ITT: mangaka whose art regressed over time

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as much as Miuras art sucks now, right side was made by one of his assistants

I've got a DB one like this too. Would be cool to see more comparison images of a manga through the years like this.

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No it wasn't.

Any shonenshit not made by Kubo.

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mid part 4 was best araki, what happened?

「King of regression」

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No doubt left, Dragon Ball and early Zhit were better.

prove it

Don't know, but I'm not even touching 6 or 8. Reading and watching 5 then skipping to 7 and ending JoJo there.

Toriyama's current art makes me sad, though I guess it could just be because he's getting old

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I hate how the MC looks in this game

Old Toriyama art is awesome

Attached: dragon-ball-vol-2-9781569319215_hr.jpg (1400x2100, 245.76K)

you first

This reminds me of how Goku's hair is stiff as hell in starting with Z.


>For Berserk, he draws all the characters and background. Assistants are only in charge of tones, buildings, background soldiers or far-off scenery. Recently he started having them draw the ground too.
>He is usually fast with storyboarding, so he doesn't think this new series will affect Berserk production. Main bottleneck is the art, because he tries to draw everything by himself.

Why would you skip the best part?

Araki's been in an artistic dark age since late Part 4. What a tragedy.

I think it's kind of an interesting style but i feel like i respect it more than i like it

Peaked mid part 4

Peaked '91

Part 2 is his artistic dark age. He peaked with part 7.

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Because Araki was censored from making Annasui a girl and giving us hot lesbian action, it takes place in fucking Florida which the He is boring as shit for a setting, especially compared to Egypt or Italy and none of the cast interests me besides that Weather Report guy.

The problem with your example is that Jojo's arm is super long because it's a two-page spread. This is an old technique because in a physical printing, there would be a massive crease right there. The arm is drawn comically long so that it looks normal when the book crease is present.

SBR is full of awful same face and extremely stiff expressions.

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>that arm
always kills me

>typed He instead of US
It's time for a nap.

Miura doesn't draw Berserk anymore like years ago...

Why skip 8 though? It's the actual best part

Sadly that doesn't account for the art and proportions being an abomination in normal pages.

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Murata's art didnt regressed, we all know he straight up died like 8 years ago

Nah that's just an analog artist transitioning to digital.

Way too brief. I should also mention the Stands are described as the most unique, but the fights are worse with Bohemian Rhapsody being absolutely infamous. Pucci does sound like a good villain, but there's not much reason to oppose him besides him wanting to erase the Joestars because they killed fucking DIO. He's not even going to negatively affect everyone else with his plan to rest the universe into one where all life knows everything bad that's going to happen so they can be ready for it. I don't care for the stealing Stands with discs idea, either. But along with what I already mentioned, yeah. Jolyne doesn't sound bad either, but I'm not motivated to give her protagonist outing a read.

Gantz, by the last arc you could barely tell what the fuck was going.

You should probably read things before forming an opinion on them.

NGL I think a lot of people keep on saying Mid-Part 4 is the one that peaked, but I honestly think 6 and Early-to-mid Steel Ball Run looked fucking great

Meanwhile in Steel Ball Run

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Do you want an ending or not fag, he's trying to minimalise the art style so it can be drawn more efficiently.

Back then when he needed to make an effort

Isn't there an updated version of this?

part 8 is literally peak araki, if you think otherwise you are a massive faggot and retard

>11 years later and Araki still doesn't know how to end Jojolion.

he does, it's just that you are impatient

>everyne has woman sameface
I miss manly jojo faces

much improved

None that I know of

current Toriyama characters seem anorexic...

Attached: Toriyama.jpg (1508x1636, 1.03M)

Informative post

Like others have said mid 4 is perfection
89 here, but Toriyama's best stuff is action sequences and vehicles/monsters. Goku vs Vegeta in the manga was great.

Miura's art had a real rough patch right after he made the switch to digital. It's getting better though.

Lmao I made that collage, still fun to see it around.
As much as I love Berserk, yeah Miura's style REALLY fucking downgraded when Elfhelm came around. It's one thing having to get used to drawing digitally (lines looked way too flat and clean), but his characters went from having beautiful more realistic facial proportions to look like big eyed, round-faced dolls.

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>digital art makes you forget basic anatomy
stop spreading this lie

I'm just saying.

In 359, the faces look way better. The eyes are still off at some points, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was when they just got off the boat.

Who's that girl?

Miura's digital art is nightmare fuel

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I feel like he's been on autopilot for a while

Legit looks like something you would find on deviantart

late battle tendency was peak jojo artstyle

My god. Is that real? I haven't kept up with Berserk in years, but this is not the Griffith I remember.

That's probably where Miura got his digital art tips.

Traditional has texture to hide most of the flaws, digital has no such imperfections to help mask an artists flaws.

Yeah, the change to digital + the fact that this arc is very high fantasy changed his art style to be more "cute"