What went through Hori's mind as he created her?
Boku no Hero Academia
he wanted to make cute, sexy, genk,i airheaded lesbian
>this cocaine taste really clean
Cute and Canon
Hypnotism that makes the girl insatiably horny is patrician.
he wanted to make a wife for amajiki after the timeskip
Shiggy soon i hope
Obvious he wanted to create another female in a tight body suit.
I'm more wondering what went through his mind when he created telescopic because I physically cringed because this type of body mutilation bothers me.
Reminder that Dabi NEVER Jobbed once
Camp arc
>succeeded in capturing Bakugo and it was a clone that Aizawa took out
Kami no
>it was a sneak attack and they knew they had to knock Dabi out right away or else they'd lose
>a W against Snatch
>he was winning the fight
This arc
> single-handedly took out the number 2 and now he's going to kill his student right in front of him
Imagine the _______s
>What went through Hori's mind as he created her?
"They stopped me from having Deku declare his open and homosexual love for "K-Kacchan.." so I will go with sex or drugs. That will show them."
This series would unironically be more interesting following Mei
Nejire is for Tamaki, since she's curious and unhindered, and so wants to explore everything that Tamaki could do, giving her a never ending fetish buffet, customizable to her tastes.
That's not an accomplishment, at this point it would be better if mineta was the protagonist
thigh chokes
That's self inserting.
we get it you hate deku holy fuck
>he was winning the fight
It'd be more interesting if there were a lot of characters that were around.
Honestly, I feel like that was one of the big disappointments, that they didn't build up Mei more and make her a lot more common. She could provide an interesting romantic rival for Ochako, interest for Deku, but even ignoring the shipping stuff, also Mei feels like a great fit for Deku since they could both go down into the super analysis mode for things, and Mei can build gear for him, and other heroes as needed.
Mei should have gotten more love. Honestly, it's too bad things are mostly around Ochako, who's one of the most bland out of the female characters that has some real outstanding characters.
Mei, Mina, Setsuna, Tsuyu all seem like more interesting and fun to be with in the first years. Nejire in 3rd, and among teachers and pros, Midnight, Mt. Lady, Miruko also are better in this aspect as well.
yuri/yaoi shitposting aside tamaki/nejire most likely isn't gonna happen. every time hori has a character think about the person they like, toga, ochako, mt. lady or whoever you can see how they feel from their expression, and tamaki didn't look at all in love with nejire during the beauty contest
As Nejire maybe.
A superhero wearing heels is so fucking stupid I hate it
>Quirk is literally my mom's binoculars
>Still gets into UA
AfO Was black, All-Might is the devil, and the government is lying about Kamino Ward!
No one is asking you to be this autistic
Based and belongs on Yas Forums
daily reminder that Toga-chan is cute and is my wife
I agree mei is interesting af
That hair doesn't match hers at all, looks like a different character with Toga's colors painted over them
Chapter Spoilers
chapter starts with Shigaraki exploding out of the tube but we then immediately cut to Dabi vs Tokoyami
During the the Hawks has a flashback to him and Touya being childhood friends after that we cut to Tokoyami burned to a crisp
Dabi then tells Hawks about Endeavour's abusive history and then Hawks starts to cry remember his abusive father, Hawks then says his whole life has been a lie then
Dabi uses the handkerchief that Twice left behind to wipe away Hawks tears, Hawks then goes for a kiss and starts removing Dabi's jacket
Chapter ends with Hawks kissing Dabi's neck while unzipping his pants
Katsuki should've been female.
What's with all the gays and fujos that flock to this shitty fucking manga
Its mainstream.
Still waiting for more 1B
Post more Mei
Literally 3-4 fujos spam all this gayshit, the dekubaku gay shit isn't spammed by a fujo but by some retarded autist who is hellbent on ruining these threads for some reason
Cuddles? With tits like that I'd never wanna leave
The fuck did i just read
Is this your first popular manga? You must be new here.
>Spin Cycle: Extreme
>Water: Hot
>Load: Heavy
>I'm going to make this particular user's penis hard
Not new but I haven't read a popular shounen manga since Inuyasha.
it's a small group of false flaggers and a few actual faggots and fujos but tranny mods won't ban them because they're in on it too
Cute and canon
DABI will be the ONLY Villain to be Redeemed
Toga and Shigaraki are crazy evil and deserve death, the other Villains are irrelevant and unpopular so they aren't going to be Redeemed, Dabi on the other hand
He was first presented as someone whose never killed before, the people he later kills are all thugs so no problem, Snatch was a Compress kill, Dabi doesn't give a shit about the League so he'll betray them later, plus he has a great reason for doing the things he does, Endeavour was a piece of shit and got away with it but Dabi will expose him and Hawks will help him once he finds the truth, Shouto will play a role in his redemption arc
>i leave shiggy in your hands, wash-sama
When did Eri learn to kiss like that?!
>captured Bakugo
boy, catching a compress ball sure is hard
>gets btfo by geriatric midget
>manages to '''beat''' Snatch in a triple team and only b/c of compress
>was losing to Geten
>will job to Tokoyami
JOBI will job forever
now post the one with his dick out
Is Geten a boy or a girl?
you folks really still reading this trash?