How do you make a good gender bender series?

How do you make a good gender bender series?

A magical transformation isn't the same as a surgery, go back to Yas Forums if you want to talk about trannies

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I like surgery gender bender as a concept though. It's just that most of the manga with that as the premise suck.

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What do you think about this one so far?

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Twintails, make that show again and you've got a good one.

Gender bender is literally only good if the transformed guy still likes and pursues girls. Otherwise it's dogshit that belongs in the trash.

Its good if the genderbent girl gets rejected by her former friends and family and now has to forge her own life in a new sex.

Reincarnating into a different gender is great too.

Do the only thing Ranma did right and have them actually continue acting like their old self, including still wanting girls because I don't care about your shitty best friend excuse love interest.

This. I want girls who bring their previously male perversion to chase after more of them. Feminization then fucking some guy they know is shit.


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Still waiting for the inevitable anime announcement.

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Have you guys checked out the newest genderbend series that came out today? It's really wonderful and will most definitely be a treat to read. There hasn't been a good, concrete genderbend story written in years but this has potential which i'm looking forward to reading.

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Wrong. Guy embracing femininity and falling for other guys is patrician taste. There's nothing better than a girl who actually has the mindset as a man while is 100% female. Yuri is literally for incels.

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How many chapters so far, translator-san?

>hurr incel
Get the fuck out, retard. Why are anti-yuri shits some of the most unintelligent?

I'm not the translator but only 1 chapter is out. I checked and was literally serialized on March 31, a week ago. This is most likely a monthly series so the wait for the next chapters will be long.

Falling for guys isn't a men mindset, faggot

The fundamental problem with the genre is that I don't think you can rip of Ranma again. And "I am girl oh no what do I do" is kind of a weak premise.
I think taking the mechanics from Ranma but making it a more "serious" romantic comedy like Maison Ikkoku with loads of love interests male and female (one each also swapping genders) could work.

Just doing the thing doesn't work, it's boring and "oh but is this gay" is not a compelling way to create conflict.

It anyone reading this right now? It's easily become one of my favorite gender bender manga.

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Why do you consider it good?

It's supposed to be a comedy, but I don't find it particularly funny. The characters are all just really cute and well written. Well written characters are rare in gender bender too.

I think you're right that you need some other element, or rather, the story should have a core and gender bending it just a story device. Even Ranma is better described as a battle romcom with gender bending rather than a series that's focused on gender bending. If the change is going to be the main element of the story then you basically have two paths: a serious reflection on gender roles like in Shishunki Bitter Change (which is the only one I can think of off the top of my head) or a short-lived ecchi/hentai with a predictable outcome.

Gender bending is the same as ecchi, isekai, fanservice, etc, it should not be the main focus or the main crutch. It enhances an already good manga, but it cannot save a shit manga with poor drawing, storytelling, characterization, etc.

disregard drama
acquire comfy degeneracy
anime fucking when

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>a serious reflection on gender roles
Honestly, I think this can get way too dark, given how bad discrimination against women is in Japan. So I don't think it's very fun and I doubt it could succeed.

Like I said, a romantic comedy with a big cast of interesting love interests of both genders, while also featuring gender-swapping love interests and an inconveniently accidental transformation mechanic is really the only way to do it and keep it interesting for a while.

Also, it literally writes itself.
Just take that one story from Love Hina where Keitaro and Naru get on the train, but their glasses break so they don't recognize each other and get along really well, but do the protagonist and one of the female love interests each with swapped genders.

Super cute, good way to set up a later secret revealed scene and a very fun way to do the whole "but is this gay?" thing.

You can't
Gender bender is inherently bad
Yes, this includes Ranma 1/2

And of course at the end best girl wins

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Yas Forums used to post this manga all the time where this 30 year old neet became an elementary school girl, but had to harvest panties or else would revert to his former life
there was a big mystery over the motivations of the 'fairy' that granted MC's wish
whatever happened to that

make the main character a guy and make him get fucked in the ass with big cocks and have him eat cum while hes a woman

Make protagonist use gender bender in a gamey way - aka try to "abuse" this feature.
>Ranma did that
>Kampfer kinda did that
>all entertaining manga about gender bender did same
>One Piece did that and it was good
>Ishuzoku Reviewers did that and it was fun
I do think that, however, a broader transformation theme is clearly more interesting. Why become just a girl when you can become a catgirl and have not only to act as girl but hide your inhuman traits?

thanks for the rec. got any more?

No one really has the stones to actually discuss the pros/cons of being either gender, so this type of story is doomed to being of little substance, and amount to what essentially is self insert/fanservice.

Plus there is the added bonus of focusing on one gender over the other alienates half your potential audience.

no one has magically gotten to experience being both genders to give an objective review

Aside from this , which is very true. I think what draws people to gender bending is the "grass is greener" on the other side syndrome. People are drawn to the fantasy elements of being the perfect beauty with big breasts and lots of friends.

Imagine a gender bender where a guy turns into a cute girl, pretty, very sexy, and she gets abused by her family and her female classmates bully her, and her male classmates shun her because she is a "freak." You know what is going to happen? The manga will get canceled in 3 chapters, and you most likely wont know of its existence because people who like gender bending will hate this series so it will never get translated to english.

how about a comedy series where a fat ugly dude yearns to be a girl for the easy life, but becomes a fat ugly girl

It would be funny as shit, but it would get canned pretty fast because it doesn't appeal to the fetish.

With tons of lesbians and peeing
It helps if the MC is a loli

top 20 traits for Yas Forums that differ from the baseline (positive = Yas Forums likes this more):
>17.7% Scenario: Awkward interactions with friends
>17.0% Emotion: Embarrassment
>16.0% Trigger: Permanent / Irreversible
>15.4% Trigger: Involuntary
>-15.2% Sex: Creampie / Nakadashi
>15.0% Environment: Clothing Store
>13.0% Trigger Feature: Involuntary
>12.9% Scenario: Hiding changes
>12.8% Trigger Feature: Genital Change
>12.6% Emotion: Confusion
>-12.2% Partner: Young adult man
>-12.0% Trigger: Sci-Fi
>-11.9% Sex: Addiction (Cum)
>-11.9% Sex: Exhibitionism (Willing)
>-11.9% Sex: Begging (Other)
>-11.7% Trigger: Tattoo
>-11.4% Post-TG: Tattoo
>-11.3% Environment: Environments are not important to me for TG
>-11.2% Sex: Heart Pupils / Line through Pupil / Unusual Pupils
>-11.0% Sex: Masochism


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Spitefully and self aware.

Think Ranma but where Ranma never becomes comfy with turning into a girl, refuses to humor any hijinks the transformation causes, and the story ends with him going back to normal with the curse permanently cured and never speaking of it again

.7% Scenario: Awkward interactions with friends

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An isekai gender bender where the guy turned girl tries to make a name for herself as an adventurer starting out at level 1 but finds that doing so as a woman is comparative to playing Dark Souls on NG++++++ in that her weak girly muscles make her less capable in a melee or hand-to-hand fight than even the lowest tier male fighter, her beginner magic skills only being good for casting spells that are only useful for distracting opponents so she can run away like the literal pussy she is and to top it all off, a few of the monsters seem to like "playing" with their victims when they happen to be female before they kill them.

However, things get easier for her once she reluctantly forms a reverse battle harem made up of competent, yet handsome male adventurers that put their lives on the line to protect her in battle. They also help her level up with with one-on-one training until she eventually becomes a jack-of-all-trades that can at least put up a proper fight in battle. The trade-off though is that when she maxes out her "relationship points" with each guy during training the next session with him ends in sex, or is at the very least implied.

Pretty sure this exists.

This one
>God tier military man dies tragically on the battlefield
>Gets reborn as a girl, and spends 16 years growing up as a girl and becomes a maid
>Due to destiny or other bullshit, she meets her subordinates, all 16 years older and top military guys in her world
>Now she pretends to not know them, but the guys are slowly realizing who she really is.

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Sounds fun. I love subversion through banality

Peeing truly is the pinnacle of genderbent, isn't it?

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A dating couple suddenly swap genders at seemingly random intervals.
Sometimes only one of them swaps at a time.

Already done, a bunch of times, most of them get canned in one or two volumes.

>hurr incel
That's Herr Incel to you.

Do this

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Girl transforms into boy. She gradually becomes more and more male-brained and starts fucking all the women in school.

Wait do some retards actually think that?

Make the genderbent character lose bladder control all the time.

Why was he crossdressing

Neither is correct. Either the genderbent character likes both guys and girls, or goes for neither. Anything else is trash.

The guy has to enjoy it and do sexual stuff with his new body.

If it's a oneshot people will know of it because someone will translate it just because it's different from everything else out there.

What if it's a magic surgery like Shiomi?

Fujoshits be gone
