Do you side with Kyubey or Homura?
Do you side with Kyubey or Homura?
Homura because she represents the interests of the common man. Fuck aliens and fuck the universe.
Which one of them can I fuck?
Only cucks would side with Kyubey
Kyubey did nothing wrong
homura cha homu homu
Kyubey represents utilitarianism taken too far. His actions are for the betterment of the universe but cause immense suffering to people.
Homura represents individualism taken too far. She dooms the universe to heat death because she wants Madoka.
Madoka represents the golden mean that works for everyone. Her method of fighting wraiths creates a system where the Incubators can get the energy they need and magical girls don't have to give in to despair.
Madoka is the only option that doesn't lead to catastrophic effects for a whole class of people.
homura but kyubey is cool too
Neither. One only cares about Muhdoka in the grand scheme of things while the other just wants to use potential gay anime girls as fuel for the universe when other means are possible.I
My solution as a hypothetical 2D girl would be to simply wish for power fueled by those very emotions and use its subsequently limitless nature to forcibly change the world and eventually the universe by deciding who lives with hope or vital despair at my whim.
So I just spent like 20 minutes looking for that image of Homura with the rainbow in her hands that says "I did nothing wrong" on it but fuck me I can't fucking find it.
Doesn't she fucking kill a ton? Someone's not getting any yuri.
I side with Kyubey so that Homura beats me up.
>betterment of the universe
According to who or what? Cause he fucking said so? You'd have to preface it with "assuming" their intentions are true, and if they can even truly achieve it, and to whose benefit
>time stop
>fifty bullets into your skull and chest
whoaaaaa so hot
The trick is not to outright say it, but just make her suspicious enough to want to interrogate me.
here you go
Madoka thread?
The one that is the most sexually attractive.
He has no genitals, user
trying to cause sadness of whole universe in exchange of reaching to Madoka
trying to save whole universe in exchange of lives of few brats
You can create one
Thanks user I know I have it saved but I don't know where.
ballbust me with your tightheels please homu
That's why you choose Madoka who saves everyone at the end of the series.
That is right, but this is a Kyubei versus Homura thread, so
i HATED homura at first because i hate that snooty 'i'm so tough and intelligent why don't you all get it you're all beneath me' edgelord attitude, until i found out why she's like that. seeing her talk like a dork really choked me up a bit.
It seems like the more I watch anime, the more I see the type of person/experience they had where they had to go through trials of repetition to save someone, and no matter how many times I see it, It always gets me a bit choked up. Could you imagine a greater hell than going through suffering and hardship time and time and fucking time again just to save someone, and then each time around they have no idea? They're just cluelessly staring at you without a care or idea in the world of what you're going through? It's nightmarish to even imagine, and an amazing display of loyalty and fidelity.
That being said, from Kyubey's POV, they don't really understand what they're doing is wrong, and their civilization is probably so advanced that humans look like cattle to them. While slightly different from the point Kyubey was trying to make to Madoka about cattle and thinking about where your meat comes from, it's kind of like that. Kyubey and co in regards to humanity is like humanity in regards to cattle. Something is suffering for our benefit but we operate on a different plane of existence in a way that we don't acknowledge their suffering (well, I guess vegans do, and I'm vegan so I might be a little biased)
I really embrace Madoka's ending pre-Rebellion. She finds a way to save all girls while still supplying the Incubators with the energy they need to prevent heat death. She could have wished for the Incubators to never find earth or even to have never existed, but she didn't do either. She chose a path that let everyone live happily.
If I were a magical girl I might consider siding with Homura but I'm not so fuck them and their dreams.
Fuck Kyubey.
She saved billions.
Utilitarianism is a meme. Fuck QB
>i HATED homura at first because i hate that snooty 'i'm so tough and intelligent why don't you all get it you're all beneath me' edgelord attitude
Not very based, real man want their women to be strong and in love with another woman.
I don't care about the Big Freeze desu.
Even from a purely utilitarian perspective, you could make plenty of arguments against qb. Their trade-off appears to be something like:
>The heat death of the universe and the ending of all possible civilization
>The torture, murder, re-torture, and re-murder of innocent girls in countable numbers by means of terrible fraud
This isn't, even prima facie, necessarily an increase in the totum bonum. Possible angles of attack include things like the out-sized weight of unjust suffering, appeals to a Bayesian analysis of the likely-hood of the Incubators' success,or consideration of the true utility of existence versus nonexistence. Just off the top of my head.
Of course, I'm not a utilitarian to begin with. Just saying this because people, even utilitarians themselves, sometimes oversimplify utilitarian arguments.
I agree, it's a meme though.
I support HomuSaya
no, don't do that
so KyoHomu after all?
that's a bit better... but still no
she belongs with mami
wouldn't it be better for homura to just buy her a coat hanger?
Whats happening in this thread :DDD
Madoka, while passive, also has an empowered slutty side. She absolutely loves taking the cocks of all other 4 megucas at once. Thee's no need fighting over her.
Gotcha, bitch.
Homora > *
The best
Oh no, we got too cocky, Sayabros.
This but unironically.
love at first sight
Not him but I feel that's nitpicking. I assume that QB doesn't lie. We never see that QB laughs and says "haha tricked u!"
Homura cause I want her to wrap her legs around my face
Homura and then I be her slave for the rest of my life.
She would only do that to Madoka.
Homura is a dork