
Hahaha fucking mongo
There is no "Nogi/Metsudou" faction.
There is just the Nogi faction.
Anybody feel like they messed up Haruo and Julius' proportions? Julius looks taller than him, but he's supposed to be at least a feet shorter.
This list is trash but whatever.
theyre almost directly mirrored makes me wonder if they really will meme on the tournament and make the kengan lose immediately and show it in a flashback just to show how outclassed they are
I think Ryuki and Rihito makes more sense. Rihito's usefulness is up to debate and Ryuki's moveset gets progressively more useless the more he uses it.
so whos is gonna be the ''beard'' of this tournament?
Are we gonna have a "Chinese fighters are evil" arc?
Lu Tian or the guy with the gi
But Ryuki will only have to use his moveset once if the tournament is in the format we think it is
Was Rihito always that huge?
Ryuki is totally either throwing or killing a dude because why the fuck would he care about being banned from the matches anyway
Do you guys find 8th fang cute?
Everyone seems to think positively about this fighter. What's his appeal?
Yes, he's a thiccboi
Peeps like this in manga are either jobbers or broken for no real reason beyond just manga logic.
>Rihito - Unaffiliated
afaik Rihito's still president of the company employing Ivan and the Deva and he hasn't been paid back to Nogi his entry fee for the Kengan tournament
that little guy hasn't done anything yet
look at him
he's going to do something and you know it's gonna be good
They always pull something crazy out of the hat for guys like him.
What? Only actual Nogi's faction fighters are Wakatsuki and Gaolang.
Ryuki, Ohma, Raian, are unaffiliated.
Ohma and Ryuki are Kazzy's guys and Nogi by association.
Raian is a Kure who can be interpreted as heavily on Metsudo's side considering they're BFFs but I guess that may be a stretch depending on how you look at it
Skinny/Sickly looking fighters always have cool gimmicks
>Nogi by association.
No, you clearly have no idea how this faction thing work (not that it's good plot point anyway).
They only count as Nogis' faction if they're part of the 4 dragons group (plus Nishihonji now, I guess). Whether Kazzy works/has worked for Nogi or not is completely irrelevant.