Boku No Hero Academia

Chapter Title: Scramble
>Shigaraki is at 74%
>Aizawa & Mic join the fight with Crust
>Mirko manages to land a nice hit down the middle on the pod
>Shigaraki smiles menacingly while still in there
>Fem Nomu conjures up an AoE attack going in all directions
>Endeavor & Mirko get pushed back
>Chapter ends on Shigaraki’s pod cracking right down the middle as they look on

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Miriofag on suicide watch

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Be serious anons who/how are the heroes will defeat Shiggy?

deku will take care of him

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it's gonna be Shoto and Bakugou since this is their first mission/fight against the PLF or any villains

Throw Eri at him

>disintegrates eri like nothing personal

aizawa or one of those new bullets.

They’re not going to.
Shiggy is awake now and he’s the final villain. Which means the heroes are going to lose this fight.

combination attack from the top 3 with their mentors
>Endeavor and Shoto
>Deku and Gran Torino
>Bakogou and Best Jeanist

R.I.P Mic

Imagine if Gentle of all people becomes a fundamental counter to Shiggy's broken power and it's up to him, Stain and Deku to bring down the Empire of Villains.

Poor doctor, years of hard work destroyed by evil heroes. Don't they value science?

>becoming relevant again
Overhaul without his hands has a higher chance of making a return

no that's not Hori said he's gonna take his time and have more arcs before the end since he can't fit everything he intended in one arc

So this is the power of the hatemiriofag...

Bullying Victims' thread

Eclipse arc soon

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That's why you are joining us?

For me, it's the mentally-ill dekufag.

Endy, obviously. He's the MC, after all.

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I don't think the heroes will more than his body!
I can image him almost winning before his body give up or crumble before he serves the final touch

>5 minutes pass in a 4 month long procedure
>suddenly gain 3% completion because of plot

He's going to have so much fun with his friends when he gets out.

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I want Geten and Dabi to have sex.

they don't really need that

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Something like that already happened, it made the Todoroki family which is a mess.

Imagine at the final fight, shigaraki on the floor defeated, a misterious shadow walks in his direction, it's overhaul (with robotic arms) and a big knife on his right hand.

>imagine endeavor with one for all
>which he enviously would give to his best child

Geten is a MAN, and a very cute one at that

With what's left of his friends

Literally never happening. Shigaraki is going to cause some serious fucking damage

It was "obviously" but I'm retarded

>gives it to toya
>fucking burns himself to death

hmm let's see, seeing how the arc is developing i bet Shiggy will be used to give development to some student, i guess Ojiro or Sato will beat him

Well yes and like Hori does I respect his male identity, but he was still born with a vagina and has a working uterus.

What would his quirk be?

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>yeah all might I'm okay what about you?
>what? How its going with one for all?
>well... I gave it to my son
>and it doesn't exist anymore
>neither of them
>but shoto can throw fire AND ice, isn't that awesome?!

Seriously though, I don't think a human body would be able to handle ofa powered hellflame

Fair enough, still has penus though

A hybrid between Wario and Waluigi's quirks.

It'll definitely be Deku/Shouto/Bakugou, even though I wish it would be the pro heroes.

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Is Shigaraki turning into a fucking Nomu or something? What is with this power boost chamber?

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I don't think you're picking up what I'm putting down ma'am

3-way fighting between Aizawa, Momo and Dabi. Who wins?

He's basically the end goal of Nomu, a person given multiple quirks that can handle the strain without any defects

There's a manga you could read

Sugarman would eat one of the legendary candy apples and would be strong enough to carry the whole hero society


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She belongs to Overhaul.

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Possibly RIP Miruko/Mic and way less likely, Aizawa. Endeavor still needs to live so Hawks can tell him about his dumbshit crusty son.

user, I

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CHADneta could just throw his undecayable balls and restrain him in his puny little tube.

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Eh... Looks like Dabi lives for another chapter...

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We got a glimpse of what's going on from Heroes Rising. "Nine" was given a copy of All For One's quirk in an experiment before this, but due to limits on what a non-AFO body can take (and maybe the imperfected procedure at the time), he could only collect and keep 9 quirks.

This is honestly a good reason why AFO hasn't simply body-jacked someone to have a restored form: his is special.

Shigaraki is probably getting AFO, or a superior version of AFO as has been hinted, and a proper procedure to make his body fully-ready for it.

Hello self inserters. Enjoying your new chapter's thread so far?

>Be serious
I said Be serious user san!

Shut up! SHINU!


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