Do you like big girls

So... This is getting a live action movie

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>lead actress is a gravure idol known for being tall
>look up height
>5ft 6

God dammit, the actor had better be a manlet at least.

>checks pic
nope doesn't look like it, they are probably 5 cms or so taller than him at best

But isn't the manga pure smut?

They're gonna retcon nee-chan as NBR, I just hope it doesn't happen to the manga.

yeah he fucks every one of them repeatedly

>Check the link
>The girl tits aren't even big, let alone busty
Well, at least they are about to get nude completely.

Man, 3D is such a letdown, it just doesnt hit the same proportions or fetishes as 2D

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whats the point if they're not at least a head taller

>5ft 6
A giant by Jap standards

>Tall busty actress that good at acting
Of course it's fucking hard to find a girl with those specs in Japan.
They could find those kind of females in the west easily though.

meant for

Thats not excuse if they picked live action option when they could make it animated

>Do you like big girls
Yes, that's why i like /ss/ so much.

>Live action with big tall Asian girls.

I wish.

Except the sister

so a jav?

Why didn't they hire a shorter guy? He shouldn't have been that difficult to find

I doubt there will be much quality acting in this

Looking up the heights, the guy is ~15cm shorter than the girls. Guess they thought that was enough. Could have at least gone for a height difference with tits at eye level.

Has the mc fucked his sister yet?

Are we still getting TLs?


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It doesn't help that nip girls are generally butt ugly.

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They're better than chinks and gooks at least

Left is pretty hot, can't find anything on the person playing the sister

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That's taller than the average Japanese male.

TLs have been dead for a while

Did he fuck his sister yet?


I dont think there is anything to translate, vol5 released in early 2018 and noone has found raws for anything after that.

based, fuck incestfaggots.

are they going to keep the constant sex

I dropped the manga when they made Captain a fat fuck. Fucking fuck she was my favorite. Has she got better now?

This looks really bad already. Nee-Chan doesn’t even have short hair. Is this the only image we have, or have they shown the Captain yet?

Damn, I remember this and nothing more coming from the raws. A shame lhscans nuked a lot of manga.

Alabaster did.

America is unironically best girl

are they gonna have giantess scenes in the movie?

>hairy armpits
Oh hell yes she is. Honorable mention for muscle-fu and fake-dom.

Probably not as that's fairly far into the manga

>musclegirl fucking the MC to spite the other girl
>finds out that everyone has fucked him anyway and no one cares


>actresses as thin as broom sticks
>male actress barely shorter than them
>the best scene won't ever be adapted
this live show will be the biggest disappointment ever made

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I like big girl × big guy
Everything else is heresy

They really aren't. The long history of genetic isolation really shows in nip women.


Still hoping this gets picked up to be translated again. Lotta good tall girls of every flavor. Plus, I guess there’s more chapters about my cute and very thin wife, the captain.

ok i guess, i just want more of the manga though

>very thin wife, the captain
user, I...

With any luck, hopefully this means the manga will be continuing

The best joke of the series is that they made the only short girl on the team fatter so that she’d still be a “Big girl”

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Best girl

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Post the ex's angry facesitting.

>A giant by Jap standards

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>tfw this lewd beast fucked all the male student body in her teen years

We can all agree the sister is the worst girl of the bunch, right?

>I doubt there will be much quality acting in this
Japanese live action movies always have bad acting

The characters always look like shit if it’s an adaptation as well. Always looks like cosplayers making a movie.

Shopped. His Deviantart is just above the window.