>The story centers around millionaire Kanbe Daisuke, the heir to one of the wealthiest families in Japan, who is assigned as a detective to the Modern Crime Prevention Task Force (aka MCPTF), at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Taking full advantage of his vast family wealth, he spares no expense in solving complex crimes, and has the tendency to evaluate everything including individual human lives in terms of their monetary value. Katou Haru, a detective with a compassionate heart who believes that money isn't everything, is chosen as Kanbe's partner but is repulsed by his materialistic attitude. Having diametrically opposing personalities, witness how the two join forces to tackle seemingly unsolvable crimes and mysteries!
Original Story: Yasutaka Tsutsui (Paprika, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) Director: Tomohiko Ito Character Design: Keigo Sasaki Music: Yuugo Kanno Studio: CloverWorks
Cast: Haru Katou: Mamoru Miyano Daisuke Kanbe: Yuuki Onuki
Good staff except Ito, his heavy handed "DID YOU KNOW RED MEANS BAD" directing in boku dake ga inai machi was half the reason it was shit
Landon Martinez
>Yasutaka Tsutsui (Paprika, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) I have already my theories on the mysterious girl.
Anthony Torres
The pre-air show (the one with the main cast) said Sakamoto Maaya will play as the mysterious girl and they only say "yeah, her character is... a mysterious girl".
What's the problem with the retarded robber, especially the guy. He's totally trash for abandoning his girl like that and then she just forgives him like that?
Aaron Hughes
Jonathan Morris
I watch a few episodes of the Jdrama years ago. I guess the concept is the same, with the rich MC spending wads of cash on ridiculous ways to catch the suspect.
Oliver Martin
Is this similar to the Jdrama?
Cameron Hall
That's all? Any main lining thread or bigger plot? What was last good detective anime on Noitamina? I really enjoyed UN-GO although the story is kinda hazy now.
I loved how the promotional materials had bold linework but it looks like that's not in the show from the screenshots, that's unfortunate
Asher Gutierrez
Yes just different lead and time period. The Jdrama's lead was the granddaughter, the anime is the same as the novel, the son is the lead but they updated to current time.
Ethan Sullivan
Charles Turner
I don't recall a bigger plot other than the usual department rivalry in getting rid of the MC as a cop.
John Gray
MC is like Bruce Wayne but he's no a vigilant and he's plays police instead.