Hayasaka deserves love
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Rough love incoming.
Cute Lolisaka
user, Hayasaka IS love.
At what moment did this series turn from great to an absolute timeless masterpiece?
For me, it's
I want this haircut back.
Since Miko's first line
Hopefully we get doujins with this version.
NTR really killed the hyрe when the manga was good, remember?
fucking traitor
No contest
>a hard cuck'ed character is Yas Forums favorite
Why do I feel like the bald guy had hayasaka be more than just a spy?
>comfy romcom turned into shitty NTR
Many such cases, very sad
Salvation is here.
It is suffering that she's doomed to be a side character.
I'd read a full-blown satire/parody manga by Aka ngl desu frens
I'm pretty sure this dude's face is getting written in this manga because Aka met him in India and was probably a cool dude to him.
That said, I think it's illegal to do this without his permission, which is likely the case.
Peak Kaguya right here
That indian look like from Gantz manga
Is it safe to say this is going the way of Soma?
Dunno, I never played that game
Fall the family has within, and fall it shall from without and from outside
He's just further proof that women are whores. These hoes ain't loyal
She deserves a dicking from Shirogane.
I love her and i want to make her the mother of my children
She will become Hayamommy!
He's a king, you're a dumb nigger
The ice arc, actually.
leaks when
Golden Kamuy gook scan is already out
You mean Golden Kamui Chapter 237 ??
>Anime's producer is a Tsubamefag
Heh no wonder why they have her VA sang the ED
Not even the leakers give a shit about Kaguya anymore.
That explains this
Will Fujiwara, Karen and Erika save Miyuki and Hayasaka from Unyo?
Anime's producer, Sirogane's VA and Ishigami 's VA are all Tsubamefags.
They all think Tsubame is cute, which she is. That's not enough to be a characterfag.
I'm pretty sure there was an earlier interview 2-3 weeks ago where Shirogane's VA said his favorite character was Kaguya and Hayasaka while Ishigami's VA was Miko.
If the next chapter is "Ai Hayasaka's Friends pt 4" would be safe to assume something like that might happen. Maybe F alerted the police, Karen and Erika tailed them out of fear for their ship and can help to expose Unyo, etc
That or Hayasaka btfos them all with Zappy-kun and Prez deafens them with cucumber gut rapping, and Kaguya arrives right on time in Nao's car to ram her brother into a tree
Something like that, yes. Rather, they were talking about who they'd most like chocolate from and such shit. I don't remember the details.
So why was the last chapter a week late?
Aka said his favorite character was Tsubame.
There was a break week for volume 18 after Hayasaka's Friends part 2 if that's what you're talking about.
Festival super romantic kiss
>someone leaks chapter by getting the latest magazine issues early, chinks and gooks scanlate the same chapter early
You're a retard basically.
Did he now? That's surprising. The fact that he chose her over say Kaguya or Hayasaka really gives me hope she gets more development and interesting roles in the story other than being Ishigami's current love interest and catalyst for temporary change - unless he was just talking about subjectively liking her design or personality
The "10 minutes" thing where she returned the 10 minutes Iino made her waste was a subtle jab at a more jealous and possessive side of her already. Looking forward to hopefully more bits like that in the date and beyond
Everything you just said is wrong and retarded.
>it's another "this character has a DARK past" chapter
>201432523 no(YOU)
Aka's favorite character is Prez
How was this chapter even dark.
>past boyfriend cheated on her
>has talk with Papagane to give love a chance
>has butt heads with Miko during the party
>shown jealousy towards Ishigami because of Miko
>none of these have been resolved or touched upon in detail
Her date with Ishi is just the beginning. She's relevant to Miko as well.
>Yas Forums, manamoa, baidu activity literally prove you wrong
>chapter scanlations match up with the official raw releases
>Break happens because of volume 18 release
Okay, retard. It's not my fault you're uninformed.
>break happens
Yeah, except that's not what you implied at all you autistic sperg.
On an unrelated note, I'm pretty embarrassed to only now realize Hayasaka and her mother's first names are basically named after the manga's extended name (geniuses' war of love and brains) - Ai(爱) being 'love' and Nao(脑) meaning 'brain'.. or at least, the pronunciations in mandarin match up.
Hayasaka Nao(奈央)
>>Why was the chapter a week late
That It came on time as planned? A leaker got the latest issue early and leaked it? Did you really think scanlators slept on the chapter? That's the implications I got from yours, retard.
This manga turned to shit after culture festival arc. Just let it end already.