
>canon yuri
>comfy potatoes

Why aren't you reading CUNE instead of Kirara?

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Say that again?

Exactly why I won't read it.

Which cune manga outside of SS are worth reading according to you user?

I need to know. Ecchi yuri sounds like an instant knockout.

I enjoy both. That said, the manga in the OP hasn't gotten a translation past chapter 2.

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This art is stupid fucking cute.

Trips of truth.

because yuri is garbage

Fuck off, retard. You never have any proof.

You know CUNE is a magazine right? And not every work in it is yuri.

I only read CUNNY

very interesting name indeed

fanservice without nipples? worthless.

Potato is for comfy
Ecchi is for horny
Yuri is for doki
Mixing them is like putting musicals in a shonen series, it's just wrong

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You're right, I should be reading this. This is fucking ADORABLE. I am now reading this. Doumo.

wtf is that heresy on the left

I like fanservice and yuri but I don't know of any good series with both.

I like sophie's manga from comic cune.

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Fuck off, people want ecchi yuri.

Fucking hell the saturation on the color in Soffee's eyes is just too perfect. It makes my heart hurt.

>loli speaks in hiragana
>JK speaks in kanji
How even the fuck

So is the manga's title

Well shit, I just might

I'm reading

Sekai de Ichiban Oppai
Watashi no Tame ni Nuginasai
Tonari no Vampire
Koroshiya-san to Kekkonshimahita
Nyanko Days
Asa Made Renai Chuu
Siscon Onee-chan
Cheerful Amnesia
Himegasaki Sakurako

Shut up.

I thought they were Miyu and Illya from the thumbnail, imagine my disappointment!. Shit thread

dumb falseflagging yurihater

Because the TLs for that manga are dead and I can't find any raws.

>hinako noto
>vampire garbage
I only like the shimejis from that magazine whereas for kirara I like almost everything

but they both love cocks, like you faggot

Kill yourself already, you fucking retarded annoying faggot.

i don't read kirara for fanservice, obviously.

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based and sage

>hating yuri and fanservice is "based"
>I speak for Yas Forums, though
Get the fuck out, newfaggots.

Only insecure waifutards hate yuri. Fact.

>liking girls who are in a relationship

Or delusional Yas Forumstards and NTRshit faggots that even shit up sibling incest or true harem threads.

Nice try OP.


That sounds kyuute.

You people hate the existence of all males. I'm not going to be like you because then I'd be a traitor to my own gender.

>this delusional waste again
Kill yourself.

What the fuck is wrong with lesbians?

You are human garbage.

Anyone who likes harem shit should legit just kill themselves on the spot. Would literally increase the human race's collective IQ a thousands fold at least.

What the fuck is wrong with your annoying asses projecting murican 3DPD femishit retards onto Japanese idealized fantasy cute and sexy girls?

Fuck off instead, retard.

>subhuam harem shitter trying to call other people retards
The laughable irony. You like harem shit because you are literally less evolved and lower functioning. The urge to procreate with multiple partners in an animal instinct to further a dying species, which hasn't been humans countless years. So quite literally, you're an ape.

>now THIS worthless moralfaggot pile of shit again

Better question; why the fuck is nobody uploading that manga? It's been in translation hell for a while.

See? You're so subhuman you don't even understand how apply the word moral correctly in a statement. Thanks for continuing to prove my point, ape.

Already retarded trash for deeming fanservice a valid reason not to read something.

The other shit and retards clapping is just cancer faggots showing that it doesn't belong.

Report and ignore non ironic shitposters. How lewd?

>Watashi no Tame ni Nuginasai
Just read the three translated chapters, and I want more. Why is it not being translated anymore?

too much words

Go annoy translators.

Not saying to fuck off. The knowledge of someone actually listening and the irritated response would amuse me.

Who is this Chino?

Whatever you say faggot