Isekai Quartet did NOT prepare me for Re:ZERO

It did not prepare me... It did not prepare me... I was just a guy watching Isekai Quartet because it had the KonoSuba crew. Thanks to you guys recommending Re:ZERO for me, I finally checked it out. My heart... This anime is probably the darkest anime I've seen yet. And I've seen some pretty messed up anime like Attack on Titan and Death Note, that can go pretty dark when it wants with its sadistic brutality. But this show... it's on a whole new level of sadism. Subaru... My poor poor Subaru... This show is a psychological horror in my opinion. If it's enough to make me want to take an hour break to watch something to make me feel happy, it's REALLY depressing. If it's enough to make me switch the light on, it's legitimately terrifying. It was so hard to watch yet so investing that I couldn't stop watching. All that comedy and lightheartedness in Isekai Quartet misled me in more ways than I could have ever imagined...

Now I'm beginning to wonder how much darker Overlord and Tanya the Evil are...

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>Thanks to you guys recommending Re:ZERO for me
>recommending Re:ZERO
you've been bamboozled, retard

It was over the top in my opinion. It makes the rest of the season seem fake.
Ik know it was part of the character but subaru was just annoying and cringy to watch
The only bearable character in my opinion was rem, she made the whole show.

>S2 delayed

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kys fucking cringe retard

good no one want to see a shit adaption except normalfags redditor like you

Well said my friend

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>implying it's not gonna be a fucking clusterfuck either way

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I love Re:Zero.
>Now I'm beginning to wonder how much darker Overlord and Tanya the Evil are...
Haven't gone into Overlord, but Tanya is not as dark as this. At least not the same shade of dark, more like world war grim at times.
Why so salty?

That's a reddit copypasta if I've ever seen one.

Was it that obvious?

This but unironically.

>Now I'm beginning to wonder how much darker Overlord and Tanya the Evil are...

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Did you watch whole season and both OVAs?

Hope you watched the director's cut version so you could see that kino ending.

>Watching isekai quartet in the first place
Absolutely disgusting, you should ask Aqua for forgiveness right now for your faggotry

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cautious hero: good
shield hero: good
konosuba: good
re:zero: good
tanya: good the first three episodes then quickly becomes trash
overlord: good first season, rest is pure undistilled trash

Holy shit, it really is from reddit.

>cautious hero: good
>shield hero: good
what did he mean by this?

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I like Re:Zero as a show because it makes self-insert fags seethe.


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Cautious hero is good. The tone shift near the end was a bit deafening but hopefully more light is shed on that if a S2 ever comes.

Tanya and Konosuba are literally the only good shows there.

>Cautious hero is good

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Ignore the coping Aqua avatarfag.

Point is that Subaru isn't the most honest character so lot of his true thoughts are not revealed unless he is in complete duress which Quartet obviously doesn't provide. They at least hint that him and Kazuma are the same type of entitled otaku (with Kazuma just being more loud and honest about it) but that's just hinting.

Tanya is a typical war is hell narrative fused with a typical wish fulfillment war story (just the Mc is a loli)
Overlord IS much darker (especially in S3) and Quartet's Nazarick is much funnier when you find once you find out what main series's Nazarick is not only is capable of but often does

but I don't like reading
and I also want to see the new contenders in the waifu wars

Aqua thread

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wow, you're a pussy.
>overlord and YOUJO SENKI
overload is a funny comedy wit ha skeleton who touch boobs of horny succubus.
youjo senki is military stuff like strike witches but with more historical guests

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The only thing wrong with rezero is the protagonist desu. He makes an effort to repeat the same mistakes every single time. Very frustrating and arguably forced. Its Isekai for cucks basically.

Has there been anything new in the directors cuts yet?

>He makes an effort to repeat the same mistakes every single time
Pretty relatable

nothing that you would notice without somebody pointing it out

The final episode added a new scene in the post credits, just look it up on youtube

It's like he was a lazy fuck and a piece of scum IRL. Amazing, isn't it?

>how much darker Overlord

The budget is very dark alright.

> and Tanya the Evil are...

A dark comedy actually.

I actually liked that he wasn't the typical Gary Stu that most isekai self-inserts are. Also Subaru's seiyuu was the MVP of this show, so that made him fun to watch. But yeah, if I had been reading this as a manga or LN, then I might have found him a lot more annoying.

I'm not sure how many options he had as a regular guy with a smokescreen spell in a world where even the little girls are stronger than him?

in dnd, you solve that problem by buying magic items, a solution literally 50+ years old

>darkest anime I've seen yet

Is this a copypasta/ troll?

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I must have missed the part where he's in a dnd universe.

he is, and arguably better because this universe has anime girls

Ive been meaning to rewatch rezero for a while, should i watch the director's cut or the "standart" version?

So you're saying he should've picked up some scrolls of fireball at the apple vendor to stand against people who have basically 100+ spell slots?

When was the last time you felt the sunlight in your skin?

all the spell slots in the world cant help you if the other guy hits you first

First hit doesn't matter if they can withstand 100 hits and kill you in 1. Anyway you're retarded, there were no cheap yet powerful convenient magic items for him to buy at any point, and it is not a dnd universe.


>mfw it's an aqua thread

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Like what, for example?

>100 hits
my little user cant be this retarded!

The literal clown faced wizard villain can punch a martial artist beastman's head off, that's how overpowered everyone is in that universe and why Subaru dies pathetically so many times. You're not confusing this show for some other actually dnd based show are you?

He dies pathetically because this this the point of this show, its basically torture porn. Accept it and stop trying to justify it.

It's an Aquaabuse thread

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all threads are Aqua threads

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Happy Aqua is the cutest Aqua

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You're saying it would make more sense for a regular real world teenage boy to be dying in epic combat against magic superhumans, rather than get ripped to shreds? Maybe you should stop watching so many overpowered self insert isekais.

yes this is the strawman of what I said, good job user

Why would you watch a collab before the main series? You're dumber than a sack of peanuts.

I asked if that's what you were saying, not stating that was your actual position. Since you didn't deny it I'm just going to assume you got btfo and are making a worthless snide reply to try brush it off.