>creates SOL comedy manga about raising a child, but is also to highlight the discrimination homosexuals face and assumptions made about their moral character
>draws the characters in bara style with rippling, bulging bodies like there is going to be a sex scene any moment and extreme sexual tension between the male main characters
What did the mangaka mean by this
Creates SOL comedy manga about raising a child...
Nothing, it's just his style of drawing.
>both ripped in the drawing
>when the faggot on the left is literally just obese and the faggot on the right scrawny
That's just hilarious, top tier western bullshit.
You seem a little angry user. Do you want to talk to someone?
It sounds more like you’re a faggot projecting your delusions.
The uke doesnt look too happy to be taking that massive bara cock
It's only the male main characters that are drawn that way, some other males in the manga aren't drawn like that. I don't get the premise anyways. It doesn't even make sense why his dead estranged twin's gay bf would live with him, especially since he has a kid. Maybe a family shrine they have to take care of and his dead twin gave the guy the deed, some actual reason to force them together, it just seems weird. Like, who wants a softcore bara with a family angle, who is this for literally
I have far more of a problem with how they just randomly swapped the colours around on the clothing, while keeping the clothing items practically the same. Down to the design of the one guy's shirt. I also don't get why they changed that pink triangle on the other guy's shirt into one of these traditional "seven lucky colours of the rainbow" things that are so popular in Japan when he isn't even Japanese.
>I also don't get why they changed that pink triangle on the other guy's shirt into one of these traditional "seven lucky colours of the rainbow" things that are so popular in Japan when he isn't even Japanese.
Stop pretending to be retarded.
WTF ? I thought japs hated gays.
didn't even the little girl have muscles?
>What did the mangaka mean by this
that you are horny fag
>didn't even the little girl have muscles?
I sure hope so. Some muscles are vital!
No one's eating shit, or having their limbs amputated, so the manga is already far enough out of the author's wheelhouse as it is.
Japanese culture is pretty divided on it desu. Most of the younger generation is pretty widely accepting, while the older generations are -extremely- conservative.
I remember when i went to Japan it wasn't uncommon for certain stores, big brand stores as well, to have pride flags at their check outs on display to attempt to normalize it and make people feel welcome.
It really is a mixed bag of both extremely welcoming and extremely hateful. Give it 10-20 years/once boomer remover gets its engine started properly and it'll be like most western nations desu.
he meant to say he is raging homo fag
Funniest thing about this manga is how whole articles have come out in the west praising it as great and progressive, and yet nobody seems to notice or mention the incredibly creepy plot about a guy getting over his brothers death by immediately settling into sucking his brother's gay gaijin fiance's cock and raising their child.
I mean forget the gay for a second, does bot come out as creepy and repulsive if the main character was a woman...? I think it does. What the fuck.
>top tier western bullshit
it's a JP TV show though.
>to have pride flags at their check outs
user, please. Rainbow colours have their own traditional meaning in Japanese culture, that is completely unrelated to your "pride".
>I mean forget the gay for a second
Then it basically becomes Two and a half Men with a girl instead of a boy.
It looks as if they're about to threesome her.
What I meant is that the response to criticizing this series is often answered with "you just hate gay people", but if you reverse the characters gender and make them straight it's still has a creepy and disgusting premise. It's not the gay part that disgusting, it's everything else including the weird sexualization (whether it's straight or gay).
The artist for the manga does bara doujin so yeah no shit
It's a pretty good manga and not super heavy handed. The guy playing the dead guy's husband in the TV show is a sumo wrestler.
I hope you're wrong, but...
Sure, but who cares about that in a gimmicky joke manga that's not even that popular?
Unfortunately some people do and they are doing everything to push it. You can find articles on how stunning and brave this manga is at all the usual places but just look how how hard Vice is bending backwards to shill it, even letting you read the first chapter: vice.com
That would be pretty hot ngl
I hate gays
>"you just hate gay people"
It's the gay gaijin that moves in with the straight brother. And the kid is the straight brother's. Also they arent in a relationship.
A filthy geikomi artist that draws only explicit hardcore homosex with no plot making an educational manga full of moralfaggotry trying to normalize the gays is what baffles me.
Yeah, yaoi and yuri are not mainstream at all.
Hey, a person who hasn't read it and has no idea what he is talking about!
Exactly. As a result his "educational manga for the whole family" comes of as a creepy censored doujin (with doujin logic included).
>but is also to highlight the discrimination homosexuals face and assumptions made about their moral character
Well gays ARE immoral. These fags are grooming their adopted children to be sexual deviants. youtube.com
Because he's a degenerate fucker.
Not like he puts it into this work
You think educators can't do weird deviant shit on the side?
Yeah since you get fucking fired for that and put on a list of people who can't work with children, you literal retard.
We're not talking about a fucking elementary school teacher here user
Can't open the video now, what's that about
Pretty much, I can't imagine them being that discriminatory much longer. For example shit like gachimuchi was really popular over there. Media also has plenty of homosexual or otherwise deviant characters. I doubt it'll really catch up to the west any time soon though.
Isn't crying about degenerates moralfaggotry?
Every single last homo in the world grooming their adopted children to be sexual deviants.
What's an educator than? You will have to be more specific.
I'll have you know in advance though, that most normal people would not be interested in wholesome educational all age content by a person whose career consists mostly of drawing hardcore gay BDSM orgies.
>educational all age content by a person
By educator in this situation I just meant someone acting as a means to educate a wide range of people on a certain topic. You seem to think it's somehow immoral or goes against the message for a person like that to also be into weird things on the side. It's not like the author tries to hide that side of his work.
>most normal people
Who cares? I don't think many level headed people would actually care anyway as long as he's not harming real people or promoting the harm of real people.
Very based.
I bet you'd take your children to see the Drag Queen Story Hour too. The fuck is wrong with people these days?!
user what the fuck are you on about.
>By educator in this situation I just meant someone acting as a means to educate a wide range of people on a certain topic
What, he has a masters in Gayology?
yes some people literally have no idea what being gay is in japan
Get this faggotry out of my anime!!!
They like them for fanservice.
>I doubt it'll really catch up to the west any time soon though.
I sure hope not.
While I don't mind traps and effeminate characters, full blown faggotry is repulsive.
Well for starters because those are two completely different things.
I wonder why ‘critics’ are so damn obsessed with shilling shit these days. They can’t just stick to criticism anymore, can they?
Gays are disgusting, as disgraced as this artstyle is. Looks like this fag artist was inspired by tumblr.
He's been drawing this shit since probably a decade before tumblr became a thing.