Fucking cats man

Fucking cats man

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Me biting op for making a dumb thread

time to put her down

further proof that wolfgirls > catgirls

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a what

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How many ears should catgirls have?

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it gets the hose again

Two. Four eared freaks deserve to get put down.


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Now you're getting it

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Anyone who chooses a cat over a dog is brain damaged. Imagine wanting an animal that's just as likely to attack you as ignore you completely instead of one that's loyal and loving so long as you are, and then pretending like you have some kind of superior character because you pretend your cat is a tsundere.

You can't even pet your cat, and I'm over here balls deep in my dog and she's as happy as can be.

Two words for ya
Cleaning shit

Why is she such a bitch tho?

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>cats dont shit
You're either dumping a litter box, which is effectively identical to picking up dog crap (except you get the added bullshit of making your entire place stink like cat shit and piss), or you're letting your cat run around outside and shit wherever it wants (which, unless you live in the country or the cat is corralled to your own property, makes you both brain damaged and a scumbag).

She's a cat.

I thought sugar was toxic for cats?

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It's made out of tuna and unsweetened cream?

is this cat some kind of tohou reference, she has a lot of art

Doubt it

You can see strawberries and chocolate hearts on that cake

anchovies and coagulated blood

You're missing the point. Dogshit just stays there for guests to look at AND smells awful. At least cats know to bury their excretions and mitigate the smell. And anyone who lets cats out is retarded, they're always safer inside, always.

Do dog owners not realize how awful they smell?

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If it fits

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This is untrue. "Sugar" is literally just glucose. If sugar was toxic to cats they literally would not be able to exist in this planet.

Good it needs to die

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Looks weird as fuck but this how all catgirls should be

They can't taste sugar because of a very rare genetic mutation down their family tree that touches few mammals.

I see nothing wrong with this.

All pets smell.

4 ears?

More holes to fuck!

Might as well ask here? Did the Iyapan LN and manga get cancelled? Really didn't care about the manga, but the LN was a chance for more 40hara art. I like seeing him revisit some of the girls, I wish he would just do that in his doujin works. Because if I may be frank, he seems to be running out of ideas anyway. I didn't even buy the last book.

You fuck your dog?

Cats aren’t particularly good at processing sugar in its free forms, like glucose, sucrose, and starches. Most of the carbohydrates in their diet exists in the form of glycogen in the meat they eat, unless you feed them dry cat food. Which is held with binders like corn flour.

I know right

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Dogs > Cats

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Pet smells vary by a large amount. Cats are definitely among the least smelly, although the champion in that category would be reptiles.

True. I have literally never had to bathe my cat, though that's probably because she's indoor only.

>Fucking cats man

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Why don’t cats get sick from licking themselves all day long?

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I want that cat to show me her panties

In terms of smell

With a disgusted face I assume?

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they're not dirty and gross like dogs

they're hate keeps them healthy

Is there any other look to be made when making such a request?

That’s a catgirl(boy) though.

Cat shit smells worse than dog shit.

t. mom has cats

It happens sometimes.

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Licking your own shit and piss is very gross.


As opposed as eating your own shit?

my snake doesn't smell

No shes just the artist OC and really popular because shes cute.

I meant that they're the champion in the "least smelly" category. I've had a snake and I know people who had lizards. Reptiles can't get much smelly without fur and with a low temperature that doesn't favor bacteria growth on them. Their enclosure could theoretically get smelly over time but they also have slow metabolism so they don't eat and shit often either.

I feel bad for red tail boa owners, I hear they make very messy defecations

>making him stare at her chocolate starfish