It's her birthday, say something nice to her!
Rias Gremory
I want to cum in you
her bazoongas give me strength.
Something nice to her
Regardless of who you think best DxD is, I think we can all agree that today Rias is best girl.
la fay still best
I can't. Not when the other girls are now better than her.
There might be no other character in fiction I've jacked off to more than Rias
what the hell.. are you serious? Is there no girl that came even close?
Asserting dominance
Yoruichi would probably be close since bleach was my gateway anime and puberty hit when she transformed from a cat to this
Not him but holy shit yes
you are crazy, user. at least show the other girls some love too
I love my darling devil wife Rias.
Different user here, I've only ever really cared for Rias as well
And with "cared" you mean jacking off to her and her only a ridiculously amount of times?
She was way less bitchy than I was expecting her to be when I first watched DxD.
>tfw your dad shares Rias's birthday while all you have is fucking Murasakibara from Kuroko
Rias just does stuff to me.
so you fap to her?
I'm pretty sure jacking off to Rias Gremory was my first orgasm.
She's a kind and caring onee-san that's younger than everyone in this thread
God bless you
You all have great taste
I was watching her anime today and she is my favorite girl so far.
Is there a chance of the anime getting another season? Or is there a manga que goes post the "Hero" season?
happy birthday to rias honey. How much sex do you think she needs to carry on with her normal life? Rias and Issei probably fuck like rabbits every night.
second best girl after Akeno.
Read the manga for the Sitri vs Gremory game
Then read the novels for the rest of the story
I want to cum inside Rias
We all do, buddy. We all do.
I'm not into lolis, but I would literally manhandle and violate Koneko on every single surface I could carry and push her against
How many billions do you think she's killed?
Your show is cringe, you're cringe, you're basically just a stripper at this point, and when I jerked off to you, and didn't even bother to finish you generic big titty thot.
This is the last thing I want to see before I die
She has taken the most semen out of me of any woman in the last two years
Thanks for making puberty a bit easier for me when I first watched your show 7 years ago (I still need to thank the guy who recommended this gem of a show to my 14 year old self).
>How many billions do you think she's killed ?
Rias is a whore
Literally a semen demon
>implying that's a bad thing
She's ridiculously fucking hot enough to make her being main girl okay with a harem unbelievable.
Oyakodon is perfection
That would be the best way to go
Do it, I found out about this on Yas Forums and I'm extremely glad I did
>iFunny watermark
At least crop your pictures before you embarrass yourself, phone poster-kun
Issei's dream was having a harem since he was a kid
Forcing him to pick between having her o his dream would be unbelievably evil and way out of character for Rias
And also competition is fierce, her position is difficult already without pulling this crap
Oyakodon with Rias and Venelana
I just can't bring myself to cuck Zeo after producing such a fine daughter.
Now if we were to CLONE Venelana I have no issue then
The slag on the right is very nice.
What is she eating there? Looks like some giant chocolate wafer
Not until the retarded faggot editor dies from corona. Will someone please mail an infected package?
Looks kinda like Costco dessert bars
She sure does know where to travel
Felt a brief spark of guilt then considered the faggot would guaranteed try blocking the ending to Brocon Siscon as well.
Probably wouldn't go through anyways. Would have sent a message to fuck off at the bare minimum. Sick of the shitposting this series, cuckshit especially, its girls and MC gets just because of that cockblocking retard.
In fairness Ishibumi is going a bit nuts with Shin.
Especially since we now have the 'THE END OF TEAM DXD' shit on the horizon
Imagine if the series ends with issei using pregnancy magic on his harem and ends up like Simon at the end of TTGL
Alright complete tangent
Which RIDAH would each girl in the harem like?
So it's nearing the end?
DxD EX says that Issei lives with his harem
And he let Asia die because he was busy being dominated by 5 wives
Imagine letting you wife die because you're fucking 5 other girls at that time