Boku No Hero Academia

Spoilers out:
>Aizawa & Mic join the fight with Crust
>Mirko is still alive
>Chapter ends on Shigaraki’s pod cracking right down the middle as they look on

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>Mirko is still alive.
>But also at Ground Zero of the Day of the Hand.

The emphasis clearly is on "still".

>Aizawa will stop being the home teacher since he's the home teacher for first years

I can see Shigaraki killing Aizawa

>>Aizawa & Mic join the fight with Crust
>3 men vs one nomu when mirko could run through the whole thing to accomplish her mission
fucking quirklets.


Goddammit, Hori, have Shiggy do something or stop teasing it so often.

>3 threads
Can you faggots stick to one thread instead of shitting on Yas Forums?

Seethe bitch

o boy, I really wanted Endeavour to save Miruko but it's clearly setting up for another "haha I'm gonna kill you WTF my power is stopped for 2 seconds so they escaped" moment. He's even bringing a portable shield and Mic aka "I yell at you so you can do shit for an instant when we flee" with him, so the upcoming events a really really obvious.

>2 weeks of nothing
can Hori kill Aizawa already?

Why don't you complain when others do it?

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>a 500+ posts sautosaging thread
>a meme fusjo thread that died when it it 50 posts several hours ago
>this thread, that has actual spoilers discussion
Is this enough to make you feel raped? Grow a spine.

He's going to move too fast for Aizawa to see.

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Think about this anons
>Aizawa is the home teacher for 1st years
>Class 1A advancing to second year means they will get another home teacher while Aizawa will stay the home teacher for first years
>That means Aizawa's role in the plot will be very reduced
>Now we see Aizawa in the pont 0 of the Shigaraki awakening

Things look very bad for Aizawa


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Hei ripoff was fated to die.

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Damn, dekufujos can't be looking like this...

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Crust will protect her

He still got plot with Kurogiri and Shinso to deal with, plus he's taking care of Eri, and we can't have their precious fucking pet loli losing her smile can we?


So the chapter is pure hospital?

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And what will happen to Eri? If he's dead then she will have an hard time training her quirk, not to mention she will probably get depressed too

>Have Tokoyami save Hawks as a cliffhanger and cut away from the fight for 3 weeks
I wouldn’t expect much else.

>Crust will protect

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I don't know, we only got 3 lines of text. Actually, does anyone know how many pages it will have?

Calm down satan bird, we need two more weeks to build up the fight so people can properly invest in Dabicoin.

I'm waiting for more info, what we have now isn't enough to fill the chapters Hori's been drawing lately.

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dump it

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What would Stain think of Jobzawa? And could he beat him in a fight?

>she bought?

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Stain would fucking destroy Aizawa in a fight. like Toga, he doesn't use his quirk directly in combat so losing it isn't a big deal.

Stain would probably respect that fact that Aizawa doesn't desire the fame of heroism though.

Stain would trash Aizawa since his quirks more of a bonus for him than necessary.

Dabicoin will forever be worthless.

Okay, but Aizawa is also pretty fucking good at fighting too. During USJ he did btfo like dozens of villains at once. I think it depends on whether or not Stain can cut through the steel wraps Aizawa has.

I keep seeing people say this about characters every week and no one has died yet aside from Twice.

At this point I want to believe, but the blueballing is making the tension dissipate for me.

>tfw rooting more for the villains than the heroes
Are my morals askew or is this normal?

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>Dabi jobbed off screen to chunni bird

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The former. With Twice gone the villain side is completely irredeemable, a nest of psychos and terrorists.

Nah, Hori basically asked you to root for villains in the MLA arc, so it's understandable that it's carrying over.

Nah it's normal. You should always root for the underdogs

thats creepy as fuck

tik tok hero fags

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I think you're just used to other shonen where a major hero would have died by this point already.

Let's go!

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>Chapter ends with not with Shiggy breaking the pod, but with Dark Shadow and Dabi imitating the Nomu and Aizawa pose from USJ.

So when the twitter guy made his first impressions, was it just these images he was basing it off?

rooting for the villains means your moral compass is working properly. Shigaraki and his pals are fighting for freedom, the heroes want to enslave you

>Tokoyami is going to have Dark Shadow bash Dabi's head into the ground and break his arms
I'd love to see it.

Dick sucking lips

What if Present Mic dies instead?

Apparently. 90% of the chapter is still missing.

I mean... that'd be kind of sad, but he's not nearly as important as Aizawa.

>You need to be morally aligned with a character to want to see the succeed
That’s dumb. I’m a huge moralfag but I’ve been cheering for the villains since the Yakuza arc cause they’re a fun ragtag bunch of characters and I wanna see more of them.

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Looks like Mirko is in pain?

Me on the right

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Nav usually has access to entire chapters. He likes to leak info and images little by little

So Aizawa's quirk works on the nomus? They are fucked if that's the case

Since Shigaraki shouldn´t be inmune to Eraser´s quirk, so I guess he is gonna overpower them with pure strenght and agility alone, since Doc upgraded his body.

>rooting for murderers and psychopaths means your moral compass is correct
Shigaraki only wants to free people from their lives by turning them to dust instead.

the fucker

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who cares? Present Mic is a non-character

Punished Aizawa

Shiggy soon

I think that happens because Hori hasn´t made the kids struggle in a long time, there are no stakes.

Instead of the class showdown, we needed another high stakes or serious arc, a situation where the kids failed to save someone would have been enough for example.

shut up retard

Yeah but but his work on shiggy was not complete

>Aizawa's tries do block Shiggy's quirk

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We still in the game bros

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Based and PRRÖÖÖÖHHHH pilled

Yeah, that´s why I think he will retire once he overheats or deals enough damage, but they lost their bases and transport quirks, so dunno how.

I bet Re-Destro has a couple more of bases or Doc must know of some AFO´s ones.