ITT Animes you wish you can unwatch

ITT Animes you wish you can unwatch.
Hardmode:Not because it was bad

This is the most depressing thing I ever seen.
Magica Madoka was great though and you will never see anything like it.

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How come it's depressing are you mentally challenged

Now go watch YuYuYu

Etotama. Loved it but since they teased a S2 I check every season for it and get sad every time.

Everyone on 4chins is mentally challenged.

Well user I suspect you're about to get dunked on by a bunch of seething imbeciles but I'm glad you liked the show. Madoka is anime of the decade material for sure.

>This is the most depressing thing I ever seen.

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Will it continue to be the AOTD for 2020 since there will probably be nothing better?

No. Attack on Titan will cement itself as anime of the decade this fall.

All of them.
Anime has been a complete fucking waste of my time but I've sunk too much time into this shit to get out of it by now.

I like to try and stay optimistic but I think it's becoming increasingly less likely that I'll ever care for another story as much as this one.

I will accept AOT as an alternative AOTD to Madoka because of its strong cross of being ridiculously popular while still being good, but I will be disappointed if it's anything other than those.

I couldnt get into madoka. it doesnt help I went in knowing it was a dark subversion of magical girls. but aside from Homura, I had no attachment to the characters. Madoka herself is such a passive character. She was uninteresting to watch. Did I get filtered?

Sayaka was supposed to have the best arc actually.

you can appreciate a show without comparing it with something better

The first ten minutes of Mahou Shoujo Site

Madoka is good but it just doesn’t feel good so it’s not enjoyable in the end.

Yes. It hits its stride when homuras backstory is played. If you didn’t see that, it’s understandable that you thought madoka was a boring person. Madoka is actually really heroic, she just didn’t get to shine because of homura. Watch it and see

People should never wish to unwatch something.

There's a few shows I wish I could unwatch so that I could experience watching them for the first time again

m-madoka is that you?

The best shows get better every time you rewatch them.

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>something better

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Sure, but watching them for the first time is a unique experience in and of itself, no? I don't think it's so wrong to want to relive that

>This is the most depressing thing I ever seen.
Is madoka magica the only piece of media you have ever consumed?

Madoka has legitimately excellent characterization for the length of its story but some people need time to come to care about a character no matter how they are written. So I wouldn't say you got filtered necessarily. I would just ask you to try and look back and appreciate how thoughtfully the characters are handled and the story's pacing, that kind of thing.

You answer my question first.

No now go.

>powerleveling fictionalized suffering
truly the worst mindset to take hold of animefags. all suffering is depressing in their own particular way. literally shonen-tier discussion. grow up.


holy based, maybe Yas Forums does have a few braincells left after all

Yeah I got to say I agree with this 100% and it doesn't get said often enough.

Madoka is the most uplifting thing I have ever seen, it legitimately restored my faith in humanity and cured my depression.
If you think that it is depressing, then you literally didn't understand it.

What's your point? That op can be an underage faggot with 20 whole anime under his belt and absolutely no perspective when it comes to what the genre can offer, and nobody can call him out on being a retard? Go fuck off. In fact go fucking die.

I came to realize that it is literally impossible to understand Madoka without spiral thinking.
If you are unable to see connections between systems of systems intuitively and appreciate interpretational superpositions, then there is no chance you might ever understand it.

if you think i'm responding only to you, do note that i quoted both of you, but op deleted their post. infer what responding to both of you with my comment means, please.

I said go die, not go respond to me again like a retard.

It's a lot like Hunter x Hunter in that way I've noticed, except that Madoka is still possible for a mortal mind to comprehend with enough proper study and research. It just takes a lot.

quantum mechanics?

absolutely based and truth-pilled
faggots will look for any reason to prop themselves above other anons

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>interpretational superposition
Congratulations on putting two words together user this isn't a real term.

thanks user

Saying that Madoka Magica is depressing is missing the entire point.
I don't get why you faggots here are so god damned retarded. Arguing whether """Madoka is the bigger torture porn then x"""
Lol, you sad fucking kids, are you 17y old edge lords?

So I will just spell it out for you because you simply do not get it otherwise.

Why you consider "edgy lol", I consider just normal, people just consider it normal.
So someone get cancer and dies or someone gets exploited mercilessly? That's life. Read a book, or talk to some fucking people in your community. Life IS an unbelievable tragedy, and history is filled with immeasurable suffering.
Just look at what happened in the 20th century.

Those are just facts, no one considers it "oh so cool", you want to read up the harshest edgiest thing you can find? Go read a history book. no one could make up something like this.

So how does Madoka Magica relate to this?
Madoka just takes the first 10+ episodes to establish a situation that is about as nihilistic as the author's view of the world itself.
And then it goes on from there to make the most hopeful bright and all in all redeeming ending possible.

Madoka Magica is Gen "the Butcher" and a bunch of other nihilists going:
How about we make the most hopeful thing we can make without compromising?
That is what it is about. Madoka is completely full of hope for the future and of love for humanity. That is what it conveys.

For obvious reasons

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He's taking the piss out of the massively autistic fanbase, no one is mentally diseased enough to actually believe that about a magical girl anime. Of course you'd know that if you knew Madoka Magica is the greatest thing ever written by humans and is totally AOTD of the decade every decade.

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In the same way as "big dog" is not a term but "dog" is.
If you know what both words mean then the meaning should be obvious to you.

I disagree, I think it's about aliens.

No, it's actually about the jews.

>I don't get why you faggots here are so god damned retarded
Good lord the irony

Jews ARE aliens, stupid.

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It's good. But it really isnt as good as everyone makes it out to be. You were reverse filtered, you didnt fall for the meme.
Again Madoka is a great anime. But honestly if you have watched every other Shaft animation before it, it isnt anything special. The witch aesthetic is the same one they have used for awhile (Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei OP/EDs for instance), the color choices, camera angles, pacing, it's all classic Shaft.
Madoka suffers from being overhyped. If I went in expecting a Shaft anime about magical girls, i would have been impressed. But when everyone and their mother is screaming it's the anime of the decade, masterpiece, and so forth. It was a let down. Because it was only exactly what I initally expected and nothing more.

Madoka thread?

Well, duh, but that's the point the anime is trying to make.

It's about A.H.'s (Akemi Homura... did you think I meant Adolf Hitler?) fight against the interdimensional Jewish aliens.

>he actually understood the author intent and underlying idea of the story while describing it in the most autistic way possible

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entirely serious question: did you not read any of the posts you quoted, or any of the posts in this thread prior to posting this, or was this just a kneejerk reaction?

user, I recognize half of this thread as Madoka schizos that have been ironically shitting on it for years now.
The way this works is, half the thread post shit about Madoka, like
"it's not actually that good", or "x is better than Madoka", when clearly everyone who watched it and understood it knows that this could never possibly be the case.

And they do this, because they want Madoka cultists to praise it more.
This is actually a ritual at this point

Fuck off newfag.

>her face as the thread progressed

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God look at her tiddies.
I want to squeeze them.

I think the fact that he's on Yas Forums and asking if he's mentally challenged is a bit redundant.

>dem heels/bewbs/legs
>dat everything
Dokes is so fucking gorgeous , holy shit

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