This picture makes me feel weird.
She's gonna rip one isn't she?
imagine if she farts haha
and because she's goddess her farts are already purified so they don't even smell
imagine if her poop is purified too lol what a funny thought i wonder how it would taste like haha
You should be ashamed
I've masturbated a lot in my life and it never sounded like "moso moso moso"
>wonder how it would taste like haha
Drink a glass of water, user.
different strokes for different folks
Worst Aqua thread ive ever seen
Shut up, useless goddess
Wtf, where did my pants go?
This fanart is pretty disturbing desu.
I wonder what wouls have happened if kazume have tried to do her in the time they shared the barn
>Aqua knows what's Kazuma's doing
>Pretends to be asleep so he can finish
Based goddess
Maybe even they have slept hugging each other inadvertently.
Who the FUCK jerks off with their left hand?
People who are left-handed.
>Not using two hands
Fucking dicklets.
I'm right handed but jerk off with my left.
I blame eroge. I got so used to using my right to click and play shit so I just naturally started using my left so I didn't have to keep reaching for the mouse/keyboard.
Me. Shit's so cash.
I jack off with right hand and this actually made me very accustomed to using the mouse with a left hand.
At the office people look at me like some freak.
Over 25 years of jerking off with my right hand has made my dick a bit misshapen.
Got too good at it with he right one, so I switched. Easier time browsing is a welcome bonus.
I do so I can use the mouse while fapping. I can't even do it with my right.
Downwards curve?
I have an 8 inch dick with what almost looks like a dog knot towards the middle and it slightly curves to the left.
>made my dick a bit misshapen.
w-wat a s-second... fapping can misshapen you pp?????!
you don't have enough moisture.
yes, and it is also a sin.
pray for mercy now and maybe you will be forgiven.
I use my thighs desu
I'm glad I'm not the only one that jerks off with my left so I can play hentai vidya with my right.
Who doesn't, I thought everyone did that. I'm right handed, but have always used my left.
I do it
Right hand is for the mouse
Left hand is for edging
Right hand is for the ultimate finisher and a quick but powerful fap
I feel like I am slightly ambidextrous because of fapping like this during my hikkikomori phase.
how does that even work?
do you have a downward-banana dick?
No but I have big thighs
Imagine the smell.
>her poop is purified too
Aqua poos ice cubes.
either you're a fat son of a bitch or your dick is tiny. goddamn.
I did the opposite; I can fully use a keyboard and mouse left handed to play almost all games so I can fap with my right.
draw a picture to explain this
You must walk a lot.
i use Aquas thighs
Fucking hell it's self-explanatory
Too lewd, this is a blue board.
>using your hand to fap insted of a onahole
I don't remember the last time I regularly brushed my teeth, you trust me to keep an onahole clean?
Right hand for the phone, left for the dick.
gagged at the thoguht, thanks user
that image is nothing but dirty lies, kazuma would never disrespect himself to fap to her.
I do. I have a loli and JC onaholse that I bore out. It's fun to watch the loli one get stretched to shit.
So what's the plan here, he's just gonna cum into his pants, then what? Sleep in them?
It's what I did until I was about 13.
I use mine right before I shower and wash them with me. Some times I use them in the shower.
is there something wrong with that?
Absolute madman
Kazuma is canon guilty of Sexual harassment, jaywalking, and public urination in our world. I'm surprised he's not making physical contact with her.
>Aqua is awake
>Just lets Kazuma do it
>Aqua is awake
>Just lets Kazuma do it
This guy gets it
Wait, you didn't ever do that as a kid?
Shit feels good while falling asleep, waking up it's all dry and only cummy stains are left.
I want to stick a humidifier mask up aquas ass and breath in a constant stream of her farts